We Won't Finish This Podcast

Lifetime Subscription | We Won't Finish This Podcast #10

Episode Summary

In this episode, Spaceman poses the question “If a corporation were to discover the secret of eternal life, would you enter a 1,000 year work contract to live forever?” We Won't Finish This Podcast is a writers room show where we pitch movies to each other that we'll never make. A NEW and ORIGINAL movie every episode! SOCIALS: https://Linktr.ee/WWFTpod This episode is sponsored by Pizza Lobo http://www.PizzaLobo.com

Episode Notes

In this episode, Spaceman poses the question “If a corporation were to discover the secret of eternal life, would you enter a 1,000 year work contract to be live forever?” 

We Won't Finish This Podcast is a writers room show where we pitch movies to each other that we'll never make. A NEW and ORIGINAL movie every episode! 

SOCIALS: https://Linktr.ee/WWFTpod 

This episode is sponsored by Pizza Lobo http://www.PizzaLobo.com

Episode Transcription

welcome to we won't finish this podcast a writers room show where we pitch movies to each other that we'll

never make I'm zebs Spaceman I'm Savage tonight Spaceman is pitching the movie

and Savage and I have no idea what it is not even the genre but regardless of that we still crack jokes the whole time

it's a comedy podcast but why don't you get right into it what you got for us space man all right this story in the

year 20220 Humanity has begun to spread further into the solar system for 200

years yep so one day the a discovery is made that leads to the secret of

immortality being unlocked what will humankind do with this Discovery Well I

imagine they' live forever you would think you would think that would be it's the logical thing yeah it's the logical

thing now I say that summary and that's really what I wanted to write what I have here isn't nearly as good but we're

gonna we're going to trudge through it but you know this is the theme of this one here I I really love just went into

this thinking that it was such kind of a unique concept uh and we'll get into I got a little bit of World building to do

here first but um which is the concept of you know humanity is starting to get

overpopulated on Earth you know so that's kind of leading us to want to expand out into the Stars I've noticed

yeah yeah so that's what that's what leads us to one you go to the stars but like you know like as as we progress out

there obviously it gets a little bit easier to like have people that are Immortal because like by definition they

can't die they're going to continue to exist and be people you know we got to have places to put people so I went into

this you said up in the Stars well well yes like yeah we're space travel is timec consuming so it would be

beneficial to be immortal to still be alive by the time you get to where you're going yeah exactly like you kind

of nailed it that's that's really what I was going for you have to kind of like price in the travel time yeah but is

what you're saying so I'll do a little bit of World building here but here's the thing and I'll let you marinate on it for a minute the secret to

immortality was discovered by corporations now corporations are leading the charge into expanding out

into the Stars well that'll go well exactly you got to think of what what the implications are with that because

uh you know I went here thinking like you know the traditional route is like you would want like governments and everything doing this but like they're

not going to put the resources into this like you've got like Amazon you got Apple like you know and all these other

fictitious companies that want to spread out into the Stars you know like I see

them doing it before the governments and like what what happens when when that

happens you know what I mean like so like commercialized space travel you're saying yeah like you you would think

like you know obviously as the world progress everything you know governments whatever established but imagine a

corporation going and settling on like a distant planet like what does that look like they they make the rules let me

real quick are we talking about space travel or immortality it's it's a little bit of both so it's I understood your

point about you know it takes so long to get somewhere with space travel or somewhere far that obviously you lived

forever or much longer that would be great to kind of price that in or whatever yeah but it's

uh we so we already just have so many people we're just overflowing each other here it's a MOS pit yeah it really will

be that is part of my world building we'll get to in just a second here like yeah like I have Earth is just very overpopulated we're a couple hundred

years in the future okay you know we we have discovered how to do light speed travel but not faster than light speed

travel you know that's the important distinction because light speed travel it you know like our nearest I think

Alpha centor was like maybe like five light years away like I might be wrong on that but you got to think that's four

or five years you got to be on a spaceship going there you know like that's that's where or sometimes 80

years going somewhere world or you know universe that we're building here when you travel

closer to the speed of light are you experiencing time in a different way uh

uh no I think just a little indigestion I think we have a an this

episode of we won't finish this podcast is sponsored by Pizza Lobo it won't give you indigestion no if you're in the

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that out of the way pack so so yes like that is the idea going in here now what I haven't told

you guys yet there is like a little spin I did want to put on it so we're you know and we'll get to that point in the

story here but the the driving factor I put in here is like what what's found is very very limited for this immortality

thing you know they can't just give it to everybody so even before even if it wasn't corporations in charge it would

already be expensive I think it needs to be subscription based if you pay like per month that'd be pretty good you got

to renew every month or you die I I know I never actually saw saw the movie so I don't even know if this is the right connection but what was the Justin

Timberlake movie where they had how much time they had left on a watch I know what you're talking about um yeah he had like the clock on his arm basically like

I'm so poor but I remember there there I saw a scene or a video or something where like they were playing poker for

time yeah I think you're right yeah and I'm is so obviously it's like okay in that movie The Rich guys had obviously

somehow this watch would extend your life I don't know why everybody couldn't just have it like why they had to trade

the time why they couldn't all just have it yeah but uh so I'm assuming corporations whatever it's going to be

rich people they live very long or forever subscription base is perfect because that's yeah I me somebody's

going to want more yeah I do like that spin on it what what I had here is essentially like we're kind of talking

about this is we're getting more scummy corporations you know we're we're kind of dabbling into that territory so their

goal with this that's unheard of I know right um but their their goal here is they want to build essentially call it a

Workforce colonization Force whatever you want to distant Stars so you have to

essentially apply to get this on the condition that you will serve a

1,000-year contract working for this company sure okay that's a good angle

yeah immortality mix with like indentured servitude yes that's kind of

the ultimate Evil mix yeah I agree right there yeah so that that's the idea I had

going into this translate well so you so let's explain that more cuz the way you

you told us about this beforehand you said that you had an idea you loved it you sat down to write the outline and

you just it wasn't it hat just I I had this great idea and I just produced

something I just like eh it needs a lot of work it just didn't turn out what what are what are our bullet points so

you know let's let's do a little bit of World building here first let's we'll do that we'll kind of you'll you'll start to see why I don't like this um so all

right like uh it's a dark idea but I it's very interesting I know exactly like yeah I really do like that but it

just this story here it didn't translate so really I'm kind of you know I'm I'm spilling the beans a little early on

this so it's not really a reveal but you know what I mean like that concept because I want everyone thinking about

that as we're kind of going through the story and figuring out what changes essentially we could make here to really

make that work um you know and I said it a little bit in the future I actually originally wanted this like really

present day you know to like the very very beginnings of we've just discovered

you know travel at least from what you 200 years and not too far in the future but as far as like developing technology

you know that could be so a good a long chunk of time yeah I mean at least from what you've told us so far it doesn't

require 200 years in the future other than you're assuming that's how long it takes for them to in figure out

immortality right you know and I I have some some bullet points that do kind of fit into like the 200 years that would

make sense but it's not necessary not necessarily you would mention that they're traveling to

distant Stars so like the planets within our current solar system just like not

interested in colonizing those so yeah I mean to kind of touch on that quick like they re you know Humanity in this story

has really spread out throughout our solar system our current one so we we have established a presence here so it

is around but you got to think Earth's the only actual livable place planetary travel is already happening prior to the

start of this movie yeah yes agreed yeah it'll make sense you know when actually like get started here yes and that's

full too what's that each planet is full all the planets are already full now to the point where Stars what's it even

like on a star well you got to think like uh you know can't do that you we here we have one Earth we want to find

another Earth that's really kind of the driving factor of like wanting to go to the distant places we'll just say they

figured it out like hey Earth too but it's like 300 light light years away you know like yeah you you got to what

that's kind of where I went into so you got to work on the ship and you have to make so this is that's what it would be

so it's like if you've ever been on a cruise it's like there's a lot of people that there's a lot of stories about

people that work on the cruises the people that serve the dinners and stuff they live on like the lower decks I hear

it's a wild party they get to travel the world there like a lot of like young people and stuff but in this scenario

the cruise ship maybe is people that want to travel the rich people want to go across whatever and you're not

