We Won't Finish This Podcast

The Cryptid - Part Two | We Won't Finish This Podcast #7

Episode Summary

In this episode, Spaceman continues the pitch for the world’s leading Cryptozoologists being invited to the World Cryptozoology Summit. After an eventful plane ride, it’s time to meet our host.

Episode Notes

Welcome to The Cryptid. After blacking out on a plane ride, how upset would you be if you woke up in different clothes at your destination? Maybe checking out the cool monster themed hotel would take your mind off the unapproved changing of your clothes. They might serve Monster Energy drinks! The staff is so weird though, and that’s coming from a Cryptozoologist! At the kickoff cocktail party in the evening we finally get to meet the host! After really charming the crowd, he makes a shocking speech and you will be faced with your past. 

We Won't Finish This Podcast is a show where we write movies and talk about our failures. We will take turns pitching movies to eachother and working out the details for a rough outline on the show.

http://www.linktr.ee/WWFTPod https://www.twitch.tv/wewontfinishthis https://www.youtube.com/@wewontfinishthis https://twitter.com/WeWontFinish https://www.instagram.com/wewontfinishthis/ https://www.tiktok.com/@wewontfinishthispodcast https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090922675780 https://discord.gg/nFf8JtYmDF Music: Dirty Pots ft. Zeebz

Episode Transcription

[Music] please thank you

[Applause] [Music]

welcome back to we won't finish this podcast for part two of what I am

calling the Cryptid then we have another one Set uh it's about Sasquatch or something what's that there was some

kind of brangelina Sasquatch cabbage scratch cabbage Square this is this is episode two of cabbage Squad so it's

debatable what the title will be but but anyways continue yeah welcome to be able to finish this podcast where we pitch

movies to each other that we'll never make I'm Spaceman I'm zebs Savage all right and this again is part two of the

Cryptid uh and as a quick recap um our main character has essentially

gone from the Pinnacle of the Bigfoot cryptozoology career to faking an

incident on Netflix and getting the incoming baking faking proof of bigfoot

on Netflix and becoming one of my favorite term is right now A disgraced cryptozoologist and then you know what

he just does this there's any Grace exactly neurologist then he he starts up a new

podcasts something happens he starts getting popularity again he gets noticed and he gets an invitation to the world

cryptozoology Summit to speak on Bigfoot so he's been on the plane and it seems that everybody's video library from

their personal screen is personally tailored they've somehow did her musical chairs on the plane which I don't think

anyone who allow I don't care how accredited of the cryptozoologist you are but uh but yeah so that seems to be

where we left off they're flying yeah the conference in Bermuda yeah and yes flying into turbulence uh they've

recently gone into their life realizes the Bermuda trying they're flying into the Bermuda Triangle and they've

realized they don't they never questioned who paid for this trip yeah we don't know who our host is nobody's

prepared cupcos obviously yes but that's that's where we left him we we blacked out on this turbulence and we're gonna

pick right up after our promotion here yes I just want to remind everybody you can listen on Spotify Apple music Google

music and basically anywhere you get podcasts watch our live streams on Twitch and YouTube and you can hang out

in the chat hello if you're here right now and you can actually submit you know comment any ideas you have for the movie

that we're writing in real time and we can see your comments we'll read your name we'll give you credit and you could

totally change the trajectory of this thing uh please check us out on social media we're on most platforms Instagram

Facebook Tick Tock Twitter that's the best way to find out when we'll be recording our next live stream if you

want to get in here and you can find all those Links at linktree slash wwft pod and I just want to remind everybody and

actually kind of beg if you are watching and listening wherever that is please like subscribe comment review Share It

sharing would be the best to be honest with you you've got somebody else you think might be into this and uh that's the end of my HBO link free slash wwft

pod it's spaceman's pitch here and we do we do not know where this is going we've

we're excited to hear part two of The Adventure if you're just tuning in You're Gonna Want to hear part one but

we gave you a quick recap there of yeah you're caught up we gave you the cliff notes yeah if you haven't listened to

part one please click on yeah he's here in the description so you know now where we left off you know just quickly we had

why are you standing up why is your GPS on you did this and then blackout

the movie Just blacks yeah oh yeah black screen exactly like dramatic our lead

our lead character Jerry Henderson you know Jerry Henderson uh he

is discovering more and more that something is weird with this plane and then the turbulence starts happening he

gets blamed for that for being I think it's more flying Panic scenario everybody's panic and you gotta

understand the people on this plane they're all very conspiracy minded so as soon as something they're flying to Bermuda like you have to see this coming

though they blame malice before incompetence okay but I'm feeling in this situation they're right yeah yeah

so basically like you know we have this or they're all shouting at each other like I mean let's be real here what kind

of what kind of person would get up and turn on their phone and get GPS going when your planes having turbulence like

I feel like that's like the golden rule of flying is you don't do that airplane mode we had the less phones on as

possible it's like he didn't pay for the Wi-Fi I saw it he declined but anyways

some wifi's [ __ ] anyway it's not worth it just buddy bring a book passes out and then

we're going to start act two here welcome to the Cryptid Jerry awakens in a strange room

he immediately checks himself over finds no harm has come to him doesn't it doesn't seem to have a scratch nor a

bruise nothing from the massive turbulence that's where he last was so the plane's cell in flight

no he is and he is in he is in a very very lavish room at the Cryptid he is

he's in his hotel room and like you've got to imagine like they have gone all out with with these rooms here now it's

it's themed it's called the Cryptid so he blacked out on an airplane during turbulence and woke up in a lavish hotel

room yes he did okay yeah that's a jarring exactly you know one thing he notices when he gets up he'll kind of

make sure he's all healthy and he's like wait a minute I'm in a really nice suit like I wasn't wearing a really nice suit

now if you just woke up in a really nice suit I would probably be happy about the

really nice suit however he notices that his underwear has also been changed so

he was like ah that kind of ruins the suit I'll be honest with you even if a stranger didn't change my underwear I'd

be very weirded out just waking up in a place where you're not immediately like I don't know yeah waking up in new

clothes I don't like that it's pretty upsetting right I I was on point I don't care what the clothes are I don't know

we're gonna be like this is a great jacket I'd be like changed me yeah I was

on a plane I passed out I woke up in this room in a really nice suit but in between those things I was naked for

some reason and I don't like that but you you seem to imply that Jerry was pumped about the new suit yeah oh yeah

this is a great smell okay yeah he's so he's he's like all

right like you know what I'm not happy about the nudity but I am happy about the suit no I'm having a hard time

making an action with Jerry yeah this two button jacket yeah it has like

tails on it he's like it's just all out but uh but is there any other things that maybe he could have gained while

unconscious a top hat I feel like compared like an exotic bird

exotic bird as a friend now falconry glove there we go so he's got a top hat

and a falcon and he just wakes up he's got like it's like roosting his audience I don't know well uh he just woke up and

goes well this is pretty good like you're from his turbulence I just

appreciate I was naked but I like the rest of it I've somehow leveled up during that like he's choking up in like

the ideal the way that he would want to be dressed the way that like with the

stuff that he wished that he had had just like the video library yeah it's personally tailored I always wanted a

