We Won't Finish This Podcast

Bunker Time Machine | We Won't Finish This Podcast #1

Episode Summary

In this episode, time travel exists, but the government keeps it a secret. There’s a reset button only for world ending emergencies, but what if someone were to use that for their own purposes?

Episode Notes

What would you do if you were among a select few people trusted to safeguard a reset button for the world? There’s a book where the collective knowledge of all resets is kept, but would it show you a future that may have already come to pass that was reset? Is it Back to the Future rules or is it Hot Tub Time Machine? How does aging work in a void outside of time and how could there be a changing of the guard? Could a visitor to the bunker be a means to an end? Would you kill a man with JNCO jeans for a chance at another life? What toll would living in the bunker and missing out on your life take on you?


Music: Dirty Pots ft. Zeebz

Episode Transcription

welcome to we won't finish this podcast where we pitch movies to each other that we'll never make Spaceman this is zebs I

want to know why we're doing this instead of actually writing movies we're lazy but you know what go ahead and

check out episode zero for more information on that uh zeebs is up tonight and I have no clue what he's

going to pitch to me this is all fresh this kind of a thing we're just one of us pitches the other they don't have any

heads up so Zeus tell everyone where they can find us and go ahead and kick things off uh you can listen on Spotify

Apple music Google music anywhere you get podcasts if you're just trying to listen if you want to watch check out our YouTube channel and we won't finish

this you can watch our live streams on Twitch and YouTube and hang out in the chat live if you're here right now hello

uh please check us out please check us out on social media we're on most platforms that's the best way to find

out when we're recording the next live stream you can find all those Links at linktree slash wwft pod and probably in

the description of wherever you're watching or listening to this right now all right please follow those social

media things we're starting at zero and it's It's Hard Out Here

all right zebs what do you got for us tonight well first of all I want to say I'm

pretty excited this is the first official episode first one uh we get to test the format see how it works kind of

see how the product is but yeah I'm ready to do this all right I'm just gonna dive right into it uh in this

movie time travel exists people and uh but the US government is the only

one in possession of a time machine and they keep it secret all right in a bunker okay it was sole

purpose is just to they if everything is going to [ __ ] they get a call

reset it just like nukes maybe whoever's in power is losing their power structure

you know what I mean so so that's that's the setting okay uh so all right with

the the bunker I mean are they sending like a guy back or they just how does it

work well that's we're gonna have to dive into that because well before we get to that

we'll we'll set it up because I'm thinking you can't just go work for a couple of

years in the secret time machine bunker and then go back and work at Lowe's and you know what I mean ideas I kind of

think it's a lifetime commitment yeah yeah no definitely like if you know toured what is that area 51 or 50 or

whatever it's like you go there and like you move on like you probably think about it a little bit you know here and

there you're probably going to tell somebody at some point that time travel is real yeah and you know about it you

know but I mean maybe I'm wrong but either way I I kind of see it as like kind of a lifetime commitment

thing yeah where you'd have to qualify and uh I was kind of throwing around the idea

of like Generations but then I think it gets too complicated I think that it's it was you know

I don't know but obviously you would have to bring in there would be young people coming in as

the old guys are dying off you know kind of thing so there would be a a shift to it but it might be decades

before there's actually like okay we're getting some new guys down here okay yeah all right let me you know make sure

I got the idea so you're talking you send like a bunch of people back in the past and just rebuilds history that we

were talking about no I'm saying okay so right now it's 2023 and the nukes are going off yeah all

right these guys get a phone call set us back five years okay you know or

whatever they might need and then they do it and the people who made the call they'll never even know what happens yeah but

what I think is very important I've I was thinking I think the in the bunker exists

a book that tells all the times they've had to go back the reasoning why okay

because you would want to know that you can't just go back five years and then assume well maybe the nukes won't happen this time so you're talking there's like

a button we've we've hit a button and we're all back so this book might give a little bit of knowledge to the people

who essentially hit the button is that what we're talking about here I think whoever hits the button knows what

happened okay I think that you sitting in your house you have no idea that anything ever changed all right you know

what I mean you're just we're just resetting the last we're going to your last save five years ago and just picking up from there we're loading up

the quick safe exactly we're going to another another quick save so uh like I said it doesn't have to be new because

it could be economical maybe oh sure maybe it gets a little bit maybe it gets a little seedy or anything maybe it gets

a little seedier there's a there's a corrupt government that you know they're about to lose their power structure

economically and that's enough for them to say we need another chance because they're the ones at the reins at the moment or something you know right so