Immortal yeah and you don't have the money to be so maybe you are going to essentially be a crew worker for this

luxurious yeah you know travel to wherever that's going to take 60 years yeah and they're going to give you that

life just to work it and then maybe at the end you end up plus 10 years on your

life yeah but you did all this work you it's not bad I could have written that but I didn't well it's just an idea so

that's another book but you see what I mean yeah you know what I mean something like that where it's uh you said a Thousand-Year contract but if you're

Immortal that's kind of still just a drop in the bucket if it's relative to and here's the other thing like Infinity

the what I what I really didn't write this doesn't exist in the story so this is another concept I kind of went in

thinking about you know what happens when that 10,000 years is up you've traded the life that you know to become

immortal and be sent off to some distant planet that a poker table with Justin Timberly right exactly he's like just

just killing you with you know bringing in your time but but no like uh you know I I just what what is what's earth like

you know all your family and friends are gone like you have absolutely nothing after that thousand years yeah I I also

want to point out that so it's all perspective based a time you know and your your perception of it so like you

know when you're 5 years old a year is one of your life it takes forever you

know but as you get older the years go by faster I'm sure we could cue a song to kick on as I'm saying said maybe yeah

so so anyways that that's if you're Immortal a thousand years is nothing if

you've already lived for thousands of years yeah however we're assuming time

that this the immortality was discovered within the last 200 years so everybody's still fairly Young by those guidelines

unless we decide to change them yeah and there is like a a story I so a thousand years is still like holy [ __ ] yeah even

if you were 150 somebody says yeah you're going to spend a thousand years cleaning toilets on the cruise ship

right you know and like and going into this too I actually kind of figured like maybe they might be doing like pretty

dangerous work too like you know I had that idea of like maybe they get shipped off to this distant plan or whatever but

it's still like you're going to be you know mining resources like you're you're not all going to make it I mean it makes

sense you send the immortal people to go and do the most dangerous thing it's like if you don't have a sense of smell

you go and do the stinkiest job that no one else wants to do yeah but however like immortality but you can die like

you can be killed you know it's like it's not like someone's going to rip your head off and you're just going to grow a new body you know and these I

wanted to keep it really really grounded like there is there like there's a there's a part where I almost dance into

and like zebs would be scared here it's almost getting into superpower type territory but like I walked it back

immediately cuz I didn't like the idea no if you go into it I'm fine with that I'm just I'm going to criticize

most likely just cuz if it's Marvel DC style superhero there's a few super well we're not doing superheroes this episode

we'll see it it didn't match what I was going for like I really want I'm going to be there when we do superheroes well

I know I've got some things to say but yeah I I really wanted it to it it's immortality but like with the mortality

you know what I mean you just can't age you know you're just you're so you say young yeah until you stop you don't reup

your subscription now are you just old overnight have they stopped the aging process or reverse like you if you're

old you could be like a younger version of I think we need to discuss what this is are we talking about like a is it

like a medicine a shot they give you is it a machine so I mean in into the story a little bit here like basically we'll

start with our main character having an accident like uh you know with with this discovery we we'll get into it yeah

right he had to change pants afterwards several times but um but no like it starts there and then you know and then

it kind of develops so like you know this is he's the first but like not the last so I you know like in here I guess

I'll save that for later in the story so we we get into that part but um but I I did feel the ground rules for this was

it just stops aging it doesn't reverse aging you know it doesn't make you IM immune to disease or anything like that

I kind of pictured it more of like you know say you have an immortal person but they get something wrong where they need

an organ transplant that could still happen you know so you still get sick so

you still need to treat you it's not a guarantee right is what you're saying yeah you can still get into a car crash

you know like there's all that stuff well what are you're talking about illness though you said a transplant I'm assuming it's and in that like I I don't

it's nothing in here like I don't have to keep it you know but I kind of went into with that just mortality you could

drop the $30 million on the immortality and then still get cancer next year yeah

but you would still live but your body would be failing so you'd be like hooked up to all kinds of machines yeah exactly

that's what I'm saying saying like you know there's there's still like I wanted it kind of grounded in that fashion is

it reversible yeah I mean you could essentially get all the removed you can

yeah a bullet will reverse your immortality fair enough well yes yeah to a point if you're talking sick in a

hospital bed yes getting into oh I see what you're saying okay

yeah okay so yeah that that's that's kind of where I saw this is I didn't want it to be some like oh all of a

sudden you have some Godlike powers and like stuff like that it's no you just as long as you just basically stayed in a

room for your saying that your heart will pump though because you can still get sick your body can still fail this isn't great no it's not yeah exactly you

know yeah but this is the Gen one this is the iPod you know touch yeah but

imortality I kind of thought to myself if you can't die how many people are so afraid of death that they would still

take this regardless of you know those ground rules I set there but you do stop aging yes you do stop so you're okay so

so let's say you were a rich guy and you you do this in your 20s right and then you have a family but you're you're a

[ __ ] or maybe your kids are or both and you like cut off your son he could be like an old man you're just like a

ripped 25-year-old forever you're Tom Cruz yeah exactly he just never bought it for his birthday he can't have it

like Paul Rudd's son is probably like a fat bald guy like by now yeah that's probably real life too that's what I'm

saying that's probably the reality all right but all right like yeah like obviously we spend a good amount of time

in the idea like I do expect us to kind of cruise through some of this stuff because it is just kind of point A to

point B type stuff but we have elaborated on the idea I I I really like

that concept I really liked that concept going into it and it just didn't translate it just didn't so you know

keep that in our heads as we're kind of moving through this as to like what we might be able to adjust you know change

like completely rewrite whatever to to kind of get us more in that territory so this is potentially like Futurama like

you're working on a delivery ship as an indentured servant basically flying from

one planet to another for a thousand years in order to eventually maybe like

get an apartment on Uranus yeah exactly yeah you're a good goal it is a good

goal so yeah it's like that was kind of the spirit behind us so all right we get

into the World building um so well just to kind of clarify that I I picture it as like okay so you're a young kid

you're you're 20 years old you get a job I'm going to work on the ship it's going to take me a thousand years to get there I'm going to do the job when I

leave I'm going they're going to keep me alive the whole time I get the experience I get fed room and boor

whatever and then when you're done what are you promised like okay I'm 20 but

I'm going to get a free 10 years of the subscription right and like uh of of

Frozen aging yeah for for what my idea was was I like the subscription I'm glad

we brought this up because they're going to up the price every month and you're going to be like what am I getting for this yeah you know like right what's the

overhead it couldn't have gone up yeah I do see it as like you know once once that contract's up like that's it like

you're just off on your own you have nothing really I would say you probably get some quote unquote pension you know

we call it that to simplify it let's call it a subscription on freezing your

aging sure because I I feel like just to clarify that when you stop paying it your money Runs Out you fall behind you

start you know you're a month older you're not just 80 years old overnight it just you just start aging when you

when they when your your payment didn't long as you keep up with this idea it's not in my story that doesn't exist in

here so I mean if you find spots work it in sure you know I it's I'm not opposed but yeah I didn't have subscription in

there for me it was kind of just like it's a onetime thing it's like it's so crazy expensive that's why you're working for this company for a thousand

years you know like that's it like then you're just Immortal so that's what it would be so you're the kid you get work in this

job they give you the shot the first day okay we're on the ship you're not aging and then you got to it's a shot uh I

don't know maybe it could be it doesn't really matter we say it's a shot it's an aging freezing face cream it's a

preservative right in your veins pickled yeah this is how we get bread to be good for the 20 days of shipping and two

weeks at your house uh but anyway so it's like that you get the shot and then that's pretty much what it is you work

you do a good job you keep getting the shot you got the free room and board you're everybody's there is Young you're

