We Won't Finish This Podcast

The Underside | We Won't Finish This Podcast #2

Episode Summary

In this episode, Spaceman takes Zeebz on a wild ride to discover if there’s an edge of the world. What kind of shenanigans could we get into along the way?

Episode Notes

What if you could quit your job with Big Globe and buy a boat? Would you take it to the open seas and try to find the edge of the world? Maybe you could connect all the dots the news is showing you if you weren’t so mung about your career. You are a Flat Earther before modern internet and cell phones and you are ready to make your hero’s journey, you just have to get inspiration from a co-worker with a serious medical condition first. When you hit the high seas in your new house boat, what kind of hijinks will you get into? Will you encounter pirates? Cannibals? A giant patch of garbage inhabited by zealous rednecks? What might be waiting for you at the edge if you did find it? This is a secret fiercely guarded by the largest conspiracy known to humanity since the dawn of time, and the powers that be might not want it to become public.


Episode Transcription

welcome to we will finish this podcast where we pitch movies to each other that will never make uh if you wonder why

we're doing that go ahead and check out episode zero um Spaceman this is zebs I am well prepared at this point so Aziz why don't

we go ahead and tell them where they can find us uh you can listen on Spotify Apple music Google music anywhere you

get podcasts watch our live streams on Twitch and YouTube hang out in the chat please check us out on social media

we're on most platforms that's the best way to find out when we'll be recording our next live stream you can find all

those Links at linktree slash wwft pod thank you for joining us yeah and I want

to say the biggest input that I've been getting from people lately is they say yeah I listened to it it was great I uh

but I just wish I could have chimed in with my idea I want to help finish this podcast yes and we really hope you do

because we need help yeah desperately so uh the best way to do that is guys we're

live streaming get in here get in the chat it's on Twitch it's on YouTube you can find all that at linktree slash wwft

pod those links and help us out as long as you're in the chat we're reading the comments if you say something that's

constructive to the the flow of the show to the idea of the movie we're gonna shout y'all we'll say your name we'll

love to have your contribution you could totally change the episode yeah it's gonna have a great idea that we see and

be like well it's better than this garbage that we wrote and we welcome that we really do so uh Spaceman you're

the one pitching tonight I have no idea what you're pitching yeah no clue whatsoever at this point in time yes and

uh you said it was a comedy it is a comedy which I'm excited because

all we used to write is company yeah bunker time machine that was the first kind of like here's a serious idea we

cracked jokes but it was still at it's a serious idea what would have made it into the script it would have been the

serious stuff yeah you know that you know we had our serious turns so now you know we're getting back to Our Roots you

know it's just it's been a long journey and we're going back to Our Roots here yeah so all right so like in this one

we're gonna set we're gonna set the premise here here's the setting all right so we're while the 80s and 90s you

know we're free cell phones you know and like besides looking at back Morris or whatever so we're pretty pretty real

cell phones yeah no snort phones internet yeah old 90s maybe but the internet wasn't right what it is yeah

yeah it wasn't easy yeah and our in our hero's journey here because they they're Heroes is they they want to prove that

the Earth is wet so flat earthers in the 80s or 90s huh

setting out to prove that they are correct they're they're convinced that they're right okay you know they're

convinced and they're gonna they they just they have this Revelation and they're gonna have to set out on this journey to prove to themselves maybe the

world that you heard this flat so how do we start this journey you know

like I do picture this as you know like maybe a married couple maybe just a couple of friends you know I do have it

pictured as you know just kind of like a two people playing off each other type of deal um you know and uh if you know if we do

the married couple you know the wife is all in you know it's you know it's because I'm imagining that you know the main character is this they're both

well okay I will I will say I agree with you that I think they should both be all in but that could be a struggle at some

point if there is an eventual falling out of course or a struggle yeah there's always a strong imagine bringing that up

in like Divorce Court like yeah you can't be with this guy anymore because he thinks the Earth is flat and like

this is a new divorce filings it probably has come up in a few

proceedings yeah but but all right so you know who who are these people you know why why you

know who are they why are they on this journey and we're gonna start you know we're gonna start at the beginning at

the beginning here with our main character our protagonist he works his job at the globe Factory and he's just

sitting there being like this is [ __ ] yeah the whole time just every time he puts a globe together

just gives a little spin like damn it like you get it out of here we're lying to people we were lying to people and I

hate myself for it I don't know how much longer I can do this okay so do we have a reason why he thinks it's

flat I I mean I I was thinking is there was there an aha moment or does he just

know it deep down well there's a revelation we're getting towards but he just knows it deep down you know it's

it's his firm this is 80s 90s this is before the craze I'm sure there was always Flat Earth I mean literally

always flat earthers literally been Flat Earth forever yes but I think

there was never like I don't remember or like a method to it right there wasn't the satanic craze of

the 80s like you know what I mean is there there was there just wasn't the Flat Earth crazy

it wasn't an attack un Flat Earth did you see the behind the curve documentary

I have we're uh it's pretty good the guy was making like this is my flat Earth motorcycle and I'm like what is a flat

it was a kind of sleek looking interesting motorcycle but it was like it looks like it drives on round earth

too yeah I know right yeah I didn't really get it I will say the the table the one guy made

kind of want one that's kind of sweet no I you know I'll be honest with you I knew they were super expensive and I'd never buy them of course I looked into

his website they were all sold out he's doing well or at least he was I

don't know if there's I don't know if that comes in waves or not with the flash novelty I'll give it that yeah

good conversation piece I would love to have a flat Earth Map yeah like a wooden

carved like this is a badass would you like have a coaster that's just like the moon you can like set it down and put

your drink on it that'd be pretty sweet so yeah

all right all right um so we're starting our career here at

the globe Factory it just it's just absolutely ruining his mental health and I did find an 80s term for this and it's

called mung he so he was being very mung about it and that's real I heard them

once before and it was on South Park I know I'd say here it popped up on the

list so I was like what's going in m-u-n-g m-u-n-g mom yup okay he's being

very very mung about it so all right so he's you know he's working this job you

have a definition right there in front of us how they describe it no I do not and I'm not not willing to get it either

if I search it I'm gonna get the South Park answer so let's just keep going but okay he's being very wrong about it we can move on all right so you know I'm

kind of thinking at this point yeah we should kind of show just some like certain certain things happen along the way here

so you know like I'm fiction like you know he starts seeing like news reports come up you know so about the shape of

the earth not not quite it's just it's just like you know the dots connecting here for him okay so we'll just say you

know like all right so we have a terrorist situation right very serious serious situation you want to know what

their demands are what fuel enough to go to the edge of the Earth these are I'm

sorry you're saying the Flat Earth people no no this is just a random terrorist that has hijacked a plane and

their demand so outside of this team that we've we're talking about yeah this is a news report a separate Flat Earth

yeah this is completely separate I've got you playing give me enough fuel to get to the edge yep it wants enough fuel

to get to the edge and this guy sees it on the news and he fires him he goes another one well they don't get very far

so this plane with all the fuel to get to the edge of the world disappears so it's gone Without a Trace it's gone

