We Won't Finish This Podcast

Scare BNB | We Won't Finish This Podcast #9

Episode Summary

In this episode, the second tale in our Double Feature Spooktacular, Zeebz pitches the story of a vacationing family having strange experiences with the neighbors at their rental cabin that lead them to a nightmare they could have never imagined…

Episode Notes

Mark and Liz need a break from their hectic lives and decide to look for a rental cabin on a lake so their daughter Annie can have fun swimming and maybe make some friends. After an agonizing several page search, they come across the perfect place with a place to swim and all the farm fresh eggs and rustic charm they could hope for. After arriving, however, they find things aren’t quite meeting expectations. More strange experiences with the neighbors lead to a shocking mystery that will change the course of their lives forever. Will Mark and Liz find peace and quiet on their much needed vacation? Will Annie make friends at the cabin to go swimming with? Can Mark keep control of his aggression? Find out in the second tale from our Double Feature Spooktacular!


Some references in this episode include goose froth, The Golden Girls, corn mazes, stone cold stunners, 3D's, catfishing and more!

Episode Transcription

welcome to we won't finish this podcast where we pitch movies to each other that we'll never make I'm Spaceman I'm zebbs

I'm Savage all right why don't you tell them uh what you got for us tonight zebbs well I already have a title for my

movie this is part of our Halloween double feature Spooktacular this movie is called scare

BNB I'm already 100% on board it's a story of a young family who rents an

Airbnb on a lake in an attempt to get away from the stresses of their everyday lives is this from a series of books

from like Goosebumps or like moosebumps well I think every at this point

everyone's had a shady Airbnb experience at one one point or another right uh

well specifically I know you told me about one I don't know if you want to talk about that at all but it was a pretty good story we've got time oh

uh uh you know I would like to hear this I could delve into it but uh

basically I was staying uh at a place and it was like the last night that we

were there uh this lady uh that owned it she like invited

me to little bonfire in the backyard and uh things went down from there it got

kind of weird and at the end of the day we were like okay we got to get out of

here and uh that was definitely a an oddball experience basically long story

short I remember you telling me that she essentially broke up with her boyfriend during your bonfire and then you went

inside and it was like a duplex or something and you could hear her friend just having loud phone sex oh gosh with

somebody and you're just like Jesus Christ like there's nowhere we can go

why is it over the phone somehow worse I don't know well anyways in our spooky

tale we have for you today uh like I said this is a story of a young family who rents an Airbnb on a lake in an

attempt to get away from the stresses of their everyday lives only to discover they have walked into their worst

nightmare BNB night nightmare BNB yeah all right

so that's where we are here do you guys have any comments get started or we just going to into it so so we have like an actual like you know spooky story um you

know like well I don't know yeah yours it's it's it's more traditional than uh the previous one was a monster movie

Jordan Peele movie I think yeah yeah yeah only only one thing like uh I'm not I'm not big into the Paranormal uh but

like I do remember my dad telling me one time that uh he used to I mean I don't

even remember a ton of this but it was uh he did some kind of like groundskeeping type thing where he had

to go stay essentially at this little Island um so it was already kind of like weird and secluded um but one night I know

when he was kind of doing his normal duties there he he claims to have like seen like a ghost hand on like a

doorknob you know like and I don't really remember much of the stories I we haven't talked about in he saw the hand

grabbing the door knob or you saw a hand print or what do you no like a hand like kind of like a ghost hand like kind of

going for a door knob and like I don't know if it was like there's anything else there I just know there's hand maybe the door was a jar and he saw like

the hand like I don't know but like just I remember him specifically mentioning this and now I'm going to have to ask

him about it SPO is

Spooktacular uh so anyways we're going to get started with our story here I have a couple in their mid-30s we're

going to call Mark and Liz this one have I've got a whole cast of characters here good uh Mark and Liz they're looking

through Airbnb listings And discussing how badly they are in need of a vacation and they like everything that appears is

child friendly they have a young child so they're you know like anything that's like oh she would love that you know blah blah blah so uh finally they find

the perfect place it's in their budget it's right on the lake has kids playground stuff in the yard most

importantly the photo of the beach area shows a lot of kids playing and swimming which they love because everybody any

parent wants their kid to make friends you know so you know it's looking good we've all looked through the airbnbs

it's fun you know you're like oh that'd be cool oh that'd be a cool little you know you know imagine that nice little

trip yeah so at this point you know they found a place they call in their 10-year-old daughter Annie to come look

at the pictures and they say tell her about the vacation and everyone's very excited oh look there's a corn maze

nearby we can do so uh I was thinking what other scary settings would be appealing in your Airbnb but in the

setting of a once it becomes a horror movie is a nightmare a scary hay ride

yeah well corn corn ma is good but I was trying to think of like what other things would you'd be like ooh they have one of these but really it's a thing of

night mares once the sun goes down yeah uh I mean like I just kind of picture some of the old Staples from like yeah

like a wax museum or something oh okay yeah that'd be a good one the barn full of for some reason very sharp objects

that you have to walk through and like keep moving them away from your face the knife Museum ex the Museum of sickles

yeah so uh you know so they're all very excited about this they got the corn maze whatever and I think it's very

important to list that there's no Wi-fi bad cell service there's only a landline

welcome to the horror movie your phone obviously you can't just call somebody yeah we got to really lean in I feel

like we really got to lean into the the horor movie tropes here you got to think of it's a family going on vacation they're like hey that's fine let's get

away from our phones let's read a book Let's sit by the water you know like we have a bonfire even in the listing like

signal spotty or whatever yeah exactly like it's almost appealing in this kind of a this kind of a trip rustic yeah

rustic remotely living yeah so I'm thinking there you know from there we we cut to the family getting ready for the trip they're bustling to get everything

loaded into the car they're very stressed out but they know that as soon as they get in the car they are officially on vacation we've all been

there right fellas we've all been there y you put in that PTO it's like it's approved like yep you just silence the

work stuff you just it's all yeah yeah so they're on the road right they're you know they're they're very relaxed

they're feeling good vibes they're driving through like a very rural Farm area you know cuz they're the place they're going is kind of in the middle

of nowhere of course and uh they're in great spirits and then someone suggests

let's buy some farm fresh eggs you always see those uhhuh you know you know what I'm talking about you see a little

sign on the side of you see a little sign so they're like let's go get some farm fresh eggs right some farm fresh eggs and some sweet tomatoes they just

can't find any right and they're just driving they're like where's the farm fresh eggs and then finally like you know they're getting kind of close they

see a grocery store and they're like look we're in the middle of nowhere we can't risk it we got to just go get some

eggs and stuff at the grocery store so they do that and then as soon as they get out of the grocery store and keep

driving they're just seeing farm fresh eggs everywhere this is based on a true story people this

happened I feel like this is a disappointing well at least for your parents like trip when you were young

you can't get twice as many eggs well yeah once you have eggs it's very annoying to see all the farm fresh eggs you're like oh now they're everywhere I