partying you're traveling through space it's exciting like I I like the comparison to the cruise ship yeah CU I

don't know if you guys have heard the any stories or have any idea about the people that oh yeah I've seen that you

know they're from they're from all over the world they're they're generally pretty young and they're like yeah I've been doing this a year and a half I've

been everywhere and they just they're not supposed to party with any of the crews people but they like you know they

go from what I hear it's a party amongst the the crew taken of you just work during the day and then at night you can

chill kind of a free spirit kind of gig you know but remember this is these

companies are probably evil so you got to you got to remember that I'm sure Carnival Cruise Line is as well probably

so that's I'm I'm sure it's it's I haven't seen the sleeping quarters that the part the alleged parties happening

at but I'm just saying that it's like I I I I like the comparison yeah I won't get hung up on it but yeah no and it's

fine like I said like my my story sucks so whatever we can do to make it better is great so if you have any any comments

to make it better too please put those in the chat I Think We're Alone we probably are but anyways um so so it is

a shot though and you're saying like boost you have to get boosters every so often I I think that it freezes your

aging uh until you know maybe it has like a okay you're Frozen for two weeks

you're going to need a shot in two weeks or else you're going to start aging again maybe yeah I just had a one one time thing it's done you know it's just

like that's it you're Immortal that's it yeah there would be a black market maybe unless it's just well I guess you could just go pay for it at a doctor but yeah

I there's a lot of ways to go with something if you were to make it a drug right well what about like uh like

cryogenic freezing like what if you're just in a you had to sleep in a chamber

every night or something so you're you're saying you would Age half the day they're not vampires what if it is a

vampire thing like a stipulation there there's work to be done you can't be frozen you got to clean these people

need lemon merang pie yeah all right all right well we'll get into the World building here um so I just I just kind

of set what I thought were some decent you know just things going on in this particular Universe for this story so I

did since it's in the future I did have you know I needed a reason for overpopulation a starting to like kind

of crowd and I have this as you know like just basically global warming in a couple hundred years where is it going

to be at well in a couple hundred years we're probably going to have some okay reduced shorelines it's it's not yeah

it's not just that the population's increasing the livable square footage of the earth is decreasing yeah so you know

and I don't want to get too crazy into that but I just needed a a driving factor for it so that's kind of what I

landed on is just you know we it's it's that's why it's an emergency right exactly like that's that's why we needed

to get beyond Earth because Earth is not in a great spot you know it's still livable you know but it's just it's not

good I've actually heard it's in the perfect place so I disagree The goldilock Zone if hard disagree um so so

yeah that's that's kind of the driving factor in getting into these like just big just these mega cities you know so

we don't really spend any time there but it's just kind of to signify the the overpopulation yeah a previously

undiscovered and extremely rare resource was found in an asteroid and that allowed us to build starships and I

wanted a little little bit of grounding that as well I didn't really know how

best to do it so the The Starships in this I had kind of working as you know say we found some kind of like crystals

or something it doesn't matter yeah exactly it could be anything but basically that's treat that like an

amplifier you still need fuel you know so it would be like I I I just chose helium 3 because that's a pretty common

one in sci-fi type stuff so you need helium 3 to actually like you know that as your fuel and you have this as like a

magnifier whatever and then that's how you can achieve the light speed travel so I just wanted to set some rules there

just so I had something and then let's see here I don't like rules well I've got a few more so you're

going to have to deal with it so you know if we're homework sucks people that

were leaving Earth the first to colonize are going to be like the richest people

right and they're going to go and establish I actually see it as more of like a it's a necessity so you're sending the the workforce ahead they're

the guys that are going to be like they're going to set up that first like Shack they're going to build the hot tubs yeah the rich guys get there yeah

that's kind of how I pictured it is like you know the essentially these corporations like we're talking a couple hundred you know years in the future you

know the mega corporations now like they're in like the trillions and trillions of dollars they have so much Expendable income you know while the

Earth you know the world's poor you know whatever so I have that they're flying away just going haha as like a

smoldering planet is behind them so that's why I have them as kind of like the driving factor in settling these

places cuz it's just making more money for them like sure you know so and it's giving I'm sure it's going to be

insanely expensive to move there and whatever but but yeah but they need a Workforce there too so and it takes a

long time to settle these places so they they've applied the all-inclusive model

to their Starships yeah and it allows Rich guys to go in and these guys will'll give you food don't worry these

guys are Immortal you can talk their ear off all day they have all the time in the world and they're going to give you the shots on your sub you get a free

subscription it's included the entire travel and then you get there and what's

what's there where are we going yeah yeah I mean like that's should have read the fine print so I'm saying did we find

it what's the destination on the the Starship Just One of These an earthlike Planet yeah I mean untouched yeah like

that's kind of what I was thinking like and like I wish the story was this coherent but it just isn't um so moving

on to a little bit of the world then we'll get into the actual story which is okay they space Pioneers they're going

to you know the Uncharted Territory to like make sure it's cool yeah right they

need they need people there first to establish something um but it's going to take a really long time to get there so

you got to have that that Gap in between they got to get there they got to you need some adventured servants if you're

going to make this thing be fun yeah cuz it let's say it takes you 200 years to get there well if it takes you five to

set up well now like you need probably it's well I guess you could have a gap in between but we need a Starship to go

and then they're going to call back and say all right we're ready exactly yeah yeah cuz you would think they could come five years later but not really they

don't know if you got there so they got to wait for you to actually get there to send the signal back like that's well they don't even know where they're going

probably so they got to get to this planet they have to pick a location say this is where we build it this is what

we're going to do now we got to get the resources like and they can kind of predict from afar like maybe this planet

will be pretty good but they don't know until for sure that they get on there and they're like this one's you know

just a big dust storm all the time we shouldn't have even tried to come here so will the rich guys even go first or

do you send your loser friends I guess you send your loser friends and you say hey Bill check us out I bought you a

ticket don't worry man I got you check it out yeah enjoy yeah let me know how it goes let me know and then you wait 10

you wait a years send me a postcard for an email from Bill who says hey it sucks here this sucks pretty bad are you on

your way and you just leave it on have you guys left yet or just leave them on red y um so in this one like here's

another thing I did kind of like yet here's a here's a piece of the story

I I did kind of like but it just I didn't really use it too much it it in the center like well not the center but

at the same time as this story I I have like has been essentially terraformed so

to the point where it is livable by humanity and now there's a couple different things with that for one it

doesn't super work for the story either and that's why I don't really like so let's let's let's put it this way if you

had the option right let's say this was happening Earth it's it's just a smoldering mess and you can go to Mars

and it's livable yeah or you can take the Thousand Year nobody's ever been

there we don't even even heard of this planet before we don't know anything about it you're going to be one of the first people to see its details trip

Mars is going to be the Carnival Cruise yeah you can die on Mars the Thousand Year well you can die anywhere you can

die anywhere but the Thousand Year I think would be the the big price tag that's your uh Disney Cruise Line or I

don't know who whatever the expensive ones are Norwegian there going like multiple competitors then like there's

probably Mars is established and that's taken over by global Corp or whatever

and you know maybe like another smaller company pops up and it's like a little Ocean Gate spaceship that M budget

version the mom and pops uh Planet relocation

service going to the Dick Sporting Goods Center on on Titan um all right I know a guy who get

you to a metor that's pretty livable it's pretty sweet it's not bad and not

too crowded Mars is out of the picture but have you been to the dark side of the moon yeah

right um so yeah I I did like the idea of kind of Mars being terraformed but it's just taking like a super long time

and it's like pretty fresh that you're able to kind of move there so it's kind of like humanity is still just kind of

figuring it out and like you know trying to get people there to like get them out of like the mega cities and whatnot so I

see that being a little bit more like just like kind of chaotic you know really if anything and like and then

this stuff kind of comes up too you know so it's kind of maybe concurrent like I

don't know we'd have to kind of you know shop it a little bit how many people live on Mars oh I have no idea I'm I'm

assuming just several colonies are established but so from what you're describing is that Mars is the Gen one