Okay so there's there's one all right now we get into the next you

know we're still watching the news here so we got an incident where the Russians

remember this is like the 80s so we're you know Iron curtains yeah they're still there's a Red Scare yeah so motion scare I don't know yeah we had

like and we'll just look at some kind of cargo plane and the Russians just shoot it down and there's just no retaliation

from the US government so but it was going towards like you know it was off track just kind of

veering towards you know Siberia this guy keeps getting hints that if you try to go to the edge they're shooting us

down so what's what is going on here that's his tip off is that he's working in the globe Factory and he says

put it so all these planes wanted to specifically go to the edge yes that's

what it seems like at least so we have somebody this this one is more just like we had instrument failure I don't know

whatever you want to call it they're all of course this is how conspiracy theorists turn is that they they see

something strange in the neighborhood well yes but it's they they see

something that they're like why would they do that and then they create a hypothesis and then they see it's kind of that the cover-up you know is more

damning than the crime itself what is the truth what is the truth here yeah why would they keep shooting down these

guys who thinks yeah so just the Earth is the same shape as me yeah well this one yeah like I said it doesn't

necessarily believe that this is there's no demands here it's just a mysterious circumstance where something was blown

off course so like maybe they show a chart on the news where it's kind of showing its path getting towards where you know why that might be the edge

there and it gets shot down yes no no retaliation from the US government so everybody so it seems like everybody was

cool with this why would that be exactly yeah exactly yeah yeah all right now we're talking we

have a rocket that's supposed to be going to the Moon and again something happens maybe this

is it can even be a long period of time here who knows yeah like this is over the years he's working yeah yeah yeah

yeah so we got a rocket that's supposed to be going to the Moon is blowing off course disappears gone blown up you know I

guess so in the movie this would all have to be revealed later where maybe the husband is presenting it to the wife

or vice versa where it's just kind of like honey I gotta show you something and he digs out an old shoe box of all

crazy this is old newspaper clippings or she finds his his room where he's got the crazy Pepe Silva meme you know like

uh with all the things boarded up and yarn going from one of an accident so that

that's probably what it is is one of them sells it to the other one that's going on here and then look at the look

what happened here so that's what it is you're sitting around and you're like huh yeah the US didn't retaliate that's

weird and then your your spouse is just kind of like yeah that is weird and then six months later two years later you're

like look how many weird [ __ ] things I've collected on all these newspapers all going towards what I what I firmly

believe be the edge and just as we say it just real quick I don't believe in Flat Earth I'm just we'll just get that

out I don't my biggest thing with the Flat Earth theory is like who who cares yeah exactly whatever if we were a disc

then wouldn't that just be another special detail about Earth and why Earth is good for us it's just like yeah and

it's all it's also flat so you can stand on it yeah you know like sure whatever you know like I feel like that would

just be another detail that we would know about the Earth and nobody would care and there'd be no consequence so

all right so now we we've had all this this build up in his head and now he's on an airplane he's going to the big

Globe conference so there is a collective okay and that's what you're saying no no oh no no I'm sorry it's a

work conference right this is going to work conference yeah I'm sorry when you said Globe for some reason I was hanging Flat Earth no no he's going to the okay

he's going to a work event yep he works for big Globe to find out the new

developments in Globe technology and find out if they want to implement it in their business I get it makes sense he

looks out the window and he's like this is [ __ ] like just looking at the

Horizon just seeing that curve he's like come on he's not buying the curve he sees the curve but isn't buying he's

like it's got to be this window okay my eyes are around the windows that's the only thing I've heard is that your eyes are round so that's how the

earth looks around I'm like well why does my TV look round yeah I know right I mean it's like not everything's a fish

bowl it doesn't make yeah that's one thing that I've definitely there's a lot of things about Flat Earth that I'm just

okay if you're wrong if somebody told me tomorrow that like hey they proved it here's the real photo everybody's saying

it's real that it is real I would just be like huh and I think after like a day

I wouldn't care yeah it was like hey can I see anything it's like no I'm like here's a photo but your life will be

exactly the same and everything will still look exactly the same to you I'd be like cool like I I don't feel any way about

this you know all right so now we're getting into the big Globe

conference so in this you know this scene is just like I honestly it's just kind of like the run-of-the-mill he's bored you know

he keeps seeing all these League you know these speakers and what we're talking about like you know with this the Rocky Mountains are extra bumpy this

year I don't know like look how good our terrain is on this map just other really

boring stuffs he was like ah the peanut key models are extra we've decided to make them bumpier yeah we had a little

texture a little flavor to it so like yeah that's that's the salesman selling this so I'm like hey did you have you do

you guys use the bumpy technology your fingers over the Rocky Mountains no check it out tell me you don't want this

car we don't just do it for the moments now we do it for the deserts too oh check out the Sahara yeah like that too it's like it's just a scratchy surface

so that would be funny is that we've only had flat Globes and then that guy is the breakout that year at the globe

convention some guy is just like Jim you've seen the new bumpy technology at Booth eight like this guy is gonna

change right next to the scratch and sniff table this guy's gonna change into the industry he's gonna turn everything on its head you know if he did man I

remember a bumpy Globe as a kid that was exciting I know like you just yeah just run your finger on that it's all bumpy

and [ __ ] like yeah it was awesome flag gloves I mean whatever get out of here it's a skating rink I need some action

it's called the Frisbee yeah get out of here I need some action but all right so I mean really at this you know big Globe

conference like I said it's just it's some boring stuff he's at a conference and you know at one point

so this is like a mildly true story that I completely made up so

not this didn't happen but it did in my head but wouldn't that be a mildly true story that you kind of made up uh no you

said completely but it's it's completely and utterly but is it mildly true then no

okay we'll carry on so all right we we're getting to a point where you

know like they're having some some lunch together and you know one of his in one of his work friends is like hey this

isn't sitting right with me hang on I'll be right back so when he comes back around he gets in real close and it's

like hey you need me you need to take me to the hotel he's like well you know what's going on we're in the middle of this conference

like look I [ __ ] my pants like I had the globe conference that's Globe conference it's

a big weekend it's a huge weekend a lot of networking he's he's run around Brown

so we're done here yeah so we gotta go well not quite you know so at this point he's like well all right you know I

gotta help him save face like I'll take him back there and a couple other people that rode with him he's like you know what I'll go back to the hotel room real

quick we got we got a little time to spare so they get back to the hotel room he goes up you know he's he's got to go

take care of his business so they're they're waiting downstairs I know it's waiting in the car there's

like man he's kind of taking a while like what's going on up there so they just you know it takes forever it

doesn't answer you know like they did they try to walk in tried to call us and call cell phone but you know not on this

area I wouldn't bother a guy who went into his hotel because he should have Spanish I think I would just kind of be a wellness check he'll come back

you let it you give him some space I mean maybe if it's later in the night

it'll be like maybe we should go check on that guy so you definitely don't bug him yeah they're waiting to get back they got a finite amount of time I will

say I would not be bringing people back to the hotel with me if I could shoot my pants and even if I told you and was

like Hey I just shoot my pants maybe they have a station way I wouldn't be like you can you can be back there I definitely wouldn't want anybody in the

room with me you know I mean I want that hotel to myself while I figure my life out so our laundry as they say yeah so

all right they're you know they're waiting for him and finally he comes down and you know he's wearing shorts there's like well that's kind of weird

we got to go back to this conference you brought shorts and he was like hey you know what I was up in my room you know

how I had to change my pants you know so so I went and I changed him and you know what

I [ __ ] those pants too so so I I had to improvise do we have a

reason this man is [ __ ] his pants no Twice okay

first of all well we're not done so he he [ __ ] his bands he goes to the

hotel room cleans up puts on his spare pants yeah and then you should since

before leaving the hotel yeah before leaving his room looking in the mirror you're putting the belt he's like yeah

hidden the belt buckle and he's like damn it all right okay okay so we got it

so then he's he comes to the conference in short so now he's you know now he's in shorts he's made it there without another yeah yeah it's amazing incident

so you know now we're you know we we get back there he's weren't sure it's kind of weird and I was like whatever he's

wearing shorts and you know they kind of go about the conference whatever and at the end of it you know everyone's

starting to kind of you know leave whatever they have a gift shop there's like all right you know like let's let's go check it out and at this point he's

lost sight of him he's like I don't know whatever you know I'm not responsible for him so you know he gets he takes a

little bit of time talks to people and then he gets to the gift shop and he sees him he's like well you know what's

what's going on here and he's like hey you know like I I think he's wearing he's wearing like

some different pants at this point so again like he's looking down on the shorts not the shorts he's wearing different pants at this point he was

like hey what's what's going on anybody kind of looks look a little bit closer and he's got like these weird like slippers on they're like kind of like