I could for north of the grocery store I see the dad in this right so far just like just seeing the farm fresh eggs

after the probably second or 30 probably stops to get him like comes out and just like sets his like current eggs the got

just like under his tire so he just runs them over on the way out of there trades them yeah just eggs a eggs a

house uh so they arrive at the rental and it appears as good as the photos it's in the middle of nowhere but it's

on a lake and the lake shore is pretty densely populated with cabins docks and

boats uh the parents make some Bloody Marys and they sit on the deck watching Annie play everyone's pleased mhm you

know everything's going good this the beginning of the horror movie probably like a rocking chair on the porch they're just kind

of like this is going to be legit we got a few days of this she's having fun we can just sit here so Annie wants to go

swimming so they walk down to the water with her and they see that it's not very easily accessible it's a dangerous slope

down with a bunch of goose froth washed up do you guys know what Goose froth is no that sounds gross it's terrible it's

basically things that wash up around the edges of lakes and rivers and then okay just that foamy kind of EXA exactly and

you can get you like the swimmer itch and like it's it's it's terrible so this is Parts based on a true story this

happened we read an Airbnb kid-friendly swim area we went there and we're like we have to walk through a pile of it was

like hay with the foam around it and I was like I have to have my kids walk through this to go swimming like I feel

like somebody left with ringworm after this so uh exactly so they decide that

they don't want Annie to have to do that so Liz starts angrily messaging the airbn B owner Margaret who's a woman

about 60-ish years old she has a picture on Airbnb looks like a business type woman you know and she says you

advertise a child-friendly swim area but this is not accessible Margaret Margaret responds quickly that they had to remove

the steps because boers were docking there and swimming Margaret says that she has messaged the neighbor Kyle in

his mid-40s uh who is very nice and has extra steps they can use for the Kyle

already well fuckle up so uh almost

immediately they CU this this part is based on a true story this this also happened at the Airbnb they had the you

know we couldn't get to the swim area and We messaged him being like do you have steps somewhere like this is crazy

cuz they had a dock right there yeah and they were like oh the neighbor has steps you can borrow and we went over there

and he had two sets of steps on his Dock and one of them was bolted on the other one was not bolted on almost like it's

taken off all the time yeah and we were like that's weird and then like I met the guy and I was like what if this lady

doesn't even own the Airbnb and this guy owns it and this is just like his way to like meet the renters under like oh yeah

no problem I helped you out you know what I mean like that's kind of where I got inspired this idea is I was like

okay what if it's not even this person it's very specific context you're creating the need for them to go to the

neighbors just place within the first couple hours you're going to have an excuse to not only meet them but like

kind of be their hero for the weekend thank you so much for letting us take the step you know you just made this so much

easier and it's such a simple thing you know they think I'm awesome well the only reason I brought up the whole Bas on a true story thing is cuz like this

is kind of a writer room kind of podcast thing and it's like so it's like this is literally what sparked the ideas I was

like what if something nefarious was going on with that guy you know but uh so anyways uh Kyle's already out there

taking the St as soon as they look out the window like you know on this when they get the message he's already out there doing it let's see she's messaged

Kyle he's very nice he has extra steps he can use almost immediately Kyle's walking out to his Dock and grabbing the

steps Mark rushes out to help and thank him they get chatting and kind of hit it off Annie runs up the young girl and uh

Kyle starts talking to her politely and asking if she likes you know do you like Barbies do you like princesses you know

like he's just being like a nice guy the whole thing is it's all very wholesome you know what I mean like he's a nice guy he helped him out I don't like him

he's good with the kid well G me weird VI I don't like him he's got a white van in his garage well we haven't we haven't

gotten there no windows so after Annie starts swimming and the parents are settled Kyle comes back out with kids

floaties and swimming toys and he tells them they can use them Mark and Liz thank him again for being so kind and

then when he leaves Liz starts expressing suspicions he doesn't have any kids but he has all these toys he

has two sets of steps on his Dock and one wasn't even attached why isn't it over here Mark brushes it off and he's

like hey if I had a place like this and the money that goes with it I'm sure everybody' want to stay here and they'd have kids and you know I'd have all this

stuff so Liz just kind of like okay yeah maybe maybe you're right so uh another

little girl Sophie about Annie's age runs up and asks if Annie wants to play

Annie's like yes and they both start swimming behind her is a woman in her mid-40s Judy who walks up asking you

know is it all right if they play and they say yeah sure you know and Judy's very nice she has a drink with Mark and

Liz while the kids play and she's like hey remember Sophie Annie's not a forever friend and she's like you know

hey she just gets so sad when the kids leave cuz like you know she lives next to this rental place you that's a creepy

thing to say though I know well well yeah not a forever friend yet that's what I'm saying that's your first hint of like what are we talking about here

yeah exactly yep so uh Judy tells them how Annie their daughter reminds him of

reminds her of her daughter Sophie isn't her daughter but actually her granddaughter she's staying with them

while Sophie's mother sorts out some personal problems all right so we're getting pretty creepy here right it's

already like okay what's going on here at the lake most most sensible people like at this point it's like it's not

enough to leave but it's close well you're just you've been waiting for this vacation like it's like I don't see

these as people that like take a lot of vacations okay so they got this nice little vacation they got exctly like

Flags going off but it's definitely like okay that's strange that's strange I wish we didn't have neighbors to even

talk to I'd rather be alone up here like the spot is great but the neighbors are kind of bugging us yeah it's just a

weird vibe like this guy just wants us to be stoked on him as far as we can tell which is kind of weird his name's

Kyle yeah oh yeah so I didn't think long about the names they're pretty generic names yeah I got yeah I used placeholder

names so so I'm thinking at this point like everything's pretty chill and cool until Annie says like she's talking to

the other girl Sophie she's like oh I'm going to go inside and run and grab a toy Sophie runs after her and Judy

starts yelling like hey don't go in the house don't go in the house like first calmly and then frighteningly don't go

in the house you know and then Judy runs over grabs so by the arm marches her back to their house without saying

anything both seem to like kind of be in tears you know okay so close call yeah

like this is our first like okay this is now she's crazy you know okay so Mark and Liz are both freaked out by this and

they decide like hey it's getting late we should get our swim stuff off go inside you know and then they go inside

their Airbnb they're getting dressed and they discover a plethora of board games and DVDs that Airbnb sometimes have you

guys ever find this yeah I I mean like I haven't done Airbnb but yes I'm I'm familiar I usually have a few so like

Jenga like you know mous trp like all that kind of crap around well it's great because the DVDs are they're always DVDs

they're not Blu-rays of course it's somebody's old collection it's like things that were cool in the early 2000s

and uh the last one we went to not saying this was cool in the early 2000 but had uh the entire series of Golden