planet and people aren't ready to be early adopters maybe like they're they're just

kind of like yeah it seems nice but how's that going to look in three years right is it going to hold up I'm going

to wait for them to do a firmware up then I'll buy awfully Dusty there still the couple colonies have like Rebel

forces that start to fight back against the The Tyranny yeah but yeah so you

know like I I had the idea for Mars being like you know technically inhabitable but probably has a lot of challenges in itself but it's like you

know you don't need your helmet there but Earth Earth two is out there and it's ready to go they're growing potatoes yeah okay that's the driving

factor I see um where it's like Mars is only like you know kind of you'll call it terraformable because of where it

sits in the solar system you you're not going to get on an asteroid and you know like get a get an atmosphere you know

like none of that kind of stuff so anywhere else like you can have some colonies or whatever but it's all

enclosed you know so I I see that as people are they're scared to take the risk because they're like hey this is man-made we don't know if this is going

to hold up whatever and it's the cheap option because Earth to we we know Earth

we know what we're going to find we know what should be there we can make this work like whatever where Mars it's like

hey if that air filter machine dies we're all dead or whatever like I feel like that that would maybe be the like

the political argument still got some bugs to work out basically families are being divided they're like we're just

going to go to Mars we can afford it we we don't want the debt and they're just like take out the loan we're going to Earth too you [ __ ] and that would be

you know yeah I bet yeah you'd hear all these wild stories on earth like oh you

know the great Earth to you know the promised land or whatever all the possibilities and then you sign up for

this contract and it turns out that it's not what you want to be doing you're

stck there still dinosaurs right it's just plet dumpster Fire Dinosaurs space dinosaurs and it's very

scary yeah and then you're just sitting there in a spaceship looking at a planet Full of Dinosaurs like the hell do we do

can you imagine riding a bus for a thousand years and then you get there and a T-Rex just rips off the front half

of it and they're like get out out yeah we got to go guys back it up your TVs and go you're the ones that are supposed

to build the shelter get to it you're the first ones all right all right so I

guess I should probably start the story um yeah we're we're 30 minutes in we

that's that's honestly it's okay though cuz like really we can gloss over a lot of this cuz like the story itself isn't

that great I actually I'm glad that we're kind of touching way more on the concept I like that more you said you

didn't like your story exactly you said you had the concept you started writing the story and it wasn't the concept and you were just like what's going on here

yeah I got like six pages in I'm like what the hell is this and then I just finish the last one like well send it

like well it is called we won't finish this podcast so let's see if these guys can do this yeah exactly it needs a lot

of help all right so now I finish this planet yeah I have our story starting on

just like it's a mining operation that's taking place on Titan uh the Dig itself it's in a cave under a giant Dome that

so that offers a little bit of protections from the environment but it's all done in just some heavy space suits and now I will say with this

section like I I played Starfield pretty recently so I can like I was a little inspired there but I kind of I took it a

little bit Direction but that's that's where some of this is coming from it was kind of unavoidable with how I ended up

doing it um but you know one day um a new section of the cave excuse me the

cave system uh scheduled to be blasted open so this doesn't typically interfere with regular scheduled you know work

flow um so on this day you know prettyy much business as usual uh the main character I just name named him David

Andrews uh he's working in his own section clearing away a part of a cave wall so I do kind of figure it as some

kind of machine that he's using like it doesn't really matter what but essentially just kind of clearing away some rocks they're mining for unobtanium

yeah basically yeah you can call it that where do they mine it I mean they're just looking for resources in General on

Titan yeah it's on Titan like I have no idea what's on Titan so it could literally be anything anything I see it

more as like the corporations are spreading out and they're starting to mine these places just for raw materials like you know you need metals to build

habitats you know like I kind of just saw more as that is kind of just the necessary stuff they're not looking for

anything like you know fancy in particular you know they might be tipped off to some of those we'll just say the

light speed crystals or whatever but they know those exists and they're they're getting them they're not huge in

Supply maybe so I saw this as more just like yeah we're just you know chopping down wood to build a house essentially

it's more of that feel so they're just building the resort yeah exactly essentially you're talking about the

first Landers on Earth too yeah that's where we're going um I mean that's that's further along this part is just

like this is the very start so we're we're just still in the same solar system we haven't discovered anything with immortality or anything like that

yet so I I think the way that it would start would maybe be on earth too they're building this Resort and it's

perfect we have a chance to start over BL this is the beginning of the movie yeah is like the they've landed right

and every everybody's young and they're fit and blah blah blah but then it kind of zooms back you see how they got there

you see the state of Earth you see what's going on with Mars and then we can start a dynamic where the second

Starship is heading to Earth too in anticipation of it being complete but

maybe shit's falling apart on Earth too the workers like maybe some guy's there but he like got fired somehow and he's

now aging and he's very upset about it you know what mean or something like it could almost be

like there's problems going on on Earth too like almost like terrorism or something because it's like this guy

wants whatever his dispute is he's like I don't see why I have to be the only one to age and die on a planet where

nobody ages and dies yeah you know like that's what I I I could see the rift maybe they brought hundreds or thousands

of Staff because it's a huge Starship they need to build this huge Resort they need staff to be there ready and trained

and blah blah blah that's kind of like what I could see a good Dynamic of going back and forth to like things are

falling apart and then the hopeful rich people that are like headed there are like it's going to be great it's going to be so good we got Beach property but

no and I I liked the idea of like how does a corporation kind of establish a

colony on like a distant planet too I kind of liked you know kicking that idea around in my head because it's not a

government well you wouldn't have to buy it you just show up and it would just be like one giant like cheesy logo yeah

it's just a big McDonald's sign you know well it's just planting flag essentially yeah iation that's kind of the whole

Elon Musk thing with Mars where it's like he's talking about how he's going to go colon colonize Mars maybe who

knows but it's just one of those like there's nobody to stop him right so that's why it would be his yeah you know

that's really what it is right I I love that concept yeah exactly like like the government what's what's the government

going to say you know like what government is going to say what there's nobody to stop you there's literally no

laws there there's no police like it's just you would have to be showing up with a plan of like we're going to build

this thing here's how we're how the laws are going to work here's our security Force here's whatever and I imagine

there'd probably be stragglers not just the workers maybe the guy the example I gave the guy that quit but like you're

going to get there it's going to be this Resort surrounded by just an entire planet of wilderness yeah so there

probably would be people that get there and they say you know what [ __ ] this I'm going to go live in the woods like a

tribe there could be like tribes surrounding a very lavish and futuristic

civilization on Earth too yeah you know of people that like occasionally pillage for supplies or yeah maybe they stole

some things like some technology things that are going to help them but for the most part like they're roughing it and I

don't know that could be another kind of dynamic there could be a lot going on here they end up being the ones who stumble upon the light speed crystals

and so they're the ones that have the resource that the corporations want they control a dig site or something like

somehow I don't know we're getting fur with it I guess uh it's a there's the concept's got legs yeah it does it

really does uh it's hard to execute you you somehow showed up with a concept and unrelated notes I kind of did I guess I

kind of did um so it's all right well yeah you really could have done something with this I know I could have

we could have finished something um or started yeah at least started at least start the podcast

yeah I know like I'm just going to apologize but I'm going to continue this story so you know he's clearing out this

you know section of wall whatever and as he's clearing it here's where we get our you know basically our unobtanium you

know he starts clearing away a wall he sees this kind of bright light behind it so he's just basically fascinated with

this like you know we've got this uh you know you know uh scheduled blast that's

coming up at a different part here so at one point here and I'm kind of glad I'm glossing through this um the a manager

essentially kind of comes around the corner like you know hey what the hell are you doing like get to a safe place like you know it's like we're not

standing on Dynamite yeah basically like you know it's it's not stopping like all the workflow but like they still got to

pull people back for like five minutes while the you know the bomb goes off you know like um so the manager kind of sees

you know the light thing happening too he's like oh what the hell like so they're both kind of sitting there and you know as the uh you know countdown