Falcons and I always thought that I could really work a tuxedo

yeah so he just he just wakes up in this nice suit like I said he's not thrilled about anything in between but you know

what he's like okay plane crash yeah exactly it was like I'm confused

what's that good like they actually survive like the plane crash what happened or is this

Heaven yeah waking up in a tuxedo with a falcon there was just some turbulence but they they flew through it they were

able to land okay yeah so for the sake of this story we're gonna say it's not heaven like this is all real you know

like I didn't think it was happening I thought this was a very strange situation to find yourself in so Evan

would be this would be a very confusing Heaven yeah yeah stick it out there and just be like that's a tux and a falcon

like this is it this is the dream awesome yeah I see him he see he gets up

he starts to explore the room you know because like it's like it's lavish super ornate but you know with it being the

Cryptid you got to imagine like like the nicest hotels you can think of but like like so let's just say in the wallpaper

they have like monster stuff like kind of worked into it like subtle you know what I mean it's like it's to that point

I saw that on mushrooms I saw a wallpaper pattern turned into a witch's face that's terrifying it swam

towards me we had there's stuff everywhere like monster statues are all over the place paintings like you know

they're they're everywhere and of course he's got the Bigfoot themed room because clearly sure you know and like what can

what might what might you have for theming in there you know excuse me I feel like a picture of bare skin rub but

like a Bigfoot skin rug picture uh uh fireplace picture a couch

and a comforter on your bed just covered in dog hair I I don't know why I see like a chair

but like a very like rigid chair but it's like Bigfoot there's the position there's a gift out and it's a poorly

piece of whittled wood yeah it's just it's just a chair where you're sitting on Bigfoot's lap yeah exactly like he's

just just stiff just sitting there yeah exactly of course but yeah so he's just

walking around the room he's checking this out because I mean like obviously you know you would like you just woke up in this room you have no idea where you

are you're in this nice suit and there's all this you're not happy there's all this cool [ __ ] Bigfoot [ __ ] around yeah like you're gonna check it out

especially this guy I mean like come on he's gonna get up he wants to see all these paintings and everything's tailor-made just like on the planes yeah

this seems a little too we still don't know his office exactly back at home and

had all the Bigfoot memorabilia and stuff but we talked about like maybe a lot of it was like you know stuff that

was poorly faked I'm not real but this stuff

was legit you know I like that I like that angle it's like the reflection of the office so it's like the complete

opposite he's got all this like crappy stuff in his crappy office and this is what he wants his office to actually

have I like the real stuff you know it's it's photos it's uh maybe there's like a

footprint that somebody took out of the ground and it's been preserved and it's

all these actual relics where he sings and he's like yes lucky big foot big foot

[Laughter] but yeah that might be the episode Bigfoot's toupe but yeah he's walking

around he's checking this thing out and you know he's just like kind of in Wonder obviously and then uh the phone

rings and he's met with just a very pleasant sounding woman on the other end Mr Henderson I hope you enjoy your time

with us at the Cryptid please feel free to enjoy the amenities of the hotel and your Suite please let the front desk

know if you have any questions the kickoff cocktail party is tonight at at 10 30 PM for all guests speaking at the

world cryptozoology Summit we look forward to seeing you then so now at this point Jerry's still got to be

confused about being on the plane does he start to ask any questions here how much is Jerry pushing this I mean what

do you mean pushing this because I feel like he's obviously got to be very confused yeah but he's also loving the

attention he's getting he loves the room he's in he watched some really cool Bigfoot stuff on the plane yeah exactly

eye-opening stuff yeah so far this trip has been great yeah pretty baller minus

the passing out being naked thing you know that stuff so yeah like I I don't know if he really

does push for it you know because like he's really going to ask about his missing time here you know that's the

thing is like hey you know what happened I was just on a plane now I'm here you know like I'm in different clothes like who brought me here like so many

questions that you would think but I feel Jerry here he's almost just so overwhelmed by everything going on

around him I feel like he just kind of rolls with it kind of yeah you know it's like he's gonna keep it he's like

obviously weirded out but he just kind of rolls with so so this is what it is is that he's invited to this thing and

all the cool stuff he was hoping would happen is happening however there's a lot of

questions and uncertainty right it is called encrypted so yeah so that that's

why I'm picturing it is he's still pumped because like well the good stuff that I wanted is happening it's

delivering but a little weird yeah exactly somebody changed me right I I

didn't I don't think I never would have guessed that would have been allowed had somebody could understand me but they

have and but it's a good suit and there's a lot of cool Bigfoot stuff around and somebody called me Midland

and didn't just like crashing a plane yeah I was treated with respect and I

that hasn't happened in a while it is a great step to that employee it's so comfortable I just I don't know look

just something about it but anyways like you know after this conversation you know on the phone Jerry decides you know

what I'm just gonna check out the hotel I'm gonna see what it has to offer you know at this point maybe he's just trying to keep his mind off of it yeah

he's just kind of like yeah like everything is awesome but it's weird too it's like I just he just doesn't really

understand and but the hotel everything's as you would expect it's all monster themed all the food and

drinks have monster names all over the place you know like I can't even put no bake cookies yeah exactly like there's

got to be like so many stupid puns with names it's a poop joke great

but uh all the different wings of the hotel they're all monster themed they just really leaned into it like this is

like scripted like yeah they're really honesty welcome to the Cryptid exactly welcome to the Cryptid Monster energy

drink for everyone that's good so yeah Jerry lets's Fascination just take over

at this point he's beginning to forget all about the creepy plane ride you know all the familiar faces he's been seeing

the last couple of days are all here you know they're all seemingly having just a great time you know it's like nobody's

being weird because you got to think if he'll pass out on the plane and was changed

other people had to pass out on that plane and were also changed but nobody's giving off that vibe you know so he's

just like it's just so weird you know I'm just gonna go with it but and everybody else is going with it exactly

yeah everybody's just kind of going with the flow so now we got some they have some time

to kill here what kind of monster themed events or activities might our guests be playing or attending I don't know why

for some reason I see like a sack race as part of it it's like I have no idea why I just popped into my head pin the

goat on the chupacabra yeah putting the horns on the Minotaur it's like they've got to have just like

a ton of just really just stupid like themed stuff that they're doing but they've all Gotta Love It Like You Gotta

yeah remember they gotta be like really into this stuff I feel like yeah like flashlight tag or something yeah

something yeah exactly yeah I don't know I could see them really getting down on

like I think you get all these people together in like a cool wooded area at night I can't see a lot of people saying

no to flashlight tag I can't explain it but you really nailed it yep exactly I'd probably do it now but yeah I've got

nothing to do today I guess it is uh but I gotta check my battery situation but

yeah I think we're good so like we we have all these just random attack you know like activities like you know

whatever we're not into the conference yet I remember the kickoff you know is tonight it's 10 30 and uh you know but

as Jerry he's kind of walking around he's checking stuff out he just is really really just kind of put off by

the hotel staff they're really odd none of them seem to interact or even know

the guests to even exist you're telling me that all the people that were selected to be flown out to this event