Globes like they have just like okay custom slippers they sold them at the convention he was like what are you what

are you doing like he couldn't wait to like throw this on tonight when you're trying to like wind down he's like hey you know like so I was walking here and

you know those shorts I was wearing well I I kind of [ __ ] them too but the bad part is I [ __ ] my shoes too this is

so okay yeah I get it so he's like so you know I'm kind of walking around a couple of bowls of chili here and like I

I need to get some new shoes and some new pants so he goes in and these are

these are just all they have and so at this point he is seeing just this man in these like weird map pajamas you shoot

your pants three times in two hours yeah exactly you did this and like he's got gold slippers he's like wow you know

like well this is this is really speaking to me here this man who [ __ ] himself multiple times do we even have

an answer for why this is happening no we don't we need to I think we need to

put on the brakes and maybe decide we're not done okay let's put it this

way maybe the spinning of all the globes made him so dizzy and to see it at scale at the convention maybe you know who

knows it's a mystery okay so so you know then then he loses sight of him again

he's like yeah you know I can't can't deal with this guy and you know whatever so we can't deal with this guy starts

talking to the big glow Big Wigs you know whatever just kind of like yeah I gotta save face you know I gotta talk to these people whatever

and then he he gets you know he starts walking out towards Lobby he has no idea where this guy is at this point he just

sees some medical professionals walk by and he was like Hey somebody [ __ ] their

pants do you do you happen to know where they might be and it's like oh my God

so he's like no I don't at this point like I have no clue you know so he walks out front somebody knows where the guy

who [ __ ] his pants is so yeah just somebody you could ask that question too they'd go right there so yeah he's like

so he's just done at this point he's like this guy's riding with someone else you know they they should probably just another guy at the convention or is it a

guy that came from his location from his location okay so he's got a rapport because this is something about a convention I mean on your second Pan

Trading I would just be like done I mean I feel like I should tell somebody about this yeah on you you know so yeah so he

walks out he's just so done talking to more people and then just sees this guy being wheeled out on a stretcher just IV

hooked up to him like like he's dehydrated yeah they got to give him the treatment this guy is very dehydrated so

are we not going to figure out why this is happening or is

it just it's just him nobody just is maybe the traveling he the Flies he called someone at the airport

you know I get sick traveling maybe but not I mean let's go this way if I first

of all I'm not having anybody come back to the hotel room with me if I shave my pants once and then if I put on my

second pair of pants and just [ __ ] my pants again I'm just making a phone call saying you're not gonna see me for

probably the rest of the night look I'm sick yeah you won't see me for the rest of the night probably the rest of the weekend I don't know what's happening

here yeah like I I I may I'm like a minute away from calling 9-1-1 okay so we're

we're just gonna accept that this is just something that's happened yeah I think this is this is it this is the

Turning Point ideas not really okay all right so this is the

turning point for the hero yeah this is so the hero was the one aiding yeah not even aiding just not really just kind of

being like a you know delivery guy yeah a shat pants so yeah take a hotel room

okay all right so that's it you know that's that's the turning point he just after this guy [ __ ] his shoes he's like

all right I can't look at these Globe slippers anymore you know like this is

like I gotta I gotta do something about this like I have firm beliefs and I should I should Chase my dream

so now at this point after after this how does that

make him want to pursue flatter like I it's just what you could call whatever you want you just it's just trauma you

know at this point it's trauma this was his he's broken out of the Matrix yeah moment right was there's no way this man

could [ __ ] his pants that many times with no explanation it's like there is a there's a conspiracy nothing matters no

nothing matters what he's is what's what it's come to okay so you know after this

whole incident he goes home he talks to his wife and you know like she thinks it's crazy at first but we're gonna sell

the house and we're gonna buy a houseboat you know we're gonna live on this houseboat and we're gonna be

literally we're going to be exploded by the Russian government when we get too close to the edge this is like you know

what they've been getting all these planes I haven't heard about any boats so we're gonna we're gonna take a boat okay so there's uh and she's in she's

100 she says finally she's like you know what you're stupid but I'm gonna go because it sounds like a pretty sweet

vacation at the very least to go into the probably frozen Arctic that they're gonna sail to she probably

just doesn't believe them which is completely fair and he's like you know what I'll just go along with it you know it was like I'm ride or die and I'll

I'll go it's fine that's a pretty ride or die white that is right here because he deserves a lot of credit I got

several what I would consider good ideas that if I presented them I would just get laughed out of the house mocked get

left on the couch for the night you know if I was being serious but um

yeah that's pretty ride or die I can say absolutely it's okay so they're getting a houseboat where do you

where do you get a flat Earth houseball what does a flat Earth houseboat need it's just a boat but they just you know maybe it's the SS Flat Earth okay but

they're they're going long term so they're bringing lots of yeah they're planning on like this is it this is our life now we're just gonna sail towards

the edge and if we don't find it then we're just gonna you know just keep sailing and we'll find something and we'll just I don't know

soul fruit for a living somewhere who cares now I like what you're doing but

there's very few opportunities for them to interact with anybody else at this point well they will though

all right well I'm happy about that this is okay okay so okay so they they're

getting the houseboat huh is this a quick process or what do you got um I mean it could be really anything I

don't really have much here they just you know they just sell the house they buy the houseboat you know they have to get supplies you know all that stuff so

that's really it and there's not much to this okay so they've got the houseboat and

they set sail yeah he quits the globe Factory now now as a flat earther when you're quitting the globe Factory to

quit to pursue proving the Flat Earth I mean can you imagine

the misguided arrogance of the speech you would give your boss on your way out

I would literally throw a globe on the floor and stomp it I would see I sold I

sold my house to buy a boat to ruin your industry you're done yeah forever I'm

not only quit I'm coming for your not only job your industry yeah the entire industry is I'm gonna burn it all down

you don't realize that you are manufacturing lies yeah churning out lies spinning a web yeah can you imagine

the spinning going on in there everybody's just gonna be so dizzy in a globe Factory so all right but yeah kind

of what we touched on earlier you know there's there's challenges that comes along with this because like I'm gonna put my myself in this scenario and I

don't know anything about boats what are you gonna do hand me a sexton I don't know what the hell to do with a sexton

so you know there's no GPS so we're just gonna be like all right I have a compass

as long as you don't end up going in circles eventually you're going to hit the edge

of the yeah exactly I could I could follow West yeah as long as there's you know

everything in the way and if you did have to go around a continent I guess yeah I know I'd be like you could just uh and that would be a pretty big bummer

if you've estimated like do you think that'd have to be a conversation though well do we go like north or south or Easter West be like well if I'm wrong

then yeah North and South it's gonna be all ice but east and west will be fine but if I'm right it's always so what

does it matter I have a feeling that this boat's not making it to the edge of the or of the earth we'll see

who else from what I know people it's not good so far they have no

experience and no money at this point because they've sold everything on a houseboat and just loaded it up with

just they spend everything on a boat in supplies and they have very really nice Compass okay so they they

probably are they'll be all right in that sense yeah so to be fair there was GPS back then okay it was just an

expensive device you had to spend like all right they can't afford it so they don't spend like six seven hundred bucks and you would get a device that it

didn't work like a car GPS works now but you could like Mark a location yeah yeah so you could go through this you could

go somewhere and like drop a pin yeah I'm just getting readily available yeah then it would tell you later like your