gets closer and closer to zero you hear you know obviously a big explosion you know ground shakes everywhere debris

falling from the cave ceiling um you know in this big section of like this

light essentially it's like light in like raw material form radioactive material yeah kind of so David basically

trips falls into it bashes his helmet helmet goes right open he scrapes it and

ends up breathing in you know what he scraped away from this like you know raw light material yeah exactly turns into a

baby immediately not quite there's too much immortality

too much you know yeah too much you know Immortal blow happening and

yeah um you're only supposed to do a bump of that he did the whole

thing um too much but yeah so you know you know this happens it's the

atmosphere isn't really I'm picturing not super breathable here like it's in it's under a dome but that's more of

kind of like protections from the outside whatever I don't really know um so so this happens he's starting to gasp

and black out the manager just has duct tape and just like slaps it over his helmet to try to keep him alive and then

he just like goes unconscious I think yeah the first person to come in contact with it has to do way too much and it's

just like detrimental but there's still a corporate guy standing behind him ringing his hands saying ah how can we

sell this how can we make money on this he's dead little it looks terrible but let's calm down everybody I haven't done

a bump of it yet there's money to be made has anyone tried a small amount has anyone tried putting it in breakfast cereal I think in short it has got to be

like kind of like radio radiation or whatever like in short term you don't realize the effects but then like as

time progresses then it gets worse and worse has anyone smoked it so what if it what if that's how they discover the immortality is it's like a kind of uh

sick guy is working some manual labor job mining or something and he's he's

got cold dust like lungs from mining like this guy's he's on his last leg but he's just got to keep doing it for his

family and then he starts working some new mine and they're finding some new thing and they're doing research on it

it's interested the scientific Community is interested all he knows is they're paying him to do it and he's breathing a bunch of it and stuff and like maybe his

wife's like you've already got black lung you need to get out of these jobs whatever walking around like Bane but nobody starts getting healthier what if

there's a guy in the minds that yeah like he's like he's getting like younger and more like energetic and whatever and

uh that's how the discovery is made is that they're just like somehow these guys should be usually our workers are

dead in 6 months these guys are are doing great yeah they're healthier

somehow yeah like sick guys are well now and they're just kind of like what's going on down there and then they find

out that they're like that's what this stuff does we need to inject it on a subscription

plan yeah all right anyways like yeah David awakens you know sometime later he's in a medical ward you know he

starts to stir he can see medical staff kind of frantically coming around his bedside you know they all hey you know

take it easy you he finally begins to compose himself he can feel like a burning sensation in his chest you know

from inhaling this crap you know ask for water hey how long was I out you know Hospital staff starts to explain you

know it's been two days since the accident we've been monitoring you you basically your heart stopped multiple

times basically whatever you found while you were mining it's never showed up on any scans you know it's completely

unidentified previous to this and you just did like a fat rail of it right you know like like fusing with your DNA yeah

so they don't know what the hell this is at this point you know it's a couple of days and this guy just hailed some space dust like they don't know what to make

of it yet so he's kind of just quarantined they got him behind plastic

glass or whatever that they're studying him now right yeah he's in the hamster ball you know whatever and then uh you

know he just kind of lays back and you ask a few questions and he's starting to just kind of he's in his head I'm thinking he's like I'm going to die you

know like how am I even alive at this point my wife's going to be pissed she told me that's what happened right she she knew I didn't listen she was right I

was wrong can you please just please just kill me yeah just let me die before she shows up it's not going to be fun U

so I'll never hear the end of it yeah just please don't tell her especially if I'm

Immortal that's that's a good one um all right so after a few days of rests and

frequent tests David actually feels great you know several weeks go by doctors decide to have you know David

begin to start doing some physical testing he's excelling like at everything that's thrown at him you know

and that's where I literally wrote in here not to a superhuman extent you know but I picture this as more just like

this person is kind of in Peak Health you know like they're they're great you know all over the vital signs are

awesome they're just like they're just doing really really well you know so not superhuman strength but to the extent

that he as he's as healthy and fit as he could be now exactly yeah exactly so I

wanted to keep it grounded and not dabble into any kind of like Powers type things like I did think at one point it

might be kind of like interesting to have some kind of like visible sign of like you know the immortality but I

didn't really know what I I think it would just be I I like the the idea of the guy starting out being like sick or

old or already injured or something and then he just starts kind of becoming

energized and younger acting again maybe he's like actually like just glowing looking like healthier skin or something

like that where it's just like wow this guy looked like he was on death's door before yeah and that would be like that

way we can skip all the the superhero kind of stuff and it just is about

literally the immortality yeah it's not about superhuman strength or being better than a regular person it's just

being and your optimal self he's like yeah I'm doing great and he like Springs out of bed and starts go walking around

and just hits by a bus and then there lights out he done maybe it didn't work get sucked into a spaceship turbine or

so that's how we know yeah oh they can die it's Immortal but not

really yeah immortality with an asterisk uh so you know doctors keep doing tests

you know whatever uh one day he sat down in front of a group of doctors and Company Representatives uh you know this

is the day that he's been fearing there you know he thinks going into this they're going to tell me I'm you know going to die any day now like you know

like I I'll be dead any day now so you know he's he sits down he's going in with this expectation but you know he's

just sad going into it cuz he's just you know come you you know resigning to his fate medical staff comes to sorry one

second here actually my notes are so bad I skipped a whole section what if he got

like he got such a high dose that now he has a little like premonition or something I know we're getting into

superpowers but like that one guy that took too much like now he can kind of

predict the future or he somehow he can live so long knows what's the future um I don't know I don't know

where how how that would affect how we possibly explain 20 minutes yeah right yeah so for here

I'll kind of I mean this part really is not important honestly like so what happens is uh you know he's basically

fetched by actually like a group of doctors like I we'll just say like nurses AIDS whatever and uh and some

security guards and he starts kind of think like well hold on like we didn't have really any guards here before like

the sudden appearance of some armed like Burly looking dudes to come and get him he's like okay what the hell is this

so they they take them to this meeting and it's just like a bunch of company people there you know a bunch of doctors

whatever um so they sit them down and they basically just tell them like I kind of wrote it out and this isn't

great either but um so Mr Andrews thank you the company thanks you for all the work you did here on Titan our Frontline

workers are what makes this company not just the success on Earth but the whole solar system you can see I'm going for

corporate [ __ ] yeah they give him a plaque yep the uh the excellent medical team here on Titan is determined that

not only are you in incredible health and condition but tests have shown that you are no longer aging you know this is

a clear and direct result of the incident that took place in the mine uh with the as yet to be determined

material the company has decided that due to your condition additional testing is required it was agreed upon in your

contract under Section 43 Clause 192 that the company may take you to one of its own medical facilities for extensive

examination we will be moving you to a facility on Earth to begin these tests immedi immediately so in this story he's

basically just being kidnapped as an experiment I like how you point out in this story because in a weird way I do

feel like I'm watching a movie at the theater but I can hear the loud Godzilla roars coming through the wall of the

theater next door yeah it's like man so much better in there you're just like man there's kind of like what's this

doesn't add up with what's going on over here yeah like so what's so is the cruise thing gone no I mean I never had

the cruise thing here to begin also the your idea yeah that wasn't my idea fair

enough but so the but either way so you you have your story is essentially the setup of the discovery of these right

these elements or chemicals or right and we we get to where you know they'll kind of use this but but yeah it it really is

the setup this is kind of just the discovery of it so you know and and to keep kind of moving it along like he is

essentially just put on board a ship taken to Earth you know he's he is just an experiment and I'm actually saying in

this story he's an experiment for for a long time you know like I'm going to say a good solid like 20 30 years they're

doing just unspeakable hor you are property of the corporation now yeah

you're interesting to the scientific community and we can make you live forever or you already do like that's a

pretty bad setup dude you know like I would hate to be told that it's just like yeah we really just want to keep

poking at you and uh yeah you're going to be around forever so we really want

to know everything yeah yeah right exactly and like that's I was like I wanted to work that in and like I don't

have hardly any notes here but as part of this setup like he gets there and yeah like they're trying to figure out

well how the hell did this happen you know how can we make this work we're just going to say they' like a couple

other of the miners would and did a fat rail who knows maybe they just died you know there's some kind of and I don't even have an answer for this but like

there's some kind of stopping point where it doesn't work for everyone in this raw fashion you know what I mean

like you can't just scrape your helmet on it and you're IM and you're Immortal doesn't just work like that for everyone

so they're trying to figure out how the hell can we recreate this and that's like you know most of the experiments but I see them being very inhumane and

like you know one doctor in particular like who will kind of resurface later I see him being like you know extra cruel

you know like however we can make this work again I don't really have any notes for that part this could go a million different directions too though because