find the hotel staff odd yes yeah I I understand the irony

but yes and now maybe you Cody was like we don't want to talk to you because

they but but let's go this way if the fact that the hotel staff don't want to talk to the Bigfoot and the Loch Ness

monster I don't necessarily find that odd that they don't want to speak to them or

acknowledge them I'll just say that but let's continue all right so after

Cutting Loose most of the day and Jerry decides he's gonna head down to the beach he has the sun's setting he picked

up this awesome cigar he got it you know the hotel like you know he's he's gonna go enjoy his smoke and you know what

he's just gonna kind of gaze off into the night sky you know so this is you know sun setting and uh you know that

same unsettling feeling from earlier returns as he looks into the sky he starts to realize is there's no stars

he's like okay this is this is kind of weird too he was like kind of looking around it's like he doesn't feel like

it's overcast you know he starts like okay well where's the Moon no moon he's like okay like this is just like

pure Blackness around me it was like it's just really weird the hotel is nice and lit up so he's kind of like is there

enough light pollution here like it's like this is this is just odd like we're in Bermuda like now like we've got this

like weird you know stuff going on I can't see any stars can't see the moon so he just he just can't quite put his

finger on it and he just doesn't know what kind of weather phenomena he might be experiencing so you got to remember

these are cryptozoologists they're gonna start to try to think of some things that are probably stupid and ridiculous

to try to explain something so that's where I feel like he's just going to kind of get lost in the moment

he's going to serve me like I just what is going on here what did Bigfoot do to these Stars right seriously a logical

jumps it would be like leaps to yeah this lady thinks Loch Ness monster did

something to the Stars this person thinks that bat boy flew away with the Stars be the thing that I'm into that

caused the problem yeah my mind I think about Bigfoot all day where the stars

you better have some answers Bigfoot exactly so he just has this really just

unsettled feeling again it just keeps coming back there just keeps being these weird things he just he just can't quite

put his finger on here you know on you know what's going on so he just keeps trying to rationalize it and by that I

use that pretty Loosely anything he just doesn't you just can't quite get it I don't get it I don't know

Jerry continues to just gaze and discomfort at the sky just trying to reason him with himself Edward scurvy

kind of walks up and just kind kind of interrupts his train of thought Edward is simply just trying to let him know like hey it's we should probably head up

get ready to go to the cocktail party you know it's starting soon almost ignoring Edward Jerry's like hey if you

You're A boat captain have you ever seen anything like this he's like no but the

eyes and clouds can play tricks on you and that's basically all he says and he's like well thanks I feel so much

better so I got Edward scurvy here telling me he's never seen anything like it but he also doesn't care and just

walked away maybe Edward is just you know he's just two in the moment he's just like the cocktail party's coming up

I'm gonna drink you know who knows why are all the other experts like in on it

and he's the only one that it's like the Truman situation yeah we want spoilers

no spoilers not yet but he talks about security and you know again doesn't feel

any better you know the clouds in your eyes could play tricks on you and he's like all right so Jerry just heads up to

his room because what are you gonna do well that's Krypton did exactly is like this is it's just weird I what else can

I really say here you know it's like nobody I'm not going to get any answers from Edward scurvy so you know he heads

up to his room but heading you know to the conference area on his way back down it was quite the sight to behold you

know elaborate stations are just set up all over the place you know like drinks food everywhere you know it's various

art you know different Monsters Just floral arrangements just super high-end

stuff and you got to think like I'm picturing kind of similar size of like a Vegas hotel you know what I mean so it's

a pretty big place he's got a lot of ground to cover you know so he's just walking through seeing like all this like super expensive stuff and he's just

you know just the wow factor comes back you know so he's he's just kind of going along here just checking all this stuff

out grabs himself a nice drink along the way and then he gets down to the conference room now in this room and

this is the event right like it started it's the kickoff party okay okay so the numerous tables set up across the room

guests are you know they're not all quite there yet but you know they're starting to come in it's starting to fill up a little bit so again he's just

got a drink maybe you'll end up getting another one conference room like uh just to kind of describe the room here a little bit just so you kind of get what

I'm picturing you know like a stage up front you know obviously it's usually where they go but I feel like there's this like a big series of doors just on

like you know all around the room maybe on two sides just a lot of different doors like double doors or yeah that's

visual yeah I picture kind of some double doors okay you know just like super super ornate I must know how many

doors we'll we'll put a ballpark number at 30. so 30 doors I'm satisfied all

right so he gets in this room you know like I said he's got his drink he's kind of checking this out like nothing's

really going on yet and you know he's kind of just looking around no take some time guests are to arrive and they start

to take their seats Jerry's starting to get nervous you know everything he'd been experiencing these last couple days is just all coming back to him just

weirded out just that unsettling feeling it just comes back he thought as he he's scheduled to speak I'm assuming not yet

he's he's going to be doing something later looking this is just kind of a kickoff I kind of pictured this as like there's a meet and greet everything gets

know each other you like Bigfoot you like fat boy sure we got monster cheese we got Monster Energy Drink let's have a

little mixer before the event yeah exactly we have skin grapes that if we turn off the lights we can tell you

their eyeballs we got spaghetti you can put your hands in that

but yeah that's what's going on at the crypto zoology they got they got medical

gloves full of popcorn and uh yep you got it guests are arriving you

got this unsettling feeling coming back the creepy Hotel staff workers are just all lined up along the outer wall of the

room and like they're just kind of working the doors but obviously there's a lot of them you know there's a lot of doors there's a lot of workers and of

course yeah exactly quartz doors demanded yep so but Jerry's kind of like

he's like he's obviously unsettled he's starting to get excited you know what we're gonna finally see our host someone's got to come up here and talk

you know there's a Podium here they have one door guy so this run from one is this is this the reveal of who hosted

the event when the house comes out it is okay this is where so everybody everybody gasps and they get quiet I'm

sure when this reveal happens and now actually my question here obviously I haven't really given you much to work

with what do we expect what do we picture of our host here

you know like we who's coming out on this stage I mean just huge dork probably I don't know

so yeah I uh I I did I left it a little vague you know because like you could picture anybody coming out here like

Jerry Springer looking guy came to mind honestly it could be Centric billionaires anybody it really could be

anybody I feel like at this point but yeah we could go with it's Jerry Springer all right we got a Jerry