400 meters away it's north you know but uh yeah so all right no the beginning of

the voyage is great plenty of food you know they're just getting drunk all the time it's been calm seas you know just

it's been going absolutely fine now you know after months of aimless sailing they're starting to low running

you know low run on supplies so they they there's a starting to look around there's just no land nothing's coming up

all of a sudden you know one day in the gym so I mean but even if just random land was popping up

I mean what's the best case scenario here that we're just gonna land and they don't think it through poor

island and buy Goods yeah they didn't think it through okay okay find some

bananas so they're out of supplies and it sounds like they're lost at sea yeah it's yeah they're still going a Direction but okay so all right but at

this point now they start to see some you know something on the horizon we're like what is that and it's a boat

and there's like okay all right well I think we're saved and as they get closer and this is like you know a modern boat

they drop the Black Flag they're Pirates but you know the big old

Jolly Roger they dropped the Black Flag and there's like players will want to tell you you're about to get pirate oh

yeah exactly they they're just letting it fly yeah to let you know there's a bad thing yeah it's about to stay on

your way yep so you know they're just watching us watching is like there's nothing we can do like there's no way we can outrun this thing so it's like all

right you know let's see what happens here and you know so they catch up and like they pull up next to me like hey

what's up seriously the Pirates are not hostile no not at all they're completely chill so

there's like completely expecting like I'm gonna get killed they're gonna abduct my wife like yeah I don't know what's about to happen here they're like

what's going on where you guys going yeah it's like you're you're in a houseboat like what

am I gonna rob you know like what could you possibly have back there that can I take back to my family and like in an

island somewhere yeah so you know they're just they're just super chill we're gonna say Hey you know we really

need supplies you guys have you know have anything you can help us out no but you want to come on and work for us for

a minute here we do have a lead on a boat in the area that we're gonna go and totally rob it you know rob it blind so

they can help the pirates for supplies oh yeah they're just like hey if you come and help us they need food right

yeah maybe gas yep what are you talking about the balloons that they're gonna

end up with no no not quite yeah if it was me

I would want some answers before we started pillaging well I want or are you just because I'm

trying to prove the Earth is flat sir you know I mean they just Captain you know tie up the you know the houseboat

behind them they start going and you know they they eventually they catch up with this other boat so they tow them to

their first pirate debauchery yes basically okay and this

is a husband and a wife we've decided yep and she's not a buddy yes he's a husband and wife at this point yeah I think husband and wife because that's

the it's got to be the slow trickle you can't convince somebody of this like in a drunken night you have to be like like

you're all in shouting out headlines from here and there of just like yeah you see this doesn't make sense

it's probably because we're getting close to the edge yeah and then yeah that happens for a few years until finally you present the idea like you

know so okay yep but okay so the husband and wife they're just you know are getting around there like the wife is

like hey do you have any like eye patches laying around like yeah of course yeah they're like they're ready yeah do you want a peg leg too like you

know it's it's cool like if you want it I would fake a hook yeah in that situation I would say I would say I have

sleeved shirts I'll fake a hook yeah you know so you know there's like all right well you know they're all decked out and

they're you know this stuff and like they kind of scouted it out and whatever so you know and then they start and then

they realize like man this is really fun it's like super fun robbing this boat more fun than proving the Earth is flat


they just have a great time like everyone's having an awesome time well what about the people being robbed yeah

now what's really going on here yeah so there's running in there's bashing out windows like what kind of boat is that

what are they robbing uh I mean it doesn't even get any cargo yeah well it could be I think cruise ship would get you the most of everything right that'd

be pretty cool it was just a small cruise ship no like maybe not I don't know you would even get jewels because they have all those duty-free stores

they sell jewelry yeah I've been on a cruise before they had those giant like Liquors and everything too they could do

that totally be about you could you could totally pillage a cruise ship and

leave with a lavish prior lifestyle you really could you really could with

the things they provide yep so you know they just have an awesome time here you know and the one the one idea I did have

if it wasn't you know like you know sorry like a cruise ship or whatever they they just find it maybe it's like a

boat for Hormel so they're just robbing Oklahoma transport ship it's cargo we've dabbled

on things like this before where are the things that corned beef hash Hormel chili those are the things I would keep in an apocalypse you want to know what I

wrote down they keep it's like they got corned beef hash because it keeps

because it keeps people we've already done we've dug deep we'll you know we'll

we we have some ideas that maybe later we'll find a way to get to you bonus episodes old writings things but yeah

and in a long-term apocalypse situation there's things like canned chili canned corn beef hash

even hot sauce yeah that it just keeps it just keeps and that's

why people would want this 20 years into a zombie apocalypse is because it keeps

it really it just keeps all right all right so you know they just you know

it's a gold mine you struggle on some Hormel chili and you're going to be at sea for I'm going

to say the rest of their lives because they're not getting home you're you're probably not wrong yes so you know like

now they've weighed down their boat you know it's like barely sticking out of the water full of corned beef hash and they're ready to go so you know like now

we're still on the hero's journey here there's still Shenanigans to be had so are there any fans waiting I feel like

at home no I feel like there's somebody there's somebody that just couldn't go yeah no they're just like hey do you

have a life insurance policy if you do could you maybe consider signing it over I feel like I feel like there's somebody

at home that was all in on the idea too but I just

can't go and they're just at home rooting for him yeah that you know where people are just like I'm completely

writing you out of my life because you're you're stupid and you're gonna die so we're done here so I've known you

for 30 years and this is what you're gonna go do yeah it's like I guess this

is it all right goodbye yeah yeah see you later okay yeah all right so yeah

that makes that that checks yeah so but yeah I mean it could be either you know like I just that's what I had in mind

like everybody's like this isn't gonna happen I like the idea of it becoming like a news story at some point like

where they're being tracked by like a live feed and somebody's at home like yeah like or it's like this back in the

90s where like the whole country like would have tuned into the OJ trial like let's put this way like the Johnny Depp

trial having like nobody really I mean we watched the clips and we saw the memes and stuff but it was like nobody's

really sitting and watching the whole thing like they were the OJ trial back in the day I remember that being on when

I was in like Elementary School my grandma just watching it I used to I used to go to her house when I was like sick from school I remember laying on

the couch they'd watch it all day and they taped it they had stacks of VHS tapes does the OJ trial are you gonna go

they were like this is history and it's like are you gonna go back yeah right you want to relive this whole thing once

you know the verdict you're planning on selling this to a museum someday likewise you know but anyways so yeah so you know

a longer hero's journey here we you know we got some things that are gonna happen so you know I and I just threw a couple

random ideas down here you know one of them like what if they found the start of the garbage patch so what the the

Great Barrier yes the Great Barrier plastic garbage Reef uh now are you saying like they a crash

landing yeah essentially you look at either way you'll be like my God look at that and it's like just off in the

distance where do you think it's land where there's already people living on it that'd be pretty bad existence you a

little little boyish think about the things you'd find yeah you'd find some weird stuff but that would change your

life you'd just be like dude I just found a canteen this is amazing yeah right so yeah I mean like it just that's

just what you know one random example maybe we find like you know the Great Barrier garbage Reef so you know that's

a big obstacle is how do we not get sucked in to navigate this yeah you know like so we'll just say we get through

that and uh now we're hitting a massive storm so okay things are looking Bleak

so you know they're dealing with this all night and maybe it's this you know cut I think they should have an

encounter on the with people that live on the plastic Reef okay well okay I think that there's there's a certain and