I'm picturing if you were a scientist and you're supposed to hey this guy inhaled this new chemical or

whatever come take a look at him what's going on and you find out he's not aging yeah wouldn't you be like do you have

any more of that stuff right yeah you know like you'd almost like the scientists are now do some further

research I want what this guy's got you know kind of thing and it's just like everything wrong with this guy is great

yeah right you know like I feel like you would uh you know on surface level

there's no negative side effects but when you become that test subject for

who knows how long then all of a sudden it doesn't sound like such a great deal that you accidentally stumbled upon but

if you've been following this guy for 30 years now you're getting old you know what I mean don't you think you'd be

like where was that stuff that he breathed right right you know like cuz this guy's doing way better than I'm

doing right so you know like uh so anyways after you know a good amount of

time you know like I don't know how many years like it's not super relevant but a long time being experimented on he is

eventually going to be moved to another location and I do like I mean we can gloss over this like I'm looking at the

time here and it doesn't really matter um essentially I wrote a bit of like an escape from the spaceship that he's on

like it's pretty generic you know something happens that like you know causes massive damage to the ship he

gets to the Escape pods and nobody's around so he's like I'm going to get the hell out of here you know I'm the war is

happening over the unobtanium between like the tribal people that didn't want to be the the slaves for the company and

the corporate people that are you know like they hired armed guards and and everything all the transports of this

material back to the factory to like process it and refine it or whatever

maybe that ship that transport is what he's on and then it gets attacked by the

or you know like somebody plants a a bomb on there or something to disrupt

the transport yeah maybe like maybe they just wanted you know David cuz they just

somehow found out about him like you know that's not even in here I had it as just kind of like a random event cuz

like the story sucks um but you know like well no I will say what he was just

what Savage was just talking about and the tribal people and on the new Earth too and all that kind of stuff get like

Red Faction Vibes I was s there I was like this is the better movie this is yeah it really is to picture welcome

there's these tribal people but they're like we got to get more of that stuff like we've all started aging again we

haven't had it in a month or whatever yeah and I feel like that's the struggle and then we just keep keep going back to

this guy who first breathed it and it's just like this isn't the good movie I know we

don't care I know I throw tomatoes at this too I whatever with the cruise the cruise

staff yeah we where why are we back with David Andrews that Butthead David Andrews his name's even boring it is I

know I know he's no Edward scurvy go watch uh the crypted for Jack hard yeah

he's no Jack Hardball either abely nobody's a jack Hardball or Kyle

all right that's enough yeah yeah so you know like we we have this Escape whatever you know and in here this is

how bad it starts to get um I actually wrote in that uh you know eventually he when he crash lands on mars or whatever

um he's write a movie Next time I know I'm sorry I brought a good concept

that's good enough We're not gonna finish it I you you you seated us and we went off on a tangent and then you go

all right now here's the story and we're like huh I'm sorry but we're going back to my notes the guy's been getting

experimented on for 30 years enough it's a bummer and we're going to hear about it all right then what did they do to

him tell us give us all the details I don't know it's probably just a lot of needles and probes it's just it's not

good that's my really let us that's my hell I don't want that all right all

right so yeah he crash lands on Mars like but then I have this stupid convoluted turn where you know he uh

eventually he's going to reveal that he's a he's more of like uh he he's got

a past where he was like smuggling things between Earth and Mars he has some connections that he can like

essentially right now he's escaped from these people have been experimenting on for so long he just wants to get the hell out of there get he wants to get

out of there and be Han Solo what you're telling be better a space Smuggler does

he know what the catalyst is that made his experience different obviously like

it was an accident at the time but maybe like he also had like a gen genetic

disorder or like had like some kind of like consumed some kind of substance

that reacted with the space dust I mean they've just been shoving needles up his ass for like 20 years so I don't think

he's had a lot of time to maybe maybe he like kind of has an idea of this is why

it's happening and I don't know never mind I no that might that's probably better than what I have I I just got to

say poor dude the fact that you're make you're presenting the movie but also ha it gives me a great idea it' be funny if

there was like a narrator that was like all right and now the dumbest thing ever is about to happen wait you see this

[ __ ] like if you watched a movie and the narrator hated the movie like it would be very entertaining I don't think

anyone's done it everything that everyone else has brought here has been better than what I have in these notes

but we're getting somewhere yeah we are unfortunately we're getting somewhere in the story Savage and I are getting

somewhere you know um so anyways like yeah we estab establish this stupid

backstory and then he hides out on Earth for like I'm just going to say like 60 years do they call it Earth one uh no no

they don't right um but no like I I see one actually good concept that I did kind of like in this crappy part of the

story is that stop you so hard now I feel bad stop you so hard he becomes

like a martyr like a like almost like a religious figure for the tribes that are still on the planet yeah where were you

to be a he's the symbol of freedom and uh everything that they're fighting for

no like I I have him is basically like no this is one concept I actually did kind of like here if you're trying to

hide out but you're also Immortal and you're trying to like you know clearly not be in public eye whatever you're

going to not be aging like it's going to eventually show up so like I actually liked the concept and I didn't really

have much for it but him kind of bouncing around at different a bunch of disguises every like 10 15 20 years he

like moves to new area so nobody knows who he is like you know cuz eventually like you know 20 years from now I'm

going to kind of catch on to you're not aging so this is not at all what you're doing but there is actually a great

movie I'd recommend called The Man From Earth okay and it's about uh I guess it's a spoiler to give the

full synopsis but I'll just do it just please skip this if you really care but it's it's a great movie it's mostly

dialogue but it's a guy who's like a college professor and he's retiring he's still fairly young he's moving but he is

essentially a caveman that never aged past like the 20s okay or like you know

20 years oldish and he uh has lived forever and he just like has all the

stories of like yeah I remember when religion started popping up I remember when this happened and he does the same thing where he moves so often but this

movie is all about him con confiding in all of his other Professor friends and they're all experts in their own Fields

is what makes it great is that they can he's telling them a story and they don't believe him so they can come him with

their logic and he always has the answer and it's a very great movie The Man From Earth check it out sorry we're going to get back to this one yeah sorry we're

going to get back steaming pile of notes um so yeah that's probably much better he actually he said he spilled water on

him before he came over his notes are actually uh tainted yeah they're wet and like my Ink's running out I'm starting

to think it was self-sabotage and he wanted a reason to say I can't read these notes but he didn't have enough

water on oh man these notes they're so wet who could read this looks like we're not doing it

anyways I mean I don't even know where we're at with this but it doesn't really matter um so he we're talking about two

different movies we really we're talking about so many different movies here they're great ideas let it out there's a

lot of great movies we'll come back and revisit this episode later when we need inspiration um so so this join the