Springer looking guy The Wing Master exactly so the host comes out finally we

we have Jerry Springer walks out not the real one guy looks like him yeah comes out on the stage and he starts to

proceed you know he proceeds Navy Gary yeah Terry Springer he gives a Charming

address to the guests in attendance you know this this guy he's like really working the crowd he's getting them all

bought in either feeding off his energy like I'm picturing this guy almost comes off like he's like a motivational

speaker he's got like so much energy bird pumped yeah exactly you're gonna find Bigfoot tonight is what he's got to

get him thinking so he just he just keeps feeding the crowd he's he's got them he's just got them blocked so after

another good laugh we get a pause and the host gives this address

well now that we've gotten to know each other a little let's talk about the were elephant in the room right for a little

laugh here I like it what is the world cryptozoology Summit why have I brought

you all here well the answer is simple the Summit is nothing and every last one

of you is a fraud I know it the world knows it and you know it you have built

careers upon lies mostly so you can just go camping with your buddies and somebody else pays for everything what

you do is a disservice to everyone the reason I have you gathered here today I love this guys the reason I have you

gathered here today is not to tell you but you were friends that's not the reason you're here you

already knew that I have brought you all here to face your lies all of the doors audibly close and lock

in one hour's time you will walk back through the doors that you see on the sides of This Very Room the staff will

guide you you may take whatever is on your person through that door anyone that returns through their door

will be free to leave this place now the clock has started I suggest you eat and

prepare for what lies await you so he turned into the Riddler at the end so then he walks off stage and they're all

standing going play a game Gary yeah the energy is going to come way

down it's everyone like whoa what the hell just happened I'm not a liar

you've got to imagine people are going to be like whoa what the f what the hell just happened here like we've just been

whined and dined and brought here this guy just just ranted about oh what a funny thing to do to just fly a bunch of

[ __ ] and just fall about all their [ __ ] and say all right there's the door

wow that's not bad so immediately after making this statement I want a billion dollars now I

got a lot of plans now you really got me thinking yeah so it's like a little head scratcher there what can you do this is

a good one to recall though so Jerry Henderson or Mary a rain character he is

admittedly he owned it a fraud he was the one who said that I think he's a fraud he got caught Netflix good just

put everyone else on that plane was steadfast like this yeah I would say so

on check yeah and remember Jerry he had to do some soul searching but he's still

kind of a crazy piece of [ __ ] on his podcast spouting off some nonsense and hasn't really he he felt he would come

clean later remember after accepting the invitation okay so he had his scandal he had his falling

out but he's also questioning his own beliefs which exactly this guy on stage just totally rubbed in his face so it's

like you know you're liars and yet you're here yeah so there's the door

[ __ ] and that's pretty much basically where we're at one hour's time the doors will open again

so they have to sit and stew for an hour looking at each other they're gonna marinade on it and finish your uh

Bigfoot bear claws or whatever well this guy's monster cheese yeah your monster

cheese and Bigfoot bear claws they're your free Monster Energy drink and now remember he also said you can take

whatever with you through your door so immediately after making this statement the host walks away from the

podium he goes backstage mic drop like he's he's out of there everyone in the room slowly starts to go into a panic

they're all just confused is this some elaborate prank you know like what is happening here however all the workers

at the doors they will not move they will not react to anything they have

those things closed they might as well be statues there so they are just not

letting anybody through they're not listening they're not responding so this leaves even more Panic among the guests

because now you have like it will just we said like 30 doors we got like 60 workers and they're all watching the doors numerous guests begin to shout

they're all shouting about their cryptozoology credentials and why the door should open for them like could you

imagine somebody telling you that hey I'm a cryptocurologist so many of you deserve special treatment nobody

invoking their number of tick tock followers for you to open the door for

me exactly well can you imagine so precisely as one would normally imagine

it opened precisely zero doors nobody's these workers they're not moving they're

not impressed yeah exactly not one of the doors though out yeah well especially after the speech is given you

think if you were even if you were just some minimum wage I don't know anything about what's going on in your event and the guy on stage just was that

just I don't know who that was but just being like [ __ ] all of you you're

liars and you know it we know it get out of here the doors will open an hour if I

was being paid five dollars an hour I wouldn't move because nobody came up to

me telling me to open the door I'd be like no this was so good I'm not opening

it I'm like you're gonna stand here and you're in your shame

so after the longest hour of his life a Bell Tolls and the host comes back to

the podium he thanks his guests for staying with them at the Cryptid

and he wishes them a safe journey the Bell Tolls again all the what all the workers open their

doors at once now on the other side of these doors there appears to be nothing

there's nothing behind these doors now where there was once a lively and Posh Hotel before entering the room

there's nothing you can't see it's just it's like a void essentially you can't

see anything past here but now on go on get get into the void and every that's

every door every single door okay and now remember the guy the uh guests are

going to be escorted out by the workers so now you've got the hotel staff coming to life they've opened the doors they're

starting to grab people they're acknowledging them now they're acknowledging now but only to basically like manhandle them they're just like

grabbing them by like each arm you know just basically you gotta imagine they're the guests are kicking and screaming

closing time exactly so now remember what can you bring with you on the other

side of that door and think in this moment now these doors have opened there's nothing Beyond them where you might not have taken that seriously

before you're just like what the hell is going on here I gotta find something like would you grab like a table knife

you know like what kind of stuff might you try to like grab to be tossed into a void with you know I just I feel like

that's like somewhat important but not really probably a knife and a drink I

mean what I would head into the void with you know yeah you gotta think like some people might grab like if it's like

a cocktail party like maybe some of those finger sandwiches shove them in there yeah a candle like I'm picturing maybe to grab the

tablecloth and try to use it as like a parachute if you're jumping out oh you're saying you think the void is no

floor I don't know I was picturing a floor find out we'll find out there's got to be a floor instead of saying on

bottom of this Lane basically yep it's a good table cloth is a Fairy Tail yeah

I'd probably try to flip a table if I had enough time all right a table leg as a club all right I changed mine not the

drink in the candle because there's probably the candle's gonna blow out so now do people even think to try to

grab stuff like that I mean these are crypto zoology well you said they're going to be escorted out oh yeah it's like they're walking hand in hand with

oh yeah one by one they're grabbing them and just like jump off first yeah there's got to be a floor can we at

least can we agree there's a floor okay we'll find out Dallas please all

right well I need to know Jerry looks on helplessly take a step and it's like a little farther down there you know it's

like when there's an extra step at the bottom of the state yeah like Indiana Jones some Loop of Faith you step on a firm floor but you have that like yeah

Moment Like that's what the void is it's just one step down you can't see so

Jerry looks on helplessly as guests are beginning to be tossed through their doors knowing that his time is coming

soon now he doesn't as soon as they go through those doors he can't see anything of them anymore it's just gone

back to pure black it's just nothingness there very quickly he's taken by both

arms you know by workers and he's dragged towards door as he's being dragged he barely struggles he's just

almost silently asking himself why why is this happening just take me and I'm

Jerry taking exactly just he's like I'm already here you know like what am I going to do

it you've already changed he has no more shame

but after being walked into a void after you've been changed by a faceless stranger exactly and after a moment he's

thrown through his own door Geronimo everything goes black

act three so it didn't have a floor the most dangerous lies

now as I told you yeah I did yeah

Tarantino I don't think the other two even had a name but this one no they did what's the name again I'm second one was

welcome to the Cryptid and the first one was the invitation who wrote this one this is the most dangerous lies it's

just the most dangerous game I like it hey we'll we're going somewhere I hope

not Gerald awakens to find himself standing next to a giant redwood tree it's just like the plane ride all over

again Blackness woke up he's in a new place he looks around he's trying to make sense what's happening

no redwood tree on the plane not not a one so he's just trying to make sense

like what has happened here he's trying to get himself oriented and he realizes that he's in the Pacific Northwest

this is where almost all Bigfoot counter encounters originate so I I think I know

we're going everybody's void LED them into the actual Discovery is that what

we're getting into we'll see a billionaire says you've been looking for bigfoot for quite a while