Girls on DVD as well as a Golden Girls trivia game yeah which I thought was DHS

well no it was DVD but they they had all of it and I thought it was hilarious they had the combo so anyways they're

looking at the games and they notice a game called Jumanji what no I'm just kidding that

was I just wrote it' be a funny heard of it so uh just heard drums coming from it

it was really weird so so they have dinner and after dinner Mark goes outside to light a fire but he can

overhear Judy arguing with somebody from her house right she's screaming crying

but Mark can't make out anything that she's saying he goes back in ins inside and explains hey maybe it's not the most

relaxing night for a bonfire yeah you know they decide to play The Golden Girls trivia game while binge watching

Golden Girls and everyone is awful at the trivia yes you I don't even think I know

any of the character names blanch Dorothy Estelle okay I got three there's

four right I got three of I know Betty White's in it and be Arthur everyone else I have no idea so

we would you all agree we would all be oh terrible I don't know if i' get we we'd be binging trying to learn I kind

of doubt one of the questions is who is the actress that plays one of the characters I feel like it's be a little

more advanced than that you might get it I don't think so uh anyways I'm thinking so Liz goes in the other room to change

and before she starts she notices somebody outside of her window it's Kyle Liz screams and tells Mark who rushes

out there pissed well yeah yelling at him like what if my dog was in there

what the [ __ ] are you doing you know and he's Furious and Kyle responds hey like I wasn't peeping I was cutting through

the yard from Judy's house cuz you got to think he lives between Mark and Judy okay they're on each side of him right

like no it's cool man I'm the guy who brought you the stairs like no get the [ __ ] out of here don't you remember the

stairs you stoked up your stairs so nobody he explains hey I was just cutting through from riding that wave he

goes I was just cutting through from Judy's house it was me arguing with her and then Kyle explains that him and Judy

were previously married and they still have a very unusual relationship so they know he was listening in if he has to

explain that it was me and Judy arguing uh well maybe he might have just been like I'm sorry I'm coming back from an

argument with Judy and since he heard the argument it's a little more believable like he's so so the the way I'm picturing is like

uh uh he's Mark isn't very comp very convinced but he's like he cools out

like he's just kind of like just stay away yeah you know what I mean like finish this trip this is weird just

leave us alone well he's just kind of like all right man I'm not going to kick your ass cuz you at least have a story

but I don't want to see you over here again right you know yeah cut on the front way yeah so Mark and Liz put Annie

to bed and then they kind of Kyle tell you know they discuss it all uh Kyle seems creepy now Judy seems crazy why

would they divorce and live so close to each other why didn't Kyle or Judy mention their marriage why didn't Kyle

mention he had a kid they both agree the neighbors are ruining their vacation but like at this point it's still like it's

just the neighbors and it's not you know it's not scary yet it's just kind of like weird I feel like they become like

invested for some reason it's like I just want to be on vacation and be left alone but for some reason now I care

about this marriage well but no I think it's more that they're just like please get these people the hell out of here

but but it's still like it's not scary enough that their conversation still gets to like hey we probably still

shouldn't leave a bad Airbnb review because it's not the owner's fault right they're still in that mode it's it's not

like fight ORF flight yet it's just cringe from the moment they show up there it's just like an

awkwardness between Kyle between Judy and like all their interactions is maybe

like like forcibly like overly nice like fake nice you know and it gives him like

this off-putting sense and then um you know like you get this vibe that um

Judy's crazy too and then they're both both your neighbors are terrible and that's on either side of you and you're

like well you know as long as you know we keep to ourselves they still you know

hopefully they'll stay away or give us some space here let us just swim in the water we can sit and have drinks while

our kid plays in the water Kyle on one side Judy on the other Goose fro on the other whatever the hell you called it

like it awful this isn't an ideal vacation we shouldn't have tried to save

save a little money and go with this one should have could have just bought a rocking chair I got to say thanks to

Gower on Twitch who says uh how on Earth do I know all the Golden Girls names he's wildly impressed I don't know either but I only got three out of four

but I think I did nail them they're all they're all correct nailed all the Golden Girls yeah I'm not going to fact

check you so I'm just going to take it yeah so uh anyways like it's all creepy they go to bed for the night the next

morning they all wake up and eat breakfast Annie says I want to stay here forever and they're like well you can't

you know and she goes well Sophie says I can yeah pack your bags so the parents think it's sweet

that she's getting along with the other kid like sorry baby we're leaving in a couple of days you know we're glad you're getting along with her but you

know whatever these are pretty understanding parents like I'm be NOP but I got to say I'm not a big horror

movie fan am i setting the creepy Vibe properly little like are we getting there you're dropping the breadcrumbs

yeah another uh thing that you could you know a little put scene that you could

do to implement that Judy's crazy like uh while I was at that bonfire uh the

late you know we're having a few beers and um drinks and stuff like that she

was like the lady was making mixed drinks I was just drinking beer that I had brought with me she says something

to the effect of uh there's like this decorative uh art face outside like a

sun face like you might see in Like You Know Better Homes and Garden backyard or whatever so they had this face up for

decoration and she says something like you know uh one time I came out here and

I threw a pot of boiling water on it because it was mocking me I remember you telling me that story that was like the

more that I thought about it the more weird it out I got by it because like this lady either you know she likes to

party she probably got like wine wasted and you know she's like getting you know

letting her hair down and getting comfortable and tell me this weird thing that she did when she was like all by

herself so picture you know a neighbor or like riding your bike going by and this lady's just out there yelling at

this decorative face out in your yard throwing water at it all right well it

is it is funny to thing that this man woman is just drunk just arguing with a statue on her property and throwing

boiling water on it you guys reminded me one time with a friend we uh I believe we saw some woman outside watering her

lawn in the rain that was probably one of the weirder things that I've seen so that's that's Judy all right so that's

Judy so anyways uh while they're eating breakfast Sophie the little girl from Judy's granddaughter comes to the door

asking if Annie wants to run around the corn maze with her I'm thinking the corn maze is like right across the street you

know it's something that you you're 10-year-old you're like yeah sure go for it you know like look across street like that corn maze and it's all dark and

bats are flying around everywhere yeah basically so the parents they want Annie to play with kids and as long as they

can keep an eye on Mark and Judy they really have no problem with it so they're just kind of like all right hell yeah quiet morning to ourselves go run

around the corn maze we're going to we're going to hang out on the lake so the girls leave and Mark and Liz are

able to sit by the water have a drink read their books and finally relax they see Kyle and Judy outside in their yards

but they aren't even looking their way or waving neither of them will look in their face so it's like they're both ashamed Kyle for the window stuff and