Discord and you can chime in and help us complete some of these movies we're talking about get your keyboard ready

you got a lot of typing to do to finish these ones yeah especially this one so anyways like this it gets worse um so

here I have him essentially I I it's like borderline he's almost a terrorist

because he's joined this group that is like trying to strike back like I mean you could really look at it like that

he's trying to join this group that's striking back at these corporations that they know are doing this like really shady stuff you know so they're trying

to you know like say they found like a lab that's experimenting and just cruelty whatever somewhere they're

they're going to bomb it you know they're this kind of people and unfortunately with that where the story

is going so so buckle up um so now he's

he's joined this group uh and like it's just this random crew and I have no named Side characters it's nothing

that's he's back on earth now uh yeah yeah he's back on Earth okay and the

group that he's joined they are not they're still aging normally yeah

they're sing normally we'll say has does anybody on earth have access to this uh space no about to get to that that's one

thing I I liked I do have a pretty big time Gap and like honestly I'll just kind of keep moving along here so the

reason for that is like you know one day like he's kind of sitting down he's like you know it's shely for his stupid

terrorism um and uh he's just sitting at the bar you know watching some stuff come on and all of a sudden a newscast

comes on and it's basically talking their top story is like announcing that a company his old company has discovered

the secret to immortality it's just being announced this far later and you know and then what I kind of alluded to

earlier they announced that this isn't something you can just purchase it's something that you have to sign up for

this Thousand-Year contract to lease to work for them you have to work it off yeah but you're completely like under

their control that's another kind of dystopian corporate idea is Imagine That products start coming out that they're

like no we don't even want you to buy this like get in the minds right yeah you're an employee for us like that's an

interesting dark yeah another movie yet yeah exactly

there's some nuggets in here that are decent I'm gonna listen to this this episode when I'm having trouble coming

up with my ideas I'll be like there's something in there we all forgot about it I'll just do it yeah um so so yeah

there's no way they'll remember this one so they so they you know that that report comes over you know that it's

whatever and obviously he's like holy [ __ ] you know like he's probably been expecting this for a really long time

but you know it's today's the day and it came up so you know he doesn't really know what to do he's kind like anxiety's

through the roof and like eventually he like okay like I got to tell these people you know like I got to tell the rest of my crew and cuz you know in his

mind like we got to stop these people like I know what they'll do to people that get their immortality like they're

whatever you know like they going to be experiments like it's just it's going to be bad I've been down that road and

trust me you don't want to go there they're not good people yeah they're just they're not you know so he

eventually convinces them like hey we need to stop these people like there's nothing good here you know there's going

to be a bunch of back and forth where they're trying to like how do we really believe you're Immortal I don't even

know how to prove it so like I don't really have anything in the story but he proves it however and gets them on board

so yeah that's that's how that's all good this is so he's still you know his

physical body is still you know susceptible to damage but the aging

process and like sickness isn't an issue right yeah we got to cut out illness or

at the beginning of the episode we said that you could still get sick that's got to be gone you got to be paying for

essentially non-aging and you're you're getting your optimal form yeah I could I

just kind of figured that like if they're going to go through all this to make somebody Immortal anus that's the company Norton yeah

Norton is the one who discovered it they're getting into the medical field and they're you can't get sick they keep

you there there's a you can do a roll back on your health yeah if you have any issues you can say well let's just go

back 3 months yeah what's my extended warranty go back three months before that uh incident um for that exposure to

that chemical so clear your cookie cash yeah if you checked your browsing data

um let's do a roll back before that uh prostitute yeah please reset that um

let's just go back please before you downloaded all those MP3 files on

kazah back bear share lime Wire yeah I used all of them they were great oh yeah

all right we got to finish this piece of [ __ ] all right um so the crew like eventually I I see actually a pretty

good time Gap here where they just can't find any information on on where they're doing any of this nefarious [ __ ] that

they feel you know feel that these guys are up to so like they're doing a lot of digging a lot of Intel Gathering I want

to say for years and really the years is just kind of like allow the company to kind of progress further and further on

like their side and like not visible to ours um so you know that happens and

finally obviously they get you know the information that they need they sit down they try to like okay we we know there's

this facility out there you know like like whatever that they're up to like it looks like they're you know

manufacturing this stuff there this is where it's happening to where like they're they're making this immortality

crap that's what we got to do we got to blow this place up so you know like without getting into a bunch of stupid

[ __ ] for their idea they're going to just set a bomb at this place they're going to figure out how to attack it because the corporation's evil or

because they disagree with immortality both actually like you know that actually is a good part that I I

don't think we touched on earlier is it really for the greater good of humanity some people to be immortal I

feel like there' be like a scientific argument of like hey we already have look at all these overpopulation issues

we're having that we described at the beginning and then they're probably be like a religious angle too of like you

know people being like this is not God's plan blah blah blah yeah I see a lot of that stuff in my original idea I saw a

lot of that in there yeah it didn't make it like it just it just didn't make make it into the story like uh uh Dune meets

Total Recall meets V for Vendetta kind of with Godzilla playing in the theater next door with a better movie playing

somewhere else quit calling Godzilla the better movie I mean I know you're being hard on yourself but we got some we got

some gold in the I know it's just it's just this this is a very disjointed story like I just I kind of knew that I

just had to finish it you know like you've had some very thought-provoking ideas but the story itself is like can

it's like the whole time I'm just like can we please just talk about the other movie I know I know I'm with you I I I

wanted to write the other movie like I didn't I could have I didn't cuz I

didn't just I it just didn't translate I don't know what happened all right all right all right um so anyways and we're

going to Breeze through this ending here and like I we can kind of we can come up with our own endings here H like we are

we have many endings we still need to tackle yeah um so anyways they they get

to this facility like you know like I had this as like they did a distraction type plan so they make a they create a

diversion there's some kind of explosion somewhere else cuz the thought behind that was like well they need to distract whatever guards they have there they're

going into this thinking that this isn't that big of a place you know this bomb's going to kind of wipe it out whatever

you know so they're not expecting a lot of resistance um because this is supposed to be like top secret stuff anyways they get there create their

diversion you know they essentially send in their teams through you know like whatever entry point that they chose you

know we'll just say there's two maybe three teams that kind of break into this place set different bombs you know whatever so team a is like you know

heads the goal is to disrupt the the fact the production process yeah they want to destroy this place they're

assuming like this material is there too they want to get rid of that you know they don't want that to exist but

wouldn't a big mushroom cloud of the immortality space dust just make everyone in the area Immortal I mean

that's that's a good it's a good point but I mean it they're going to kill everyone there and it's on like a random

like you know randomly like we'll just say it's on a moon of like Jupiter or something you know it's just something

like that maybe it's on an asteroid somewhere it's just a facility there's no way to benefit from the breaths right exactly okay okay so they get in here

and like you know the plan starts to go sour pretty quick um you like essentially the team you know we say the

first team gets a call from like one of the other teams like hey you know we've been spotted they they're they like picking us off and go silent like the

other teams okay [ __ ] they're dead you know so they're trying they're starting to freak out like okay well we just got

to set the bomb we got to get the hell out of here you know when they're in this room I did like the the thought and this has been done before but still like

I feel like it'd be like a decent camera shot of like uh the room starts to kind of like open up a little bit revealing

this gigantic cavernous place that like they had no clue was there and in there

is a giant spaceship we at this point can call it the cruise ship if you want

but that's the idea of it it's this giant ship that they didn't even know existed was there but also next to it is

tons and tons of people and like they're kind of getting like you know looked over like examined or whatever and they

can only think [ __ ] these are the Immortals right here they're waiting to board they're waiting to board they've

been at this for years like we're too late drunk they're just waiting at Customs exactly they've already tapped

into the rum uh but no like they like you know they're assuming okay these people like they're essentially

experiments you know like they're they're going to be taken away to this distant you know whatever Planet the

hell they're going to this is the first wave of construction workers basically

you're saying or this is sounds like the rich guys no it could be anything you want in this point honestly like I still

feel like it has to have that a Thousand-Year contract or more attached to it to like make you want to do the

immortality in the first place but I don't see them as good bosses you know what I mean like this is not going to be

good for them I see that is is it's it's a rough tradeoff but in the end you would you would come out ahead if like

if you were 20 and they were like you're going to spend a thousand years working on this but in your 20s yeah you're

healthy in your 20 the entire time for a thousand years that's already a benefit even if you're working that's a benefit that the average person doesn't get yeah