I for some reason I'm picturing him as a being hillbilly there's there's a few hillbillies that

are like hey you're too close to our garbage patch get out of my garbage yeah

I think I think it was I think there'd have to be even if they don't actually have an encounter I think they start being close like oh is there anything

useful that we could grab and then some people come out of like a pile of like two liters that are crumbled they're

armored in two liters hey get out of here Gary you're too close these are so

help me I'll throw this camping tripod at you these are worth 10 cents a piece in Michigan you know these are coming

with me we're sitting on a trillion dollar Nest Egg you know how much big

plastic is gonna pay for this look this is gonna give me Millions think ahead

all right but okay so they just get shouted at and they keep going for me all right I don't know because

what are you really gonna say to the people living on the game yeah exactly I think that the extent of just getting shouted at them and saying we gotta get

out of here yeah it's garbage yeah it's mine so sorry they get through the garbage

yeah and now all right so we've hit a storm you know and it's looking pretty bleak it could be even just like at

night there's this all this rain causing whatever it's all over the place yeah and then you know they they wake up

whatever you know it's the next cut and they're starting to drift towards an island it's like my God there's land

holy you know I haven't seen land in in months it's this is crazy on a small island or yeah it might be people here

yeah so so which one um I mean a little bit of both you know it's this isn't I mean I guess in your

boat you can't really see the full scope of it so that's okay so there might be people yeah there might be for sure so

you know they they start coming up on the shore here and they just see you know this this tribal person and he is

just jamming just rocking out on these Turtles like straight up just playing turtles yeah it's living turtles

straight up play in the Bongos on them you know what I think that that's a great enough

visual that I'm shocked I've never seen it before yeah I'm sure it's out there I

don't know I'm sure it is well versed in uh animals being used as trums and I've

never seen a movie where they find a guy who's just jamming on like a dozen Turtles yep so yeah he's just like

imagine those like you know New York street performers like they're just like playing just like what's your name and he starts

working them into a freestyle jamming they're just like they're just it's like the siren song they're just drawn to it

they're just like wow this is incredible I've never heard a turtle played like that before so they come in it is

impressive if I saw this somebody Gemini Turtle I would that's one of the greatest things you'll

ever see I have questions Turtles just take it yeah they're just like they're just kind of like nodding

it's what they oh this is like giving a little nod I like that it's like that's that's like Bob and I'm glad I'm part of

it yeah they're like yeah hit me again okay so yeah yeah I know I'm you know

what I'll be honest with you I didn't love this idea until we got to the

turtles but the turtle thing I'm it's kind of this is the Pinnacle right

here well I may have peaked so okay we're gonna slog through the rest of it

anyways but I will be thinking about the turtle guy yeah I will so he's he's just

jamming so yeah they get in you know they're pulling up and they're just like you know what I'm gonna give this guy

like a bunch of corned beef hash if you could play another song you know I'm gonna see what he knows like I don't know I don't expect him to know if like

anything I know he's like dressing like a loincloth like you know I have no idea so you know they get in there try all

Originals yeah but you know they get in there and it's a trap they they've been

they've been catfished well that's not really the right term no you're right though because I would have been sucked

right in yeah I'm so in love with this Turtle guy that I would trust him immediately yeah if I

saw that I would never think I'm in danger right I would walk out being like this is the greatest [ __ ] thing that's ever happened in the history of

the world like I love whether it's flat or round I need to get turtles so I can do this it would just more be like dude

you need a YouTube channel you need a tick tock oh yeah this is like you know 80s 90s so he's gonna have to I don't

know he's gonna have to meet with some like executive producers which is probably not going to be great for him but yeah but anyways like so you know we

got this guy jamming on it but it's a trap so now you know like how you know hijinks ensues whatever they've launched

at him yeah exactly the turtles jumped into action and captured everybody so yeah so they get captured you know it's

like all right you know maybe it's the classic they're being you know they're tied up or they're on like uh you know they're carrying them on the stick you

know whatever yeah they're they're hogtied yeah Apple for your mouth somehow yeah exactly so you know they're

they're you know they're they're taking them you know somewhere they don't know where they're so nervous and they just

get set down you know in this room and all of a sudden there's like okay what's going on here when it wouldn't be

upsetting that somebody that had access to an apple tree and that many turtles is still gonna eat you yeah would it be

very upsetting it would just be like look man I know this isn't like you can't live off apples and turtles is a

little strange but like there's a lot of turtles here you had a 12-piece drum set yeah you know how much turtle soup we

could be eating now let's put it this way would you if if you were trapped on an island with only a drum set would you

give up a drum set to not have to eat a person oof that's a tough one

that's the question can I jam out on these Turtles you you can eat the turtles and not have to eat the the flat

earthers but you'll never play drums again yeah Ah that's tough if I'm you know like an

uncontacted tribe and it's like I have to give up my turtles to eat or anything

you're essentially giving up music to not be a cannibal would you do that in your life now I mean well obviously I'm

not gonna be a cannibal but but I could see you know uncontacted tribe or maybe

they're already cannibals you know what other ear Joys are there other than music yeah you're gonna give all that up

just to not eat a couple of flat earthers yeah all right all right all right I'm sorry

we're getting off track but well that's kind of the point as well so yeah so now they're you know they're tied up they're

in this room they don't know what's going on they are they're assuming they're they're gonna be eating but no

the door opens or the straw gets pushed aside or whatever and in walks an

astronaut and he's like on an island with the turtle drummer yes so who captured them

for the tribe yeah they get caught in a net or like a tribe came out with stickers yeah either it doesn't really

matter the tribe called them yeah it could be it was both sure so yeah that's good Nets are cool yeah for movies yeah

yeah visual yeah good for the startling moment of oh we're in a net yeah of course so yeah so you know now the

astronaut walks in and he's just like hey what are you guys doing essentially

and they're just like you've been tracking you since the globe conference well no not quite he's just like hey you

know what like yeah I I don't know if I'll ever make it off this island um you know like well you know what are

you doing so they explain it and he's like you know what I'm gonna let you go because you know why I'm here

my rocket was shot down because if I had an instrument failure and I went off course and I got to hear he's the pilot

from one of the Articles he is how long ago uh I mean a year or two yeah like

you know long enough amount of time that it's getting a little feral but you know he he's still wearing his astronaut suit

you know like it's it's a little tattered but he's in it well that's what he's got yeah it's only a package of

clothes you know so yeah okay so you see started a life here because he always lost his rocket lost the rest of the

crew you know it's just it's just him you know and he found found the you know this tribe and they're just like hey

this is our God now so he is essentially you know God to these people

and we don't have to go you know too far into that you know it's just like they they just Revere him they did that with

the movie uh or was it the gods were crazy or something it was the one where the pilot

threw a coke bottle out the window I've heard about the tribe found it and worshiped it yeah so it would be the same thing a space suit's way more

impressive than a Coke bot oh yeah absolutely especially if you like saw the guy crash or something yeah and then he just got out and was in like a glass

helmet you'd be like this guy's something different yeah exactly it is a little okay all right so

so they find the astronaut is now a God for the turtle drummers yeah and so they're cannibals though have you have

we yeah probably we said but or they just it's like it can be left up to interpretation because they don't end up

getting eaten they can assume you know it's like that guy's wearing a rather large femur on his neck when they get

hauled back to the prisoner area they should be one of the trash pile rednecks it was just kind of like I accidentally

floated away on a crumpled kayak I was an accident I jumped at a keg that kind

of just worked its way loose and here I am I was checking if there was anything in this King I saw floating and it just

flushes and I lunged at it I heard somebody jumping drumming Phil Collins on some turtles and I had to drift

closer until it was too late is that scannered just jumps out free bird yeah

so sorry so you know like now you know he's gonna let him go you know they've kind of talked about it they told him

what they were doing he's like hey you know I think I got shot down because of this because even though I was blown off

course like everything was still right so I have no idea what this could possibly be like other than they're

trying to keep me away from the truth so this guy is also like yes yes and you have a boat yeah so he's excited that

yeah he's like you're gonna make it okay so my story oh so he doesn't want to go with him no

he's not going well I was thinking that I've been marooned for a year

waiting to finish my mission and now you just by chance have come with your vote

to complete the same Mission I think he would go yeah he's just you know you know what I'm being worshiped here they