Judy for assuming that they heard the fight and they're just like well hey we didn't really want to talk to them anyway so this is this is perfect

exactly you yeah just leave us alone we're we're good yeah so Mark and Liz

they're sitting by the lake they both they're trying to make the best of their situation oh no they're they're just like this is perfect the kid's playing

with another kid they run around in corn maze how awesome fin settling in yeah I got to chill and read my book yeah these

idiots are leaving us alone yeah so I'm thinking that they both dozed off in their chairs you know by the lake and

one of them you know it's maybe like a dream Montage of just creepiness of what's already happened throughout the movie you know just the like I want to

stay here forever Sophie says I can like don't go in the house you know and then they awake by another of Judy screams

screaming don't go in the house you know and that a wakes both of them and they jump up to see her running towards

Sophie who's standing near their Airbnb and uh Judy grabs her arm starts rushing away like before and Mark asks where's

Annie and Sophie yells inside so Judy doesn't look at them once and just as in tears again and shuffles this girl off I

let me stop you real quick I like that um you know that's how you wake up from the dream cuz there's been times where

like I'll hear a noise like subconsciously while I'm asleep in theam you dreaming about you wake up and you

still you recognize and you hear what that is like yeah you know and that's that would be really creepy like don't

go in the house and then she's really yelling don't go in the house again you look up the girls just standing by the door waiting and like you know you're

like what you know so so far I'm feeling like something evil in this Airbnb and Judy is like she sucks but she's

probably right well this is the scare BNB yeah exactly yeah you got to understand it's the scare BNB and I I I

challenge you to come up with a better name okay RL Stein I mean right in on the Shelf be

like yeah that that tracks listener beware you're in for a

scare uh so Mark and Liz they you know they kind of roll their eyes at each other cuz they're like okay Judy is

crazy and then they go inside to check on Annie they walk room to room but they don't see her anywhere they notice that

her shoes that she was wearing are inside the house by the door so she must have come home they double check the

house they just don't see her anywhere so the house is empty right okay so they

step outside they're looking around calling out for her and no answer they walk down by the water and they're discussing whether it's worth checking

the corn maze or not because her shoes were home and Sophie said she was inside the house so while discussing this they

see a young girl in the upstairs window of their Airbnb their scare BNB the scare bnv the nightmare bnv uh she's

similar age to Annie with similar features but it's clearly a different person okay they both rush into the

house to check hoping that it is Annie they run room to room but once again the place is completely empty spooky very

spooky right that's spooky spooky so they go back outside yelling for Annie Liz decides she's going to go check the

corn maze while Mark angrily decides to go see what Kyle is doing and confront him about not telling them things so uh

Kyle's outside doing yard work and he gets real defensive when K when Mark confronts him God don't you even remember the stairs the St oh yeah so

he's like uh I'd forgotten so he uh you know he's like why didn't you tell me you were married you know why didn't you you didn't even tell me you had a kid

what the hell you know and he's like I don't like to talk about my divorce I don't like to talk about my kids either I haven't seen Annie right I mean he's

he's kind of right yeah I wouldn't want to talk about any of that of his business yeah exactly yeah so Mark tells

him well we saw a girl in the window and Kyle kind of perks up and he starts asking what she looked like Mark asks if

he knows like do you know who she is and Kyle just kind of looks down like no and

Mark goes to leave and then Kyle stops him to ask did she look happy was she

smiling oh okay right so getting creepy so Mark is beyond creeped out yeah at

this point clearly right uh any thoughts oh man I don't know creepy yeah

it is like I almost feel like we should have a campfire I told you this was the spooked acular yeah this is a spooked

acular it's good like American Horror Story style setup G's got a decent

suggestion I bet she has a doll room or a Clown Room or something along those lines it's got to be like a bunch of

creepy little that's like the room she's staying in in the Airbnb it looked cute

in the ad but it's terrifying you know yeah D just a room full of horrifying

dolls sleep Dominic on YouTube says keep the

breadcrumbs coming where your hungry little ducks well I'm going to feed them yeah I hope I like it I hope he's into

it I know hope we got more so uh so Mark you know he's done talking to Kyle he's he's walking out off and he he walks to

the road and he sees Liz coming out of the corn maze alone she couldn't find Annie Market's angry and starts arguing

with Lizz that you were only in there 5 minutes you must not have looked very well what is she now Little Orphan Annie

yeah exactly so now they're they're getting into it right so uh he heads into the corn maze he's going to look

right so Liz heads over to JY Judy's house to see if she can find out any more info from her Sophie she's not

really getting anywhere at first like Judy just keeps being like hey if she said she went in the house then she's in the house you know like that's just all

she'll say yeah so finally Liz asks Sophie why aren't you allowed in the

house mhm and Sophie responds that's how mommy went crazy okay right so there's a presence

in this house or well maybe so Judy tearfully tells Liz to leave and Liz

goes back to the Airbnb and calls 911 on the land line right at this point just

it's time to kid missing yeah kid's missing yeah CU I was going to say if kid wasn't missing I'd just pack a bags we're out kids missing and everybody

around here is crazy yeah like we I'm we're calling the police we're going to get some professionals involved right y

so Mark is searching the corn maze and as he passes the entrance again he can see a sheriff's vehicle in front of his

rental he starts walking over but he waits there's a vehicle coming so he's got to wait for it to pass before he can

cross but he notices the vehicle is moving very slowly and the driver is staring at the Airbnb okay right the

driver notices Mark and he stops to ask what is happening mark down plays it and he's just like yeah my kid ran off

somewhere wife's worried you know the driver responds don't waste your time with the police what kind of car uh what

do you think a meat delivery truck well I don't think the guy's on on

the on the clock but uh maybe I was going to say a station wagon no he's got some kind of like refrigerated truck but

he's like like in a real dirty unifor uniform excuse me I got to get these

sides of beef to the warehouse yeah all right so okay the guy in the

meat Truck Yeah won't do you no good yeah he says hey don't waste your time with the police they know what's going

on but they won't stop it the owner knows the neighbors know too the driver

takes a big Swig of liquor this guy's just getting hammered driving around these roads like with with this

knowledge go says it's got free candy on the side of it yeah and that it would be

like sir could you pop open the back of the van please real quick my daughter's missing yeah do you have any puppies in there by chance yeah so Mark says what's

going on and the driver responds I don't know if anyone knows exactly what's going on but I can guess that you have a young daughter and she's in that

house okay right so there's there's a history here well it's clearly something

people know things right so uh the sheriff and Liz they step out of the

house and the driver starts driving away when because he sees them coming out you know he sees the cop coming out of the

house command a says the truck says farm fresh eggs on it you R by like son of a

[ __ ] you bastard as many eggs as you he just goes and delivers to all the stands

oh come on yeah so I'm thinking uh as soon as the Liz and the cops are coming

out of the house the driver see the meat truck driver sees them and it just kind of like starts puts it in gear and starts moving right M you know Mark

yells wait but he keeps going right so what what are you guys thoughts here at

this point well this is one of those ones where it's a little yeah it's a little hard because like yeah this one

you're you're dropping the breadcrumbs so there's no way we can really kind of alter the story without like messing up

your breadcrumbs so you know we got to go with that but like yeah what where do you think the breadcrumbs are leading is

kind of what I'm asking is at this point at the movie you're you're guessing we're making prediction you're halfway through you're like what's going on here

you're trying to put it together so what makes sense right now I basically I I'm coming from like a where the normal

person thinks well if I'm in that scary movie what would I do and it just like if I'm Mark like soon as I get there and meet Kyle I'm like [ __ ] off dude like