and then once you land we still have more work for you you got to build the thing and then when you're all said and

done we'll give you 10 free years of the subscription and I think that that's honestly a pretty straight deal to be

like I'm going to be on the new planet with the resort built and I'm going to I've been 20 for a thousand years and

then I get to be 20 for another 10 years and then I'm already on the new planet yeah that's a pretty sweet deal yeah if

you were like kind of a like free flowing 20-year-old you know so anyway

they're not so evil they're they're evil in this story at least so you know like I mean did we established though is it

like oh yeah you put in your eight hour shift and then you know you can relax or is it more like we monitor everything

you do and so you're not allow you're not allowed to have like Recreation time

that's where the evil would come in yeah so in my original idea I did think about the fact like you know what kind of

people would take this type of deal and like I did kind of picture as like yeah it might just kind of be like not the

greatest situation you know as far as like you're doing some hard work on some like distant planet like that's what you

signed up for but you still are in like a community of like Immortal people while you're there so it still would be

like you know essentially a small City you know I kind of that's how I kind of like originally envisioned it well

imagine the bond you would have after a thousand years of working next to some guy in a cruise line kitchen or

whatever yeah or it would go either way get me away from this guy guy please tell me he's not Immortal anymore please

tell me he's not Immortal a thousand years isn't enough time for me to forgive him um but uh but yeah I I see

like you know going back to cap off this crappy story um in the no I'm going to

keep saying it's okay you got us going it's it's it's doing its job so they if

you had opportunity in between you know working during those days or whatever

you could still you know you can read you can learn new things you can develop new skills and you have a years to do

that by the end of that you're better off like you said you know you're more experienc you've got all these different

tools at your disposal and you've got at least you know your 10 years of yeah of

the subscription as long as you're not working around the clock you're 20 years old around the clock so like your

downtime is pretty sweet when you're 50 years old or I guess 550 years old and

you're still feeling good even when you're looking at these rich guys on the ship with you you're going to be like that guy's 60 yeah you like that sucks

yeah you have your money but I'm 20 yeah you're old you me like yeah like you're 60 at best you know and that's that's

that's kind of what I see is like uh it it would be a pretty I mean you can offer me that now late 30s and I'd be

like yeah that's pretty good I'll do that you know all right so David's team

here they escapes the you know they they basically decide we got to escape you know they get out of this room they're

they're trying to get the hell out of there they're conf run on their way out by you know a bunch of guards cuz obviously this place is way more

inhabited than they thought so I have it as like one by one his team starts getting killed you know until he

essentially like gets hit with something he doesn't know what and slips starts to

starts to fade but before he loses Consciousness he sees that same scientist that same cruel doctor from

when he was in was an experiment he looks exactly the same he's like Okay so this guy you know like we got thing this

guy's Immortal too mhm um so and he just slips into basically unconsciousness so and to to cap the

story uh I have him waking up and he's on the ship the ship is just going you

know so he's been essentially taken and like you know this this you know doctor scientist whatever you know spotted him

you know as part of like the team that were breaking in told his guys hey don't kill him he's Immortal we're we're using

him you know so he is basically put on this ship and this is where he is going to you know serve for the rest of time

you know he's he's being taken off God knows where to basically that's it so all the good quote unquote good guys

that I never like to begin with they all die and David gets abducted to go work in the Stars forever the

end you can listen on Spotify Apple music Google music and anywhere you get podcasts uh watch our live streams on

Twitch and YouTube hang out in the chat please check us out on social media we're on most platforms thank you for

everybody who's engaged and commented like shared you you find those Links at link tree wwfd pod I'm

sorry sorry to cap your notes off with that oh that was perfect spot

uh there's there's lot to unpack and there's a lot of good stuff in there right Le that yeah exactly I think like

the the concept itself is actually great is like the story sucks yes but you know

like uh but the the the story itself or sorry the uh the concept itself there is something there like I do feel like

that's something you could turn into a pretty good story you know it's just like this one it just didn't translate I I feel like you got

you had a good concept but you you didn't get there I think like you were building it up and it was but it never

branched out I think it's too focused on David the whole time and not on Humanity as a whole on who would choose to go and

do this what that story would look like what you know developing the new planet

location would look like the fact that like the Corporation would be like

shrink flating their products each time so you get like a little bit lower dose and it would last like you know days

shorter yeah so and also it's like you said the it's focus on David and not

Humanity whereas like it's more relatable to I think to picture yourself as the like would I work on and

obviously you said you hadn't thought of like the cruise ship analogy angle or whatever but like I think that would be

the more relatable movie for people would be like man would I do that would

it be worth it you know kind of thing whereas like David's the one guy who was the first guy

to have the chance of just being exposed to this thing and that's way less

relatable you know what I'm saying like for the average person where you're like well that wouldn't be me the odds of it you know whatever whereas if you present

an idea of like look what this kid's doing he you know this is what people could do in this world people start

being like yeah that would be [ __ ] awesome or be like I don't know maybe I

don't know there would be a bunch of propaganda both on Earth um you know

where all these like glamorous stories of you know oh you can go and you know

just serve this little bit of time and be a Pioneer in a New Colony or whatever and live forever and and travel in the

stars and stuff it would they would have to they would paint it to be like such a a glamorous Choice and then once you

kind of like get into the grind you see that it's a lot you know it's not as

neat and tidy as they make it down there's no going back and you get to earth too and it's full of tower pits yeah and you're like oh yeah I had no

idea oh yeah this just is going to suck forever now yeah literally yeah so that that that's where

and I I do like the idea of the uh in the propaganda angle too there would be a lot of propaganda if we had like the

debate between like just go to Mars no Earth too you you know what I mean there'd be a whole lot of like look how

awesome it is on Mars and you get there and you're like really should have went with Earth too I'm sure you're right

that would have been worth the debt you I think that you know the the tribes or the people that tried to Buck against

that um the anti-corporate you know I feel like that's what's really going to drive the

the story and that David guy would kind of become a a martyr symbol of you know

look what that corporation's willing to do you know that like who whoever is in control of this unobtanium they're you

know they're the ones that are making the rules or they're going to be in power for the foreseeable for future

especially if they're if they're Immortal and they're and they're controlling that supply of it so the

only thing that they can do especially if they're on the planet that that's being mined from uh is you know

basically like gorilla style sabotage or trying to like pillage those resources

and utilize them somehow for themselves or for that resistance against them and that's where the the tribe like the

black market angle we mentioned earlier would come in is like you have these people that Branch off they're like we don't want anything to do with this Corporation but we're going to uh you

know we still want to be immortal obviously so they know it's right there in this Factory that they can see that

would be the terrorism start would be like we got to blow up that building because they won't give it to us or they would create the black market where

people are you know providing it to the tribe or something it would be like it' be

like an argument of like we know they're out there it's a humanitarian thing why would we let people die when we don't have to let people die anymore right

what's like those uh Shady like plastic surgery operation like you can pay like

the full price and get it done right from a reputable healthy place or or you can go to Miami yeah you know go down to

dark go just over the border to you know wherever yeah yeah well not only are we not going

to finish this podcast I feel like we have more work to do than when we started yeah I think so too somebody's

got to clean up this mess yeah we'll we'll sort it out maybe episode 100 will come in and write all these movies yeah

there we go so so yeah I I it's a good concept I hope everybody listening enjoyed the concept um because like that

really many yeah there there was many like I I liked it going into that into

writing this and didn't translate but that's all right you you got something to think about later yeah you have a lot to sword

through yourselves yep yeah the concept's better than the execution that's just how it goes sometimes um I

feel like the ideas that we chimed in with though you kind of like get a a good kind of more

well-rounded uh picture of of this scenario yeah hopefully it was thought-provoking yeah and we'll uh yeah

I mean it's so we won't finish this podcast it's this this what you consider the early stages of a writer's room yeah

we never said they were good movies Off the Wall yeah we just promised you a new movie so and here's many so but uh

yeah is that it I think that's it well all right well play us off you can that