I don't know where they're finding all these cares about what shape the Earth is this is like I got so many mangoes

and fish to eat here like I'm fine it's glorious I'm a king yeah good luck yeah

these people are cool you've heard the turtle jams it's sweet I'm gonna stay yeah it's like they play for me every

night before I go to bed it's awesome so anyways now you know this situation

resolves then they leave the island and you know they're they're back in their Journey maybe they just piled it up more

mangoes make up for the corned beef hash they needed a trade you know somebody goes for some corned beef hash so you

know they set back on their Journey so you know they're they're going along here everything's going fine one point

they get attacked no not they've already passed the Pirates they've already been trapped yep by the turtle drummers and

they're getting attacked Now by whom hostile fish are these super smart fish they are they

work for the government okay so these are government mutations I'm sure yeah I'm sure they've been made

in a lab to as a last resort defense or one of many Last Resorts one Link in the

chain for sure okay and I would assume they're pretty serious because there's some pretty big water dwelling animals

yeah we won't say they're too big or anything this is this is more meant for like maybe they have their tears you

know whatever so like they're still they're in an intimidation yeah exactly just they're closing along all of a sudden you're just like

you know on to the bow there's like oh my God what's happening we gotta check this out so you're looking around and

like you know this part I don't really have a good Escape written for them but they they got to escape from these fish

they're being attacked you know it's like what are they you know how do they get away from them do the garbage Reef

people come so it's just a lot of fish just flying into your boat yeah and it's going to break your boat oh yeah yeah

it's like they're just throwing themselves at it like this is you know how much to do yeah there's not much so

you know maybe we have like you know the Rednecks that you brought up from you know the the great garbage Reef come up

maybe they just help and they distract them or something who knows like but either way they they escape from this

scenario so they they get away from the fish and ice walls in sight

they can see the ice wall this is what this is what it's all about baby Yep this is it this is his moment he's like

oh man his and her moment it is she bought in you know along the way oh yeah

so you know they so they see this and there's like there it is I can't believe we're right this is crazy and you know

they're having this moment and all of a sudden things are starting to happen I was like I'm hearing what is well I'm hearing

noises so I'm seeing some weird activity like what is going on here so the ice wall fiercely guarded and it

is guarded by the government I'm not going to say which humans it could be any old humans humans are part of it oh

definitely part of it so humans aren't the only inhabitants okay so so we're at

the ice wall and now you know they're kind of going through and they're just seeing what's going on like and now here

you know we can kind of interpret what do the defenses look like you know what's what's going on here turrets oh

yeah machine guns snipers I mean I'm assuming everything right we have invisibility cloaks like it can get nuts

and just ready to strike you know there's just so much he can do here but there is a force and you know we do

finally have a bit of an antagonist at this point it's a late a late one maybe

we could kind of drop hints you know earlier on in the in the in the story here but there's a globe Defender

probably somebody who was at the conference no no it's not this is this is a third party

but it is and I have named this one because I wanted to have the most like

ridiculous name I can think of for the scenario this is the first name in the history of we won't finish this podcast because we never even yeah we never

named anyone yeah you never even landed on gender specifically for a lot of these characters so this is the most do

the most character development we've seen really is let's hear what is the name of the person defending the ice

wall ruthless Rutherford Roosevelt foreign

where did this come from it was the most American government name I could possibly think of at that moment in time

ruthless Rutherford Roosevelt that we'll just we'll refer to him as Triple R to

make it easy okay Triple R well we'll make it easy so

Triple R is he's the leader of the forces and I saw him coming and he spit out his water bottle on the turn on the

apron yeah like metal like people it's a Triple H Hunter's Helmsley

reference if you don't know what I'm doing here anyways it's time to play the game okay okay

so yeah we got Triple R here you know a little back story on Triple R he's got a

couple things in his family history so one of them that I had is that you know and maybe this is this is part of the

villain's speech at some point you know who knows because well we'll get closer to that but you know we have you know

Triple R here and he's like famous essentially for his family is is famous for his grandfather well yeah sorry

they're not famous for this one actually I plays against it his father shot down Amelia Earhart because she was getting

too close to the wall she went obviously purposely okay so yeah so as a pilot you're

allowed to fly there's a limit and you're done okay so

this is and it's so I'm assuming this happened a number of times in history oh so many times but they're always

watching because this seems to be a very important thing for some reason government can't tell us the shape of

the earth no they just can't they could tell me it was a triangle tomorrow and I

would just be like no way that doesn't even make sense to me and then if somebody explain it I'd be like all right well who cares and there's so many

people involved in this conspiracy to keep it secret so many people so just so

much money and like it's just much it was like when I heard there was a documentary I mean probably a decade ago

about mermaids being real I remember that remember this I do remember you kind of caught on as like an internet

and they had the found footage at the end that was so absurd yeah and it was just one of those things that as soon as I heard it I was like who cares like I

was like if there was mermaids that wouldn't change anything about my life or how I thought about anything yeah

like it wouldn't it really it wouldn't matter so in the flatters is another one too where I see the dedication of some

of these people and I'm just like it lets be real a lot of these people they're it's a business for them at this

point yeah it's the guy's selling that table map because it's so ridiculous it's like yeah that's kind of funny well

you can cash in on it and it's just one of those things where it's I think a lot of these people are driven by that rather than actually caring yeah exactly

because I have no preference I believe it's round because that's what most of the

things show me well I mean it is it's not believing or anything and I've seen the curve of the Horizon from an

airplane and stuff like that in a plane and I didn't say it's [ __ ] exactly and plus the amount of Pilots yeah you

would have to like make sure aren't speaking out because they know the routes and like if you see the Flat Earth Map they the pilots would

know yeah they would and snipers who account for the curvature of the earth they know everyone knows like about it

for my life it doesn't affect anything at all as long as the roads are still drivable then I don't care about what

shape the Earth is you know so you know Infamous we'll call that for his

grandfather shooting down Amelia Earhart and maybe that's like a close guarded secret like I said maybe it's revealed you know later on

they got another one so you know why JFK was assassinated

I'd love to hear because his speech that we want to go to the Moon

because not because it's easy but because it's hard so so obviously the

flat earthers I think they believe that the moon landing was all fake oh I'm sure yeah I mean it was obviously like

this is a government it was filmed in a studio kind of thing so I'm sure that's there so JFK was trying to do it for

real and they were like no way yeah yeah and all of a sudden like you know triple R's like you know grandfather or whoever

at this point it's like uh-huh that's not happening so we're gonna take you down and maybe the president doesn't

he's not in on this whole you know closely guarded secret maybe it's like you know it's the Illuminati section of

the US government so you know whatever it is but they protect it I it's gonna be hard for me to really think of a

reason for this movie of why they want us to think it's round because like I said I've pondered it in real life and I

just I can't see any significance at all to the shape of the Earth yeah to like

to somebody wanting you to think it's different I just can't I just can't wrap my head around it so but obviously here

it's it seems if there's people defending it it's flat at this point they've seen the ice wall Triple R is there ready to pedigree somebody yep

it's it's it's on Yep this world it's flat and they can't believe it so well I

guess they can because I would love to come up with a reason why the cover-up

but I I've already pondered it in my own life where I'm just like I I the globe's

just making so much money it's literally just for all the globes that they're selling the glass rooms and libraries that like we're making enough money here

that we yeah it's we're gonna keep everybody in the dark but but and I know

this don't think that this affects your movie because this is a it's a stupid enough movie that the detail doesn't

matter you know what I mean but wouldn't it almost be more profitable at some point for big Globe to say you know what

it's actually flat everybody needs to buy a new flag Globe from us sure yeah you know when we get to the 2020s I'm

sure that would happen especially when the behind the curve guy who's selling the wooden Flat Earth maps and coffee tables is sold out yeah son of a [ __ ]