I'm out see you said the girl that they saw in the window is they've never seen

her before but it's not Sophie but it's like clearly a different girl but around the same age as those

girls that's like the mirror image so it's like just different enough uh but

like so clearly a different person but kind of like a a doppelganger Bizarro

Annie yeah but then where's Annie yeah you know what I'm saying so like that's that's you're still trying to wrap your

brain around it swallowed up and I I feel like the the pacing was was proper with uh like you said it's getting

creepy but you're still in that like Hey we're not going to let this ruin our vacation and then now once it get starts

getting real creepy once the kids's missing but now you can't leave the kids's missing you know so it's like I feel like no Wi-fi all that kind of

stuff I feel like we got it the conditions are prime for you not to be sitting there being like CU why I watch

most horror movies I'm like you idiot get in your car and drive away you know or whatever I feel it' be funny if he's

catching a lot of flack from the wife like yeah we just had to get the one with the really remote like no service

here I wanted to stay on the other Lake and you went with this one Smooth Move Mark brain made of goose froth idiot so

uh go makes a good point if Annie is missing how has Kyle not gotten his ass beat if this is anything like Scooby-Doo

it's always the first person the gang meets yeah right I will say without giving much away you could be on to

something but is it Kyle I don't know is there an evil presence what

happened is it the little girl uh the corn at this point you know the the meat

truck driver drives off the sheriff and Liz they're coming out of the house excuse me eggs guy oh yes sorry the farm

fresh eggs guy thank you and uh Mark runs to the sheriff and Liz and they catch him up and the sheriff says don't

worry sir kids run off and lose track of time around here all the time uh lots of fun things to lot would make me feel

better A lot of kids disappear yeah a lot of kids disappear around here man it's fine it's normal at

ease it's cool put your mind a lot of kids go Ming around here yeah there's

nothing special there's nothing special about this disappearance so uh I some

eggs they say hey kids run off they lose track of time there's lots of fun things to do rest assured I've put out a notice

that we're looking for her and I'm going to speak with the neighbors everyone around here good wholesome people who jumping a fire to help a stranger yeah

look your kids aren't special they disappear all the time I need to go get those eggs just another Tuesday G says

all comes back to the end so he says uh my deputies and myself will be patrolling all day and night until she's found if she's still gone by Nightfall

the street lights will lead her back to the main road please try to rest easy this happens a lot I feel like the cops

are like an evil cult at this point so the are the parents satisfied with

that cop respon response or they like you know are you even you know what are you doing so so I put uh Liz seems

relieved by the sheriff's words but Mark isn't so sure was the man in the car crazy the the egg truck was he crazy or

does he know something the sheriff heads down to the water where Judy I think they would downplay it like oh yeah you

know that maze is tricky you know they would just kind of say as like you know she's probably still in there somewhere

would you say your kid hide andek or whatever or do you think she or do you think

they're like realistically smart they could find their way out like there's a lot of writing on this so at this point

you know the sheriff's done talking to them he heads down to the water where Judy and Kyle are now Seated on a bench

together uh Mark and Liz watch them through the window as Mark tells her about what the man in the truck said

neither of them know what to think but Liz stays hopeful Mark decides to go search the corn maze again I'm thinking

he like is just obsessively searching this corn corn maze you know what I mean like what do you well I like well I

thought I thought this was the way but I still don't know you took the hay ride over there yeah bobbing for apples in

the yard have you found my daughter yet it was on the way like yeah well corn maze itself is set up for like a creepy

kind of vibe to it I went in one recently and all I could think was if it was if night time came and I was still

in here this would be this would really suck very limited Vision the corn is very tall and like around every turn you

don't know if it's going to lead to the right path or if it's going to be a dead end or if there's going to be a

scarecrow standing there or you know jump scare kind of thing plus like just

anything could be lurking out there whatever so that would be very creepy scene yeah I feel like if you really

were trapped in a corn field You' just kind of go into like a cross block position and just like Sprint One

Direction like I feel like it's like the best way it's like I'm out like I'm just going to run through all the corn

exactly Brute Force yeah it was like this cornfield can't go on forever I'm just going to run that direction so you

know maros decid to search the corn maze again he's just pacing the same paths over and over again rethinking all the

foreshadowing he has heard all movie all movie yeah Sophie says I can stay

forever don't go in the house she's inside the house don't waste your time

with the police everyone knows the neighbors the owner so I'm assuming he's shouting out

looking for his daughter yes is he hearing any kind of response no nothing when he's in the corn maze is it like

super isolated or like you can still hear like the road traffic I'm thinking it must be a pretty big corn maze you

know Marco yeah so uh Mark has a revelation the owner heads back to the

rental when he gets back in it's getting dark Liz is asleep with a bottle of wine next to her the Golden Girls theme plays

in the background so ominous so Mark begins what is the

Golden Girls theme thank you for being a friend travel down the road and back I

know the theme too who I was impressed by that your heart is true I know first

this episode of we won't finish this podcast is sponsored by Pizza Lobo if you're in the Chicago area make

sure to stop by Pizza Lobo now with two locations Andersonville and Logan Square open

everyday rain or shine order at pizz loo.com caviar or door Dash and thank

you for being a friend you're cut off heart is true okay so uh we don't want

to get copyright strike if we sing it well enough YouTube's algorithm will catch us oh boy well I don't think we have to worry about that I think we're

fine uh so uh Mark begins rumaging through the door drawers and he finally finds a piece of mail or something that

has the owner's address he doesn't want to go without Liz so he just pours a drink and sits on the back deck just do

it sit down and well the police are already on you know what I mean like he's like I don't need to rush to the Airbnb owner's house because my daughter

went missing like let's wait for Liz and then we're going to talk about I just see this guy angrily rocking back in a

rocking chair just like a drink well no he's sitting on the back deck where he

can see that Kyle and Judy are still sitting on the bench I feel okay how about there's there was a bottle of like