I'll show you Bigfoot I'll show you Loch Ness monster I'll show you batboy I'll show you the Mothman

is that what's happening here so with this I do kind of picture as like in this story maybe they did actually go

through some kind of Bermuda Triangle type type thing but everything else is fake I feel like maybe the host in this

isn't anything written into the story maybe the host knew about this when just built this place here he kind of volts

to see tapped into some kind of Supernatural power it's imagination land from South Park kind of yeah he's LED

we've flown into imaginationally yeah so so Wormhole to wherever you want to go in

those doors so yeah it's like so essentially like I said it's just it's a we'll just call it a different dimension

plane of existence whatever you want to call it but the host will just say he's in control of it I mean he doesn't even

really show up here anymore you know like we were we're in this part now but again like you know none of the monsters

are real or anything in the real world we have kind of crossed a barrier and that they didn't even know that they

crossed you know that's where I kind of feel the Cryptid exists it's kind of you know beyond our our Dimension we'll kind

of call it that so that's where I feel like we kind of like get a little Twilight Zony Vibe here whereas like the

first the half of this was all comedy you know because it's just so ridiculous but we'll just say we had some kind of

Supernatural event they're in this so this movie would get like a dream this movie you're saying gets more and more

serious essentially as we go yeah so he realizes he's in the Pacific Northwest

there's this is where all the Bigfoot encounters like usually originate starting to make through his way through

the woods you know and not far along you know he finds a trail and he just kind of takes it for a little while until he

comes across the badly decomposed severed limb of a human and he realizes

I'm here to be hunted and then we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna cut to our other cast members here

so it's not looking good for Jerry not looking great for Jerry and remember the host says that you are going to face

your lies doesn't necessarily say you're being hunted or anything you're just going to face your lies so we can kind of get you

know we can interpret this however we want here for Jerry's lies involved poop tente well maybe maybe one so I'm

feeling he has a pretty disgusting thing to face as well we'll find out

um now look I do I do we will pause here for a second what other Bigfoot things could we kind of maybe work in here like

I almost feel like maybe there's a jump scare like I don't know if you've ever seen La I know I've seen some silly bigfoot documentaries where like Bigfoot

will like knock on trees that'll be like how some people try to communicate yeah I see them claiming that like Bigfoot's

throwing things at them yeah as they're walking through Pass and it's like if he's close I'll be throwing things that

you're telling me you can't get him on camera right exactly you know like it just seems you guys came out prepared for this you have a Netflix budget you

tell me he's rolling back to me yeah I haven't seen him yeah and so Bigfoot threw this Apple at you but you were

standing right here underneath this apple tree am I hearing that right yeah exactly so yeah like I feel like he kind

of he sees this maybe some kind of jump scare or something happens and we're gonna we're gonna cut to another

perspective you know here's here's some of our other guests that were you know sending through their own doors remember

Edward scurvy he's the boat captain he's on the hunt for Nessie Dr Herring the

professor of Greek mythology at the University of Vermont Mary semolina the you know the super jacked Mothman

fanatic with sponsors so we've got like these a few response yeah it's impressive yeah she's trying

to arrest Mothman remember yes so yeah we we're gonna cut to them now we can

obviously explore a little bit more of like backstories and stuff here if we really wanted to uh you know like what

happened with Edward scurvy in this you know incident well scurvy wouldn't he have just splashed into some water just

stepping into the void yeah we left it so I feel like even he would just plunk into some water and it would end in this

super romantic probably very sexy scene with the Loch Ness Monster is I think

what we're building up to there's a lot of United a lot of tension we've been building this whole movie it's all over

the clothes I promise yes of course this isn't you know

at least we we're gonna have to at least do a second cut for the TV version it's not smut like we're not right as smart

not yet of course not but this is a hot scene people

that's just saying well we can we can explore a little bit here like you know obviously we know he faked that picture

of Nessie how did he fake it what did he do well like I said the real one was

literally a dog swimming with a stick in its mouth and they just zoomed in on the stick itself okay with the waves and

stuff around it as the dog was swimming and allegedly that's what the famous Loch Ness photo we all know is so I'm

assuming this guy's would be something as equally as simple yeah yeah I think it's something simple or stupid right he

literally just took a photo of like a stick in the water and this was like that kind of looks like a creature and

then just put it online and people were like I love this stuff I'm gonna agree that's a monster right you know yep

so I mean like what happened with Mary Sue and what other what other plants would you have like maybe like an egg or

something like this is the Egg of the law kind of smell it's an egg of a Loch Ness monster you made an omelette of a

Loch Ness monster egg and regretted it ever since no I don't want to date like a big like I I don't want to date this

this episode just because we have a very Evergreen format as they call it where it's like it's Timeless but have you

guys seen the aliens at the Mexico in Mexico's uh they had a congress meeting

where some guys unveiled a million bodies and it was like one of the worst like stupid looking aliens like ever

Well they claimed they're a thousand years old they're ET yeah they look like tiny ETS yeah and they're claiming

they're like these are a thousand years old we've had them or whatever and uh nobody's even we don't even want to see

the evidence they're fake everybody's just like yeah I don't know yeah I don't believe it like exactly I think I saw a

picture of it and I was like that just looks like a crappy clay sculpture that they didn't do properly yes it is the

grand right once you say it's a thousand years old I guess it's like okay that makes

sense of why it looks like you literally carved it out of a rock but I'm not I

don't know I'm not buying it but like I said I'm not trying to date this with current events or whatever but like that's kind of what I'm picturing like

it's these same type of people the alien guy would be on the plane yeah no I

basically they said the alien guy's not on the plane here we're getting like we're we're getting into the dumb ones like

so when you think aliens is almost too believable well if you had to lend

credibility to one which one would you give it to Bigfoot or an alien Mothman

all right fine Mothman obviously but on that what happened with Mary Sue and her boyfriend did she stage the whole thing

we didn't we didn't really explain you know explore that I wouldn't have even guessed but what do you got what are you

saying she's a cryptozoologist now she's a fraud by Nature she's a non-lier yeah I think she crashed that car on purpose

maybe she did we we don't know maybe she did that and acted crazy like maybe

they'd like they're like we're not gonna inspect her now she's like so weird and then she just like got really jacked and

did martial arts he was like we really don't want to mess with her now or maybe he was her boyfriend was sick of it and he said look nobody believes this [ __ ]

you're making us both look incredibly stupid and she says you know what I'll drive off this bridge right now and he

says yeah right I didn't know you it he goes you won't

I dare you all right well what what about Dr Herring you know he seems like

just you know maybe normal but just kind of weird oh no wasn't it jump off the void and like to the base of Mount