I'm gonna have to make more I feel like he would have been assassinated along with JFK probably This Guy's in the he's

in the shade he's in a map of the Earth business kill him he's done you know what I mean

so all right let me know so yeah like Oswald big Globe fanatic so

he took down JFK he couldn't lead couldn't let the secret out he wasn't paid off by him or he just loved the idea of a flag I think he just loved

flattering he loved the idea of a rounder so much that he killed JFK he did alone yeah lone gunman no grassy

knoll no grassy knoll nope it was him he was like it turns out on a flat Earth the grassy knoll wasn't elevated enough

to actually create a shot to actually get a clear shot of JFK straight shot so on a flat Earth there is no second

shooter no second around Earth we can debate all day but yeah okay yeah I see

it so yeah big low fanatic couldn't couldn't let us go to the moon so of course we had to fake it after that

that's not really in this story but of course so yes yeah yeah yeah you know like all right so Kubrick filmed it yeah so we

have our encounter with triple R's forces here so you know whatever that that is you know essentially like boat

destroyed no no sorry we're gonna keep the boat we'll just say you know like it's so they they have to jump out or something whatever the case is I will

say being a boat and just a few people maybe Triple R is willing to talk rather

than just shoot you out of the sky like the astronaut guy right you know or something because they can't really

communicate with you but control the situation more where are you gonna go yeah we can talk to you we can talk

about this although I do think they would just vaporize their boat probably but okay we're going well we're

going to talk to him yeah yeah so maybe they jump out maybe they avoid a rocket or something you know but whatever it

ends up being so you know they have this encounter with triple R's forces and you know like so after that you know

whatever the case may be so they abandon the bow the boat's still you know slogging along here just like us and

it's just nearing towards the edge we'll just say there's a big passage kind of in the middle and they're just like okay

so that thing's going so so you're saying that there's a A Passage through the ice wall yes at this

that they can see maybe it's narrow and the boat's just on the right course so they they move on a little bit I like

the idea of it not just being a cliff into space I like where you're getting with this because I feel like there's

you're you're about to make the flatter Theory more interesting because it's not very interesting so I do I do like that

you've got a new spin on it so all right now they they you know they escape this thing they're kind of we'll say washed

up on the cliff side where that is like you can you can scale it whatever so they just get you know they get helped

and in this point this is just kind of like a silly idea I threw in what can they meet here you know because I feel

like there should be inhabitants of the edge of the world and I am beyond the government's defenses they're saying

essentially kind of there's a a society yeah on the edge yeah I picture them as


unless you've got a better I don't spin So Okay so we've got speaking penguins

that they're just kind of like why all the violence yeah exactly like what is happening here do they feel a need to

defend the edge of the Earth or are they just kind of like why is this a big deal at all yeah it's

like oh you want to see the edge yeah it's right there go ahead it's like so you know like but okay so yeah you know

Silly kind of get with these penguins will say and they're trying to you know figure out well we got to get to the

edge here but we've got to go through all these forces here you know how do we do it so they're just like well we're

going to disguise you as paying or not penguin sorry we're going to disguise you as seals so because they don't really pay

attention to seals like so okay so they haven't talked to

Triple R they jumped out of that oh and they've met the Penguins and Triple R is still off in the distance like hopefully

they're dead still aware exactly still aware of the situation whatever and they beat the Penguins the Penguins say we

have Seal costumes for humans right here they're ready to go available get in

them so they do you okay once again I will say

I love while not loving the entirety of the idea I love the turtle guy and I do love

I think we could really find a way to love the Penguins Happy Feet no I see it as more of like a

uh they I think they're more about thinking like me where they're just like who the

[ __ ] cares yeah exactly they just don't care like they're just like here you came here for this long but you want to

see it right yeah you came here you want to see it we want you to see it put on the Seal costumes will help you see it

yep exactly you're gonna get by the four guys so they they put on the Seal costumes and I just have this image in

my head they're just kind of like bouncing around on their stomachs right yeah exactly it's trying to move

past the forces here okay so you know they they get they get they do it they get past them and you know so they they

get to the edge and they get to look off and they're just like wow can you believe this you know standing on Ice

yeah is there a waterfall falling and it's good that's what I've always pictured sure Fighters I'm like how does

the water stand so I guess in this situation there won't be but we'll just say this is ice yeah it's an icy cliff

into space yeah so when we're picturing yeah that's a pretty cool visual it is along with the turtle guy who I still

love and I feel like should be his own

that somebody has like I don't know I'm sorry I just I love that so much so so

you know they get up there and they'll get out of the Seal costumes looking off they're having this touching moment there's like you know that boat is

probably coming along right and we might be able to jump on that boat and see what happens maybe we go off the edge

you know it's like I don't know what we do here is it space So maybe it is space

maybe it is a human show where it's just a wall painted like space so they're still trying to figure this out they

don't know so when they're having this in this moment and they're just like we don't know even know what to do at this

point never thought we'd get here essentially which he was certain maybe she had our dolls who knows uh so they're you know they're talking and who

walks up but the forces of Triple R including triple and he is just looking at them and you

know this is where we have our big villain speech you know whatever you know we've been visiting this for

hundreds of years this is where we should get the explanation of why it matters but literally between the two

of us we can't think of one because it's such a stupid conspiracy theory yeah and

I really thought you were gonna say we find out why the guy kept [ __ ] his pants I was just say like no that's not

here unfortunately yeah there's there's if we're gonna talk Cliffhangers we've got two and that's why does anybody care

about the shape of the earth and why did that guy keep [ __ ] his pants and if he was why did he return to the globe

convention and not stay at his hotel room quarantined I got to say face who knows

so anyway so yeah they're they're Corner they don't know what to do imagine Saving Face

by returning to the scene of the crime and [ __ ] your pants again again for the third time wearing clothing items

that you clearly bought here you know I'm sorry go ahead so okay they're at

the cliff Triple R shows up we have our discussion of good versus evil yeah exactly flat versus round exactly

guarding this for hundreds of years you don't know what this revelation will do to the public can you imagine the Panic

can you imagine no Panic if we all thought the world was as flat as it looked when you're driving yeah exactly

can you imagine there's like no but keep talking so you know you just go it goes

on his huge villain you deserve to know though yeah and at this point it's just like it's over they're they're about to

get shot you know like it's like you know the [ __ ] in the grounds whatever and they grab each other's hands and

they jump off the edge so

you know if they've jumped off the edge and so they're kind of like they're they're floating essentially they just

don't know really what's going on yeah it really is yeah so they're they're kind of like you know almost like almost

weightless for a minute and then they start to move to the other side so the other side of what the other side of the

Flat Earth the ice wall it's a no do you imagine like you're looking you know the flat Earth's like this here on the top

now you're going down to the bottom oh they're going to the underside yes of the splatter they're going underneath so

he you know Australia that's it's it's in there uh so so they

jump over the edge they're just having this moment they're just like wow fight Earth kind of looks really stupid

from the side I was like this is really underwater and kangaroos down here it's just underwhelming seeing the side of

Flat Earth and then you know like they like look up and see the moon and there's like oh the Moon is real how

thick would the Flat Earth have to be for like to accommodate all the not just

basements but like legitimate underground I mean like 12 companions no I mean the Grand Canyon has to be

accounted for yeah maybe it's an illusion you never know at this point you know where we're going over the edge we're living in a simulation anyways

maybe it's kind of like a cares maybe it's a favorite starts all kind of thick in the middle and kind of goes along and

it kind of tapers or something and you know you just have like everything at the end who knows but they jump because