really old like whiskey or scotch or something in the Airbnb like there and

he decided to crack it open at that point it was it was a bottle that was

already planted at at the Airbnb is it a spooky bottle it's he had to dust off

the bottle probably you know it's oldy cobwebs on it been sitting for a while all right but yeah no that I like that

cuz it's it's just kind of like hey who cares vacation's over yeah I'm just going to have a drink wait for Liz to

wake up my kid dead see if she wants to go harass this Airbnb owner about something probably unrelated to her so

he sits on the back deck but he can see Kyle and Judy still sitting on the bench by the water having drinks smiling

laughing yeah are they holding hands well that's what I'm saying is so they they're previously married they have an

unusual relationship they're now yeah they just gained Power by the sacrifice of their daughter last night

they were screaming at each other tonight they're smoing it up that's coming back they're SM smoing it up by

the lake yeah you know nothing brings us together like a missing child well that's what you know it's it's so

frustrating about this right so Mark puts down his drink and he marches down there and he conf confronts them angrily

smashes the bottle he he confronts them angrily about how they must know what's going on Judy gets up and leaves

immediately but Kyle stays and he invites Mark to sit with him okay you guys ready for this

conversation we Peak spookiness okay any thoughts I mean I I just you're you're

kind of setting the table pretty well like honestly I I don't really have much of the way it tweaks I don't like horror movies but I honestly really I kind of

am proud of this one yeah and so at this point this guy just wanted a simple

family vacation now he's separated from both his daughter and his wife well she's just she's he could he could wake

her up but like think about it your your daughter's missing and your wife has actually managed to fall asleep are you

going to wake her up to be like hey wake up into this hell of your daughter missing like I think you just kind of sit around and maybe hope the police

showed up with her before she woke up so that you miserable here and you're going to be miserable to I'll take the first

one that's kind of what I see is like I don't think I would wake my wife wife up I'd be like okay she's sleeping good

yeah just let it happen let her sleep and hopefully this girl shows back up I'm just going to go PA on the porch for

7 hours basically you know I'm going to be out on the deck all night waiting so that's kind of where my thoughts are on

that so he sits on the bench with Kyle it's just Mark and Kyle out there right what do you got yeah so you're painting

the picture well I feel like Kyle maybe has a bunch of yard workking tools and

equipment maybe that's like what he does throughout like each encounter he's always either got like you know like a

rake in his hand or like some kind of yard working equipment and um so it's a

busy body they sit down at the campfire and maybe he like lets it slip

that he's actually living in the shed behind the house it's not his house at all he's

just Judy owns both houses well at that point I would immediately kick in the door of that shed to make sure my

daughter wasn't in there but owns both houses yeah if you constantly see him with like yard work equipment I feel

like at the the whole time he's got to be like he's not the owner he just works for yeah just always singing The Golden

Girls theme to himself Golden Girls is popular around this Lake they call it golden Lake she's the one calling the shots Judy's the M like the head lady

here here's what I've got for uh Mark sits down with Kyle on the bench right

Kyle tells him it's going to be all right Mark you'll see your daughter again I saw mine

today Kyle shows Mark a picture on his phone it's the same girl he saw earlier

today in the window the picture is of her smiling and waving from the same

window mhm Kyle has a big grin on his face he starts swiping through other

pictures and they're all from different Windows of the house with clearly different weather conditions so like they're different days yeah and they're

all of the same girl looking out a window he says look I even got a picture of Annie Kyle shows a picture that has

three different girls and it all smiling at each other and one of them is Annie okay so it's is a Annie so Sophie and

then like you know mystery no Sophie's not in the house okay Judy's made very clear that Sophie does not go in the

house okay but Annie's in there Kyle's Kyle and Judy's daughter is in there one

of their daughters yeah and some other girl sounds you know so they can see

them in the windows right that's spooky it's very spooky for our Halloween

double features Spooktacular at that point you're probably kicking in the door like let me get in there well in

the house they're rening the house they they can walk in there and she's not in there right no at this point I'm hitting

Kyle with like a stone cold stunner explain this yeah he's starting to get like thrown into the camp the

bonfire like you're giving me some answers so you're you're right uh so he

says you know they got the picture of these girls one of them saying Mark is shocked he looks at the house but

nothing is going on in any of the windows Mark asks to see the picture again Kyle shows it to him and says see

we all just want to see our kids happy Mark yeah yeah pretty spooky right yeah

it's it's go time with that comment well there is a fight well so Mark says well

I'm thinking a fight I avoided it in the writing I'm not opposed to there being a fight right here he could it could beat

him within an inch of his life and I think it would just come down to like this isn't going to bring your daughter back you know what I mean a FR we're in

the same situation this is what they've revealed is that he's the same victim it's not that's the problem with him is

that he's allowed it to happen oh no Mark and his wife are going to have to move into a house in this Lake

now neighboring these two Mark started out as an Airbnb client scbn him well

we're we're getting there I I'll say so Kyle or Mark asks what is happening Kyle

then explains that he and Judy stayed here years ago with two with their two daughters back when they were still

married and on the second day the youngest vanished the oldest knew the oldest daughter knew

that she hadn't left the house but she was just gone they searched all over got the police involved nobody could help us

it wasn't until we were driving away to go home that my oldest daughter spotted our youngest in an upstairs window we

went back and still nothing my oldest kind of went crazy with drugs and depression and the years later she never

fully recovered she had wild claims of her sister being in the house and that she could see her in the windows nobody

believed her but she was right she's in a hospital now and Judy is taking care of her

daughter Judy and I tried to buy the house but the owner won't sell it our marriage fell apart but we were both

able to buy the neighboring houses over the next few years just to get glimpses when we could after all this our

youngest is the only one in the family who seems happy we bought the houses next door to get a glimpse of her any

chance we could yeah they're sacrificing kids to see their daughter well but is a

parent you do want to see your kids playing with other kids so if your kid was trapped in a house obviously you

don't want kids to go missing but you also are kind of like it wouldn't be the worst thing if she had another friend

show up you know what I mean like that's where I think everybody's crazy everybody's crazy around here is kind of

what I'm at and they got to figure out like they're probably giant screw up as here when the first time she was like

don't go in the house and be like why yeah should none of us go in the house clarify yeah what's what's going on in

that house expound upon that yeah could you could you please elaborate because I'm currently living there I agree but I

like I said I feel like I Walked the Line well where there was never any clear moment of like all right pack up the car and get the [ __ ] out of here

maybe the Peeping right this ising would have the Peeping scare with Kyle yeah would have been a like all

right we're out of here we're not sleeping here tonight this weirdo's next door if you well enough that I I feel like I'm in the audience on this one so