Olympus then then like have to maybe climb up you know like well what's his backstory why is he there the other ones

you kind of you know feel like yeah they're trying to like really make money off of being crazy in a cryptozoology this guy's a professor at a university

he's actually like teaching the subject albeit he's kind of just weird things beyond that he found like really really

really really really really old book in that he's got the Necronomicon

and so that's what really like started jump started his journey for that

um through his his research yeah so like I don't really have much of

anything for Dr Herring one of the jokes I I had was like maybe his wife is related to like a well-known criminal

and that's why he's there instead is like you know if they're like asking questions like well why am I here is like well doesn't your wife run an MLM

he's like oh all right I get it all right I deserve it

but but maybe that [ __ ] he pulled in the plane was enough like remember like this host seems to be kind of

all-knowing you know so like maybe he's like this is the kind of guy who turns his phone on you know Logan pulls up the

GPS on a plane you know [ __ ] this guy yeah maybe maybe four at night yeah

exactly yeah he like hooks up his PlayStation somehow but anyways like you know the others are gonna awaken

confused just like Jerry Edward he's on a boat amid a storm on a body of water no land in sight Dr Herring he finds

himself at the beginning of the labyrinth Mary Sue finds herself at the wheel of a

1998 Pontiac Sunfire Several Hard lemonades deep her boyfriend next to her

these are how these people wake up you know like if you want to call it that you know after a stepping you know we'll

step in getting thrown into the voice so they're not set up to actually discover the thing they've been looking for they

are literally in their lives yes they're facing their life they are facing their

lives so the severed leg for the Bigfoot guy how does that come into play and

it's remember it's just some he says he knows he's being hunted but what wouldn't it just be more as his cousin

thing something annoying yeah but I mean like you can go even further back during his career like we didn't really explore

too much you know there could be something in there that has something in relation to that is in your first lie

because what you're telling right exactly when you're a Bigfoot hunter so you know what for this one we'll

focus on Edward scurvy he you know he comes to and he's on Edward's gonna use

the Loch Ness monster guy yes Edward scurry's a Loch Ness monster guy it initially we talked about like he

probably had like a boat wreck and you know rode the Loch Ness monster back to Shore and the monster saved him and

that's what gave him out to mouth I'm sure saved his life resting his head

gently on his chest so now that he's thrown back through the boys

um we find him he's reliving that experience or yeah I think we could put

something like that remember he's got to be a fraud you know this has to be something that's that's coming back they

all have to be foreign

like he's built a career around it geez that's quite the career now in this one

so Edward scurvy's on this boat he's trying to keep it afloat it's it's you know not trying to succumb to the storm

in the distance the shadow starts to form and it could be nothing else this

is the Loch Ness monster he's headed directly for it he's trying to steer the ship away you gotta think how what what

kind of stuff's coming to your mind you've been lying about this for your whole life you know and all of a sudden now it's just right in front of you

there's just nothing he can do he can't turn it away you know he decides I'm gonna cut the engines I don't know maybe

that'll help I'm gonna let the log sponsor have its way with me basically draws ever closer to the monster until

it's finally upon him so what is his Reckoning here and I don't necessarily

love where you're going with it so where are you gonna go

uh okay so he's the fraud so the story that he made up initially about the Loch

Ness monster the monster wasn't involved but the Loch Ness Monster is real and

now yeah here it is he's here to clear the air yeah I I see this however it goes down

it leads to here's your restraining order stay away from me gets arrested

but you said it was his lies so this is this like a you wouldn't know the lock to sponsor she goes to another school

situation it could be anything we want here all that really has to happen is his Reckoning you know whatever his lie

is it comes back on him in this moment so he could have faked that picture and maybe it's whatever we faked the picture

with that's right there and it just like comes apart crashes on him destroys his boat you know okay so it's like a just a

cosmic just a giant dog with a big stick and that destroys his boat yeah dog

really it could be anything it's like however he faked it however he was a fraud that is his undoing you know so it

could be it could be just rabid water dogs rip his boat apart and chill him you know it could be the the faked

picture of like a toy boat and some arm thing comes and crashes onto him water wolves is a terrifying thought if he's

out of a small boat just like where's the Loch Ness monster and then just wolves starts swimming up to your phone

and they're they're out for blood it just hears hot like gurgle howling

again you can't escape it the Water Wolf uh so I see what you're we're going it

would take a little bit more thinking than we probably have time for to like right really figure out what the like

ironic yeah fate would be for lying about a Loch Ness monster maybe it's I

shouldn't love you at all yeah maybe remember the login sponsor had no feelings for you and you feel used it

alone I have to your encounter so however this goes down Edward scurvy is no more this he has had

his Reckoning he is he's done so none of the shipness yeah with the

quickness uh no we switch to Mary Sue she's driving her car she's lost in the

moment here he was the boyfriend that she killed that night riding shotgun riding shotgun she killed him that night

but he there he is in the passenger seat again that late night in Autumn he says

he talks to her she begins to drift his way watching him just talking just losing focus on the road you know this

goes on for some time then suddenly the Mothman appears in the road ahead now Mary Sue she Slams on the brakes closes

her eyes as they stop nothing happens they're just stopped in the middle of the road Mary Sue opens their her eyes

there's no Mothman you know she she screams as she stops she kind of reaches over to try to like you know get the the

boyfriend kind of like hold him back just just an instinct you know she Slams on the brakes reaches over and close her

eyes nothing happens then Mary Sue will press her eyes no Mothman and then her hand rests upon the mutilated upper

torso of her boyfriend she screams and runs out of the car you know down the road you know where she

came from just utter Panic so he is alive when she hits the brakes she's

like oh my gosh she has to stop him close her eyes they the car stops and

then she opens them back up but he's still yeah you gotta see it from the crash no crash but he's he's been

crashed yeah so kind of what I see with her she finally she found some kind of way to like however they crashed it

because like maybe maybe she killed him before she thought about it and she thought about it a million times if I

only did this blah blah so this time she does that yeah well but he's still she

killed you know originally she did kill this guy yeah however she blamed it on Mothman to be crazy but

now it's time for her to face the Mike's Hard truth yes the mice

I love it is that what you're telling me yes okay driving down the road sees him off man screams her boyfriend was fine

just a moment ago reaches over she looks at him now just a bloody mess you know

like looks exactly like a no car crash a kill exactly no car crash that's in this wild uh scene yeah it is yeah so she

just runs out of the car screaming goes down the road looks back at the car no

longer there turns back in front of her Mothman directly in her face and then she's done however Mothman takes care of

her she gets killed so is this a man with the face of Allah

it's Arthur the boss uh I It's gotta just you can't get a

good look at the Mothman I feel like once you get a good look at the muffler man it's Arthur from The Tick you need to it needs to be quick glimpses there's

no you can't talk to the Mothman it goes too far that's like scary movies are

they don't show you much right once the boss man is you talking to him you've

gone too far yeah I picture this as just the two quick glimpses there he is in the road

just a quick ah I feel that was it the host uh is actually M Night Shyamalan

and that's the twist the whole time so twisty um so we see you get invited to an event

like this you see M9 Shyamalan walk on the stage you go oh we're [ __ ] you don't knows who knows what's about to

ask like if it were Michael Bay it would still be bad but not as bad predictably bad is what it would be exactly I'm not