I'm picturing that it would have to be really far so they would jump and actually have a moment of like uh yeah this looks stupid and then they just

like huh and then they're standing up on the other side and they're like why is there kangaroos and marsupials everywhere so so what we get you know we

get to the other side and you know but I'm picturing they're jumping over the edge and they just they pass out you

know so they're just they're kind of just incapacitated whatever it's too much it really is it's too much transfer

it's the shifting of the poles it really is so but you know we you know we wake up here

and we're actually in the middle in the middle of this big facility it's it's some big like they can't see

the end of it it's just this giant we'll just call it a factory it's like what is a giant industrial commercial type

building exactly this is giant building here it's like what in the hell is going on here okay so you know they start kind

of looking around it's just Nobody's around they just can't figure out what's going on and here you know like that's that's a little bit open because it's

just the husband and wife just the husband and wife okay yep just them they can't find anybody but as they're kind

of looking through they just they start figuring out that wait a minute this is a government facility

the government has a facility on the opposite side of the world like the underside and in this facility they

breed new spiders and mosquitoes bastards I know it's the most evil thing

I could think of but here it gets worse of all things it gets worse they breed

them to be addicted to crack so they can unleash them and start the

crack epidemic wait the mosquitoes yes we'll start with

the crack epidemic by biting you The Unsung villain of the crack epidemic is actually these spiders

yeah we're talking 80s yeah so there was no GPS device probably available to people so okay so

that's what started as mosquitoes yeah it we don't want anybody finding the

underside of the world because the deepest conspiracy I've ever heard in my life isn't it though this this is evil

so so they they aired in this facility that just is meant to be imagine getting

fired up by mosquitoes and then addicted to having insatiable hankering for crack

I know it's again it was the most evil thing I could think of and so like you

know but then I kind of thought about it and that's where Australia came in it's like well a spider breeding facility

makes it makes sense you know Australia but I will say I think this gives us our answer

of why they would hide a flat Earth Yep it does because

it gives you an entirely secret earth it does you because the the underside would be just

as big as the other the upper side that we all enjoy and love and know so I'm glad that you mentioned that no no no

I'm glad that you mentioned it because now we finally have our reason for why

it matters and it's because powerful people could say we have an entire secret earth you don't even know about

and you won't even look for as long as you think it's round and you've seen everything and they've created this

fictitious globe to hide the underside where they can do whatever they want and have all kinds of

experiments free reign I'll be honest with you I now love this idea because

you finally answered the one question I could never answer about Flat Earth Yep which was who gives a [ __ ] why who cares

who cares but no you finally solved it is that it's the only way to conceal a

secret earth yeah spiders if we all knew there was a flat Earth then we would say well what's going on on the other side

yeah exactly right can I stand there what's going on underneath this but no I'm this has now become it's it's

like it's gone from the stupidest to genius over this one detail and I love

it now so you know and that's and that's where that part of the story kind of

comes to an X I didn't really have a clear ending of what they do with this information I finally had a mind-blown

moment and I'm loving it so but I did have an alternative idea so when they when they wake up they kind

of meet with a community of you know undersiders we'll call them under earthers if you will

so okay how did we get here how did they get here what is this I think there's a whole earth down there you gotta think

that's that so I feel like it's not just one group of unearthers I feel like there's warring factions there's a whole

deep so floor that comes with the under Earth yeah so I'm kind of thinking is you know not not exactly not like the

upside down but you know it's kind of we don't have transport because we're only seeing one Edge yeah not the spooky

stuff but there is room for it yeah there is in this concept so in this concept you know it's it's an under

Earth everything's exactly the same and we meet this you know this community people who we they're all trying to

figure out how the hell do we escape how do we get past these people we're idiots they want to come up they they want to

get to the back to the other side the husband and wife or the under Earth the under earthers they just got there so they're just now they're seeing these

people's turmoil so the husband and wife are interested they want to check out more yeah the underearthers are like hey

can you get us up hey it sucks here we want to go back to why does it suck uh it could be anything at this point

everything's upside down yeah maybe there's crack spiders in there your hairs hanging out everything's upside

down it's annoying as [ __ ] yeah that'd be it'd be terrible you drop something that's just gone yeah exactly it was

like well there that goes I'm never getting that back there goes the Apple I was gonna eat so you know at this point you know and now we explore the idea how

do we get back you know what do what do we do do we just go yeah you said it was then it's

climbable yep so you know we could even have maybe they tunnel in the list like they just go like 15 feet in one spot

like oh it was right here the whole time I feel like the under earthers would be like we know how to get through yeah but

maybe they're really really stupid there's also that to consider it's like

you know because we haven't had an intelligent Journey so far that all the blood's been rushing to their head their entire lives and they just can't even

think they all have headaches yeah exactly you know it's just a picture you're not born here like they went over

there they're just like oh my God there's people down here and the people are just like

please say you brought Tylenol were too stupid to develop anything so sucks yeah this is so bad so yeah like that's you

know they had Tylenol once and we dropped it and it fell into the sky yeah I opened the bottle it was gone so yeah

they Spilled Out so yeah we meet this community they did they all developed this plan they try to escape you know

whatever and you know so we'll just say that they do what happens on the other side now

they're back and like how do you prove it would you take a picture it's like that's just upside down camera so what

are you talking about they didn't take you it's just upside down photos upside down picture what the hell did I do they would have had to take in a photo while

they were falling and they were too scared yeah exactly they just couldn't you know cameras let's see 80s camera's huge so they're back and now they're

just Flat Earth idiots exactly who are just saying no I know for sure yeah no which

is almost Ruth less convincing there's somebody explaining to you why they

think the Earth is flat rather than somebody saying I've been on the bottom side of the player I would just be like oh come on yeah exactly that's that's

pretty ridiculous we're gonna show me the whole you don't so they come back you're saying they make it all the way back yep they make it all the way back

back to his Globe job exactly well who knows I mean like he's probably got some wild ideas at this point uh so I don't

really know if they're gonna welcome him back uh but you know they get back and they just try to figure out how do we spread our truth and it goes exactly as

you might expect and that means it doesn't you know they're just ridiculed endlessly and they die sad and alone

shunned by the world the end

the conspiracy continues without ever sharing their love of

turtle drum music yeah yeah maybe that just failed too they get back someone's like why did that sucks like it was like

I've played my dog's Bongos before like I said we're close

wow I know a lot to take in so I mean there's obviously more we could flesh

out in there oh yeah absolutely but I I will say

we're not going to finish this podcast yeah we're not I mean we're not it is what it is but I I think there's some

great visuals there is I F I do love that we finally answered why somebody

would want to trick you about the shape of the earth yep and it does make sense they want to keep the other half for themselves yeah they want to catch the

other half that's that's a very important detail that might send me down a rabbit hole on the internet tonight and I might

buy a second hand Flat Earth coffee table because they're all sold out it's like we have a Believer

you may have convinced me no it was I I enjoyed writing this and not making it

what do you what do you want to call the episode um the underside

the underside we'll call it the underside I like that because it's intriguing enough uh-huh okay about the

other side if it sounds like we're gonna get out of here but I'll throw it out there uh you can listen to us on Spotify

Apple music Google music anywhere you get podcasts watch our live streams on Twitch and YouTube come hang out in the

chat please check us out on social media we're on most platforms that's the best way to find out when we'll be recording

our next live stream and you can find all those Links at linktree slash wwft

pod thank you for checking us out yep have a good night everyone this is we won't finish this podcast

I hope you enjoyed it that's gonna be all you see so have a good one