I'm I'm snapping into that like you know reaction mode to you know like what's going on here like a come on like a

scary movie like why would you do that why would you make that decision I I was trying to write in a way that there wasn't a clear there wasn't any moments

where there was a clear why aren't they doing this yeah and once they once you had those thoughts it was kind of too

late like your daughter's missing you're not just going to pack up and go home you're in the middle of nowhere at some Airbnb she's nearby probably yeah you

know what I mean you're going to hang out you're going to talk to the local police it's some Sheriff like you trust him hopefully other than the crazy guy

in the egg truck that was spooky his eggs are fire though so that that's where I'm at so if finally gets it Mark

asks why would you let us stay here and Kyle responds we all want our kids to make friends and Mark is yet again

shocked and I wrote that he leaves but I'm not opposed to just a pummeling yeah ABS solid punch in the face and

because that's what I'm saying is it's just you realize like okay this guy isn't the problem but come on man very

punchable yeah he's very punchable in this situation I'll give it to heads up yeah that's all I'm saying so yeah I do

think in this context he just gets savagely beaten okay Stone Cold stunners

oh yeah maybe uh Liz comes over she wakes up from her her wine stuper and

just 3D 3DS them off a picnic table I feel like the dad in this situation has

like maybe like a history of like losing his temper and when he drinks or

something and maybe like he hasn't drank in a long time you're talking mark until the night of this oh that's when he

cracks the bottle cracks that old bottle no you're right that adds another layer to I like that now all of a sudden he

punches that neighbor guy he's very agile and it's reflective maybe he stopped drinking because of like an

assault charge or something and now it's like [ __ ] I drank and I'm punching a guy within 30 minutes now the cops are going

to come at him like he's the aggressor in this situation obviously okay okay

yeah yeah so we don't we don't want to talk to the cops anymore tonight is what you're saying he's very drunk and he's like very acrobatic hits him with a

frankensteiner like right into the B he's been doing so great and like really turned his life around and then they

decide you know like you're working so hard like let's get out of town for a little bit we'll go on vacation with the

family and he gets driven to crack that bottle again and then you know even your

daughter's missing when you going to crack a bottle other than when your kid goes missing even if he only has one now like well you drank again you know and

so like he punches the dude no as deserved as this beating would be and

then uh this is six years of sobriety in your [ __ ] face right now the now the

tides the tables have totally turned on 500 chips on what was his name mark

which one Mark Kyle Mark's the main Kyle's the neighbor okay yeah Mark yeah yeah so uh Mark leaves whether he's

pummeled him or just left him absolutely okay so he leaves him pummeled and when he nears uh the rental he notices a car

parked in the road well I guess a truck with its lights off and it's the farm fresh eggs truck driver parked in the

road in front of the Airbnb need the eggs Mark approaches it and the guy is just sleeping in there with a bottle of

liquor on his lap sure Mark wakes him up to same kind of liquor maybe maybe

that's what triggered him maybe it's like a local thing like you can only get it up here we all love it yeah Farm

Fresh uh moonshine Kentucky bourbon so Mark sees him sleeping in there he wakes

him up to ask what he's doing and what does he know about his daughter and the driver explains that he's just another

parent just like the rest and except I can't afford to buy property nearby these are multi-million dollar homes I'm

essentially priced out from seeing my daughter so I drink and hang outside whenever I can just sell

eggs yeah basically that I mean that's a good way to pay for the gas yeah for circling the Airbnb just sets up a

little little shop right there stand breaking it in with this egg Monopoly

got the market cornered so he he uh all those signs are his he he comes

back yeah we have to make sure to put him north of the grocery store fires everybody up all in the

country they require more protein when they're angry they'll eat more eggs it's a long game so uh but the driver

explains I came back because I saw the police here earlier there's usually more activity in the windows when a new one

has joined them so that's the other thing is you you might go months with like I haven't seen anything in these

windows nothing's going on but if a new one I guess gets taken yeah we'll say um

then you start seeing like there's activity maybe for the next couple days weeks and that's why like Mark and Judy

have reconciled and they're sitting on the bench taking pictures they're excited this guy's like I came back tonight because I saw the cop car I knew

something just happened I know I have a chance to see another Glimpse it's a very sad scary tale yeah now talking

with this uh the house is the like cprit the antagonist in this situation

basically yeah and nobody really yet seems to know anything that's going on so it's like what what can you really do

yeah I mean with the with the egg guy like uh you know you've heard the expression uh you can't make an omelet without cracking a couple eggs right um

no okay well I think this guy needs to get his ass kicked that's my point oh the driver yes so Mark Mark is on a just

he's on a wrecking spree right now I mean wouldn't you so he just okay P he

pulls him out of the car you're having it too and he just beats the [ __ ] out of him on the side of

the road and that's that just in a pile of eggshells so now his wife wakes up

his Kick Mark is the bad guy she does a leg drop from the Second Story

window so are we're we're we're settled these characters are former wrestlers at this point they're all yes

Cruiserweight all right very fair enough anyway so at this point mark jumps in the car and he starts driving to the

owner's address Margaret just by himself it's not far at all but it's in a very

secluded area and he gets to a long dirt driveway in the woods as he gets his ways up the driveway he sees that it's

blocked by the sheriff's Cruiser okay the sheriff approaches him and he says

you all end up here sooner or later you got here quick though he gives him some credit yeah

figured it out Mark says I know you know what's happening if you can't help me then I demand answers from her the

sheriff explains that I completely understand he was there when Margaret's sister went missing that's the owner

Margaret's sister went missing in the house it's a terrible thing but sometime something that can't be undone the

sheriff explains to mark that Margaret is the only thing guaranteeing that the house stays standing little is known

about how all this works but it can only be assumed that if the house were ever to be torn down that it wouldn't be good

for those inside like look I need to speak to M yeah he's demanding it how many people

are trapped in this house well obviously kidy got in there so I'm picturing it as

Margaret is it said in her 60s and this happened to her sister and I'm thinking

that it would have been possibly her younger sister okay they moved into this place

you know I think we can explain it a little more but one other Golden Girls yeah so it wouldn't be good for those

inside if the house got torn down yeah so he's basically saying hey don't hurt Margaret she's the only one that's

keeping this place whole you know what I mean and your daughter's in there now essentially yeah so marg's some kind of

evil presence uh well or is she just yet another victim you know what I mean

she's evil so uh Mark kind of understands and he starts walking towards Margaret's it's a small d

rundown trailer in the woods you got to understand this lady owns a multi-million dollar Lakes Shore you

know cabin and she's living in a she's living in you know squalor I think

that's the word is that a word yeah it is no that's you're right I mean that's more just like I picture like rat feces

and like trash everywhere it's bad yeah let's just say it's bad right so he knocks on the door and an unkempt and

decrepit woman answers the door she's clearly the same woman from the arbn bad

as the owner but she appears much older and in poorer Health than the business look she had in her picture yeah she