Shaman we don't know what's gonna happen yeah this is more scary Michael Bay is loud and confusing but we'll probably be

fine I think predictably bad would be a very good review to like put on a

trailer or a poster for a Michael Bay predictably bad New York Times

yeah so so is Mary Sue here she meets her end you know like like I said however happens it doesn't need to be so

Horror in this part but she got covered with moth dust and it's over exactly so now we go to Professor Herring mothballs

yes she's drift okay Professor Herring was the Greek mythology yeah uh uh yeah

Professor University of Vermont proving that the minotaurs and centaurs were actually in The Labyrinth he but he

believes it so now he's in The Labyrinth yeah he enters the Labyrinth the spookiest environment of all yeah that

we've painted so far so he is just more Curious of the ancient look and feel of

it than really afraid of what's going on around him you know he considers himself to have a great mind a great memory so

the maze itself for him no problem he actually gets right through it upon reaching the end of the labyrinth he

finds himself face to face with the Sphinx and as intimidating as this moment is no

no no he says now when you say these things I picture the big statue I know things yeah you're saying like a pharaoh

no no there there is a real Sphinx monster so I think it's the head of like

that's like three different things it's like the body of like a lion it's like uh the head of like an eagle or

something like it's a few different like Monsters rolled into World animals I should say rolled into one yeah so it is

like a it's a legit like you know folklore whatever um but yes so he finds the Spanx and now

obviously I could have gone with the Minotaur there's a reason for that you know minotaurs famously at the you know end of the labyrinth but of course for

example everybody knows that says you know if you see the miniature that's over you've been completed the Labyrinth

as intimidating as this moment is the professor is confident he's smart now

something about sphinxes is that he knows they will ask you three riddles and once they do if you answer correctly

is this real how have I never heard this this is real skin it is is it Rumpelstiltskin Russian

problem sure but you're not related are they they're not okay I don't know okay but okay so I didn't know this yeah two

wishes from a sphinx now the three wishes three riddles you have to answer oh okay yes I'm sorry three riddles but

he's smart he knows all about the sphinxes you know the Sphinx is gonna ask him three riddles and he's gonna be

able to escape after this yeah he's easy he's been preparing for these Sphinx riddles yeah it's all life now I have a

couple options here for how this actually happens so option one the Spanx asked a very

loose abrupt and stupid question like hey what's your problem bro and then he just responds like what I don't have a

problem how could you honest but how could you respond yeah done he has no idea what to answer with that and it's

like not the right answer we got to set this up a little more this is the movie he sees the Sphinx and he knows what's

gonna happen he goes oh I need to answer the three riddles but I I'm prepared for the three year old yeah paired my whole

life so he's there's a like a confidence yeah he heads towards the swings yeah

and then he gets hit with the hey what's cracking bruh exactly you know I mean just like

okay I want to hear the other options because I said that's very like uh Holy Grail yeah yeah exactly where you know

like what's your favorite color blue I mean black exactly so that's what I'm saying is it's very I like where you're going but

it needs to we need to stray away from yeah yeah anything like that so option two here is one that I probably would

have gone with is the Sphinx asked just the worst riddles ever and most obvious

yeah so the first riddle what gets wetter as it dries

it's like that's not a I I wait the moment that's owl oh yeah I mean I feel like I

I could have got there what cheese is not yours well clearly monsters

and I knew that one another random example I had here what is broken once it's spoken

silence you got it silence you would have gone right past the Sphinx and now

maybe maybe the last one is a bit harder I speak without a mouth and hear without

ears I have no body but I can't but I come alive with wind what am I

terrible at riddles is what I am I would be at the Sphinx just stammering

Savage might be onto something I feel like the wheels are turning so say it one more time I speak without a mouth

and hear without ears I have no body but I come alive with wind what am I

I'll give a few moments here but it's all right didn't I I purposely chose a harder one

here they've all been hard except nacho cheese I nailed that one but I was

I'm stumped what is it yeah an echo all right I speak without a mouth in

here without ears I have no body but I come alive with wind what am I it's an

echo what are you always leaving behind what you can't take with you ah what is that

one uh I don't think I even said it right I was

gonna say like time but it's footsteps I don't think I said it right at all all right well that's good but it's very

clever but I said it right but yeah I see like this one we'll just go with option two here he gets to the

hard one and he's just stumped he has no idea yeah and then that's his undoing the Sphinx gets him yeah you know and

maybe he just tells me that's for being a dick on the plane with your GPS you know who knows you know like he's he's not there for a very discernible reason

he just kind of sucks just generally you know so they just get him for that he didn't really fit in anyways yeah he

really did nobody's hunting Greek myths and no we're back to Jerry he's still

quietly moving through the woods listening looking everywhere you gotta imagine he thinks he's being hunted by Bigfoot now what's your Bigfoot

knowledge even help you here you know you got to think like Bigfoot real world fake here real do those same rules apply

you know like the same [ __ ] he's spouting on his podcast delicious Bigfoot Runners even bring like self-defense things with him I don't

even think they're even prepared they have like Bigfoot spray before or anything they're even prepared for a real encounter yeah probably not they're

like all they have is things to find Bigfoot there's no actual plan and for finding one yeah exactly like I don't

have like an oversized net that I'm aware of yeah so like I kind of thought about that I

was like would he be trying to like maybe like counter track Bigfoot to see where he is like maybe I can avoid it I

see the footsteps going this way you know like who knows like he uh he just thinks like maybe maybe this will help I

think no it doesn't you know like that's just kind of where I was going with it maybe you're just wandering in the woods

it'd be a mixture of okay Bigfoot's gonna kill me this is terrifying and like is there actually a Bigfoot out

here that's pretty exciting yeah exactly you know I feel like that's where any feelings I feel like that's where his head would be at it's definitely you

know if he's got training and he never actually had to put a trading for I was gonna call up I was gonna call out

training too what do you mean okay so I mean not necessarily training but I you know

use mentioned tracking this really hashed out his lies if if there was a guy that knew a ton

about Bigfoot it's this guy I assume you're saying no you're talking about tracking so he knows what they're likely

to eat he knows what they're you know sleeping yeah if I find Patches of fur on this tree maybe he rubbed himself

against it you know I got to go the other way not save him in you know a survival type

situation but maybe he's like try to you know apply that knowledge in in some way

here and evade yeah danger yeah maybe he finds like a poorly whittled doll you

know in the way is like Bigfoot's close you know what I mean it's like this is a fresh Widow yeah Bigfoot does seem to

Marve dolls kind of does sculpted like what is he what is Bigfoot whittling a

duck like what's what I don't know I hope it's not like I don't know I'm gonna say like it'd be weird if it was

like it was people you know what I mean like I'd rather it be something else I don't know just could we show the other

end of it where somehow big for puts rarely see people and they're like some people are like or some bigfoots are

like I I don't believe you you're saying somebody doesn't have hair on them everywhere I don't know right usually it

came to our society get out here so that could be the thing is now he's going into a world where he is the Bigfoot

yeah and that there's people claiming like I threw a rock at me yeah and he's like what I'm just trying to figure

things out I don't know where I am what if Bigfoot was whittling like big sandals like wooden shoes claws clogs

yeah Bigfoot's Dutch I didn't know that um but I feel like at this point he's

getting a little bit further down you know the trail here maybe he hears a knock out in the woods you know maybe a

poorly whittled doll gets thrown at him you know like whatever whatever happens he runs in a panic because like

Bigfoot's right here you know in his mind you know it you know he has the startly runs off you know he remembers

the host told him that he would be faced with his lies so he has to kind of reflect back on the second as he's

running like well if that's the case Bigfoot's my cousin with werewolf syndrome he's just like maybe maybe he

hopes against all hope and he yells out Ted Ted is that you

and from the distance he just hears this Roar and he's like it's not dead it's

like Jerry runs he just keeps running until he comes to this steep drop from a

small Cliff side overlooking a river Bigfoot's hot on his tail like that he can just see like the tree line like

plants are shaking violently if you have Bigfoot or certain death yeah exactly jumping and yes okay so terrified he

jumps as he lands he breaks his legs Bigfoot on the other hand scales down

the wall with almost no effort you know he is seeing a a Bigfoot in his eyes for the first time ever he can barely move

as he starts to try to crawl away his remember his legs are broken here Bigfoot slowly moves towards him and

he's just looming directly over him and now we get to choose our ending here because I have two different things here

now first ending option is Bigfoot just kills Jerry by just beating him to death like a gorilla

that's probably what I would know I don't really I don't even hate that ending I feel like if it just ended with

just a baboon with a first person beating the camera to death ending I

would kind of be like well what else is going all along I mean what did you want

to this is your end goal yep so Bigfoot just a gorilla beats him to death nobody

goes back through their doors some years pass before the next World of cryptozoology Summit will happen now

what about the people exist squirting them out they just do they just walk a certain few steps they go all right just

keep going and they just you talking like the uh the employees no no remember like I would picture them as almost like

lurch like from the like The Adams Family like big science and push you into the voice exactly you just okay so

they're not escorting you into the voice yeah no no it's just it's a shove exactly yeah you're tossed I got you

like DJ Jazzy yeah what's the other ending and I'm I'm we talked about a lot about love stories

here I'm kind of hoping for one comes over like Jerry

and then apologizes for his Outburst back there he helps Jerry up and he

brings them to the exit Jerry asked like wait why me why do I

get to leave Ted answers because you were an honest man once and you can be again

Jerry blacks out and awakens in his office Ted answered Ted all right so I

would picture his kind of just like this moment maybe like like you said there's you hear this Roar but it could be anything you know it's just like a jump

scare but Ted escorts him out of there tells him he was honest with himself once and he can be again so instead the

whole time in this in this one yes so he wakes in his office turns on the

news and every other prominent cryptozoologist is missing or death is

what I'm well the world really miss it like Florida wouldn't really be reported

on bro it would be on a Reddit thread somewhere where they'd be like Loch Ness Monster Hunter drowns and that

would be like yeah exactly you're wrecked idiot and that would be

exactly from page Reddit right there yep top of our all so those are our two

ending options unless you have a third you know if you have anything else out there I for one I think he just gets

beat to death by Bigfoot and that's the end of the movie there's no explaining

of what this was no I I want to give you a mystery it's this is uh this would become kind of paranormal-esque or who

really knows what's I mean how do you even explain it right you know so this was it's something you're saying it

starts as a comedy ends with a group brutal gorilla beating

and yeah it'd be hard to classify in a genre I would say I know I had a lot of

trouble with it well I don't see any circumstance where they would get back

through the door and Escape you know from the Cryptid because they were put

back in each of those situations or whatever where it was just kind of like you had this coming I I kind of like to

picture uh somebody does make it back to the doors to like the event hall or whatever it is and you know the lights

are dim and there's just a bunch of Staff busting tables and they're like you're not supposed to be in here and they go I'm sorry and then just go back

into the void yeah oh excuse me it just resets you're not supposed to come back in here and they go I'm sorry that's it

and then it's just back to the void with you I feel like that would be uh more

realistic we could all relate to that ending oh I'm too late the reception's over but there it is the Cryptid

so quite quite the ride here I still kind of like uh cabbage squanch yeah cabbage

[Laughter] cabbage scratch yeah maybe it's a episode was it six or seven the Cryptid

which colon cancer I think Edward needs to be the one that goes back through the

decrypted his love story with the Loch Ness monster yes because that's the one

where if the Loch Ness Monster is real and he's just misunderstood he's actually friendly the world needs to

know about it and uh so he would be the one that would maybe missed way back

through that through the Cryptid and and he immediately starts campaigning for

legalized Loch Ness marriage is what he wants

this is the next move mess with my rights don't Loch Ness with

my rights what the poster board would say oh yeah all over the place yeah yeah

I do think at the heart of this there is a beautiful love story between one man and his monster checking

all the boxes yes this is really that it's hard to define the genre's here uh

before we wrap up here I'm gonna do the Social Media stuff again you remember you can listen on Spotify Apple music Google music anywhere you get podcasts

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our next live stream and you can find all those Links at linktree slash wwft pod

uh I like it it's a it was a roller coaster I uh like I said hard to Define

yeah how to Comedy a little mystery we'll blurred the lines of how much of our riffing would make it into a movie

like this because sometimes when we talk serious movies we make a lot of jokes but yeah the movie itself it's like okay

obviously we're not gonna have the joke this is serious but we're silly but this

one and really it's almost like uh it I know it's not at all the same but it kind of reminds me of like here's him

Cabin in the Woods yeah yeah there's a horror movie that they they kind of promoted as a horror movie but when you

watch it you're actually like this is a very funny genius comedy tongue-in-cheek yeah exactly yes and I feel like this

would kind of be that where you would have very tense moments but overall it's

the whole premise is silly it's a kind of crazy whatever but yes I see it getting

like serious and dark and maybe even scary at times yeah yep that's kind of how I saw at least I was writing it and

it started as a comedy with just this funny idea and then as I wrote it it just kind of changed on me so okay no

backstory into the host of the party the billionaire no I don't like leaving it mysterious you know some guy that his

speech was enough that's all we get of him yep basically okay and you know what maybe this is open to sequels you know

because like that was just one world cryptozoology Summit maybe there's more what happened in the void of the moth or

the the batboy do you guys remember bad boy I remember I'm not familiar absolutely in the 90s there was weekly

world news you'd see it in the grocery store checkout lines and that was your big tabloid and it was like Abraham

Lincoln was a woman and it would say Abraham Lincoln or something you know and uh there was the wild ones but they

also had a show late night and I want to say E entertainment Channel or something and I remember seeing bad boy at the

grocery store on a cover and being like Oh I was a little kid and then late night I turned on E and they had footage

of allegedly they had a bad boy in like a enclosure and he ran in circles enough

times that he could actually fly over the wall and escape and that was supposed to be the big scare is that

like batboy is real you just saw it just and also he's escaped so he's out there yeah

so all right I think we uh finished this as much as we could uh yeah that was

pretty good I'll say we uh we did it so I enjoyed that that was good yeah oh it was fun ride

so well yeah well check us out make sure to like follow share definitely tell a friend if you liked it and we're gonna

get out of here nice to join us [Music]

thank you