invites Mark in catfished he catfished to a scare

BNB so uh Margaret is a sad old woman who grew up in that house and her sister

me went missing one day and there was no explanation Margaret began seeing her in

the windows from time to time but nobody ever believed her she spent her whole childhood in that house but it would

never take her can you imagine that kind of feeling yeah she wanted the house to take her

yeah she missed her sister right and when Margaret's parents died she inherited the house but she couldn't

afford to keep it you know the taxes and whatnot even if they owned it like this is very expensive property you know so

like this is a big deal and if she's a little mentally unwell she's probably not making too much money either you know yeah so she had a great

responsibility to protect the house at all costs but she could only pay the taxes if she rented it out MH so then

voila Airbnb com into the picture scare BNB nightmare

BNB so this is I'll be honest this is pretty much the end of my notes but I have some possible endings okay these

are both dark endings I will say uh one shows a shot of Mark and Liz looking at

listings just like at the beginning of the movie when they're looking at the airbnbs similarly to when they were

looking you know at the beginning getting excited by a good one and then pointing out that you'd have a clear view of two sides of the

windows it's revealed that they're looking at homes for sale on the lake yeah and then the camera pan out to

reveal that they're living out of a terribly rundown van they've sold everything they're

trying to get into this how do we get a place up there yeah you know what I mean stole the egg truck there's [ __ ] everywhere see the reflection of her

daughter in the window just to get a confirmation of like yep she's happy cuz maybe there's a bunch of little girls

there they're playing yeah you know what I mean like there I mean I'm sure it gets boring yeah stuck in house you can

only look out a window just being sad Every Day Life That's why Kyle was like what are you into princesses cuz he knew

what his daughter was into he was like are you is she going to be excited to talk to you yeah you know that's what

I'm saying it's a It's a Spooky tail yeah yeah that's know it's spooky you

said he had multiple though oh go ahead well the other one was basically the same but it says they're just chilling out on a boat watching the house through

binoculars oh okay so yeah just either way they're there like and I imagine this was like a p she's gone yeah you

know yeah imagine this is like a small body of water so it's like a very very big boat in a small body of water

binoculars looking through these windows but that's why you got to think you rent this Airbnb and like there's cars driving by looking at you the neighbors

are weird and they both have a weird connection to your place there's a guy out on the water on a boat looking at

you in binoculars maybe there's a foot path going around the lake and people that walk by are like staying a little too long looking at your property maybe

even taking pictures and you're just kind of like what's going on here and it turns out that this is the story you

have this weird house where people just disappear but for some reason you can see them from the outside in the window

sometimes very spooky and like I said in the last episode like there's no real monster to show yeah I feel like it

spoils it but this is like it's it's just this you're powerless well we never get into like what is causing this house

to do this like what are they going into like super Universe like are they they

like trapped within the it's unexplained from the start the reflection of the windows this girl who grew up in there

was like I don't even know what's happening but I just got to make sure nobody tears this house down yeah oh and

I didn't even add so the police I wonder why is the police in on it right I was thinking I I was toggling between it

could either be like maybe the the owner's brother he became a CO the

sheriff or maybe it was a love interest he was like falling you know he lived on the lake there's some girl he's like

Teenage Love kind of thing is budding and then this terrible tra her daugh sister's missing it's a tragedy she goes

insane and he's just kind of like he wants to know what happened so he starts investigating and then it takes a while

for him to realize Bo kind of cared for M yeah he was like the first first

detective on the case and maybe he's a deputy at the time or something she was

the older sister like falls in love with her and sticks around that's why he was

in the driveway to kind of be the barrier like hey I know you're going to go in there and murder this Airbnb owner

but nobody blames you don't hurt her because she's the only one who's making sure this place doesn't get demolished

and I was even thinking there going to be a connection where they could be getting like excited about the one they rented CU they're like yeah there's a

really expensive lake and we're actually on the more expensive side but it turns out those prices are just driven up by all these parents that are like trying

to fight for these nearby properties you know so it's just you it's like Hotel Hell like once you check in you can't

leave because your kids gone but like that's the only chance you get to see him so you try to move in close to the

to the house that caused that to happen they they sold everything they had to move into a van Community just to have

the down payment to try to get in on the lake so that they could get these glimpes go the house well that's the

thing is you almost don't want to be in the house yeah I mean there's no benefit you're just you can't see anything in there you don't like hear them or

anything right yeah if you're trying to catch the glimpse of your presumably dead ghost daughter so it only happens

to Mark and Judy were doing it right where they were just sitting on the bench snapping photos having drinks

there she is she looks happy let's get another photo cool get a video hey show her this you know birthday cake you know

whatever it is it's very creepy it's like a yeah but that's what I'm saying Stepford wies but you can do it in a way

where it it humanizes the crazy to the point where your protagonists join the

crazy yeah all they wanted there's there's no answer except for let's just try to figure out

a way to get close to this place yeah and you're just spiring into depression so we can see too and that's where uh

Sophie's mom she was having problems and she's in the hospital she's like the older sister or something that this

happened to her too and now she's you just can't come back from it and it's just like people go crazy or they find a

way to get close I feel like from the moment that they arrive at the Airbnb

they have to notice like crazy amount of foot traffic of people walking by like

cameras out like everybody's looking at you and you're like famous yeah yeah I

agree with you just like they neighborhood people they're like walking their dogs or whatever but they're just like really making a point to like St in

that house and and like scope it out everybody just stays a little long a chance to see their relative that's gone

missing yeah what do you guys think I'm not a horror fan but I feel like this is one that's yeah I'd stream it it's

pretty yeah check it out I'd watch the trailer on Netflix just like well this is our life now well it's just what else

you got you know what I mean like where here we are yeah so yeah I'm not a horror guy either like it's a decent

Little Ghost Story I think there you know so yeah yeah I don't really know what it is like that's thing I never no

answer yeah and we won't finish it we won't explain it we've already we've already explained that you guys can

finish it in your head yeah or join the Discord we actually have a finish this podcast Channel where you can add your thoughts after the fact even if you're

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anybody have any other thoughts or are we done here I I think we didn't finish it I liked it grind house yeah grind

house yeah this is our grind house essentially and then you guys can decide in the comments who's Robert Rodriguez

and who wrote uh movie about a movie that nobody or a TV show nobody's ever

heard about all right you know what I'm talking about no the car thing uh oh

wait yes no what was the movie called Death Wish or yeah and Kurt Russell was in it Death Proof Death Proof it was

Death Proof but it was all about some vanishing point TV show that I never heard of I actually don't even think

I've seen half it was all dialogue and half the movie was just talking about that show so I will say Rob

Rodriguez he stole Grindhouse yeah I would say it's a better movie ter planet was that the

other one you guys can attack me in the comments for it I said it uh Planet teror that's what it was all right all

right all right but okay so we're done here yeah yeah think we're done H