that's that's the premise is that this is the Fail-Safe for Humanity or you

know if corruption plays then it's all right so we gotta yeah we got a time machine we got a button to hit the old

reset yes so it's proven to work but kept secret and banned from use unless

there is one of these occurrences like you get the phone call uh sometimes the government might not

act right away they'd want to see exactly how things play out maybe they let some of these catastrophes boil over

a little bit just so they can do enough research that hey you know go back they make the

call go back in time write this in the book and then when they relay it back then they can be like okay you know

whatever go back invest in Yahoo like you know layers yeah don't do that they'd want to see how things played out

so they can strategize better for the second go yeah you know yeah I feel like I'd be terrible

um I'm thinking many rules would be in place to prevent The Travelers from changing consequential things I mean

that's pretty kind of a troll for the time travel thing yeah exploiting time travel for personal gain creating paradoxes that's not the best way to use

it well that's that's the thing uh all right so that's obviously they don't

want them to do that so uh the history book it's Captain the bunker documents past uses of the machine why it was used

when and it may be any known consequences because Butterfly Effect kind of things where

they're like okay this was an issue you know because the only guy that would really know so the guys down there would have to be pretty informed yeah can the

book be a sports Almanac well I think that's a brilliant idea

I think it's been done if we could go back and write back to

the future before it happened we could be paid but uh so it creates I was

saying the book would also contain a history of the bunker and machine okay because I think the creators things like

that they can't ever be written out in history and this is their legacy these this is the Fail-Safe for Humanity okay

like maybe like a biography of the designer maybe a photo I think I'm pitching your own idea back to you so

like what if we considered a kind of like a voice you know like these people just live in it's just you know

generation and generation just have ownership of this button so it's like a Timeless void they hit it everything

outside of it is essentially reset you know we're we're hitting the kill switch we're going back five you know five

years or why whatever we need okay you know all right they could just they give you the date go back to this date and

then tell us why tell us that this happened yeah all right you know and why so that's what I'm picturing and then um

the book could also have future Secrets Revealed because of the previous travel

okay you know what I mean because like hey we go back 10 years when all these guys in the bunker they they know what's

going to happen and for the most part in the next 10 years yeah you know okay so

I'm thinking and then if anything sketchy's going down the bunker crew gets put on standby of

like hey like yeah turn the keys like it's over here rev it up you know what I mean because

something crazy might really happen but so I'm I was started thinking like so who are the people living down there

I mean are they like generals I mean what's how do you get scientists so yeah I mean that situation yeah you I mean if

it's controlled by government so it's got to be you know it's got to be like you know he probably have some one of

those like names that you always hear that's always involved in politics probably like their cousins like you

look at they have it it's like the rich cousins so there's like a Kennedy down there yeah a Schwarzenegger

a Kennedy of Schwarzenegger and a Clinton walk into a bar

It's gotta it's got a button to go back five years yeah so all right um I mean yeah I'm thinking they'd have

to be you think it's impoverished or something in a way because I mean you're giving your whole life to this for what your family probably gets the money or

you know I mean yeah because like you're essentially I mean like at least what I thought it was like you're in this

Timeless essentially void like you really I mean you're kind of getting into like this person is just the

guardian of this thing like I don't know I'm thinking there's got to be like a crew okay it's not like there's just one

guy in a but I mean he'd go insane and just hit the button and never agree to do this in the first place you know

teeth rebooting time yeah see what happens if I break it yeah so uh

so yeah I think it would have to be you know somebody who they're they're trying to change life for their family and like

and financially I think that's really what it have to be is you're kind of like a nobody yeah but at the same time

you'd have to be skilled to I mean Ari do you have to really be skilled if it's just a button or yeah you'd think you

just kind of hang out and eat Doritos and then eventually get a caller like oh my God I'm like you know brush yourself off and go over and turn the keys so how

how big is the bunker what do you picture when I picture the bunker honestly is like a studio apartment you

know it just kind of like how many guys I mean maybe a couple I'm thinking it

would be like they're just kind of like take turns sleep and you know they're they're there to answer the call at least like a

school gym okay like a high school gym yeah I think it would be a pretty big bunker with rooms and yeah oh man what

do they eat how do they get food that's where I was at my next question is getting food reading of waste man you

know so that's uh and and here's here's my other point is that if we

if we want this history book to be a thing and they've already used this a number of times yeah

when was it made I'm thinking like 40s I'm thinking I'm thinking there's more of like a Nikola Tesla like vibe to it

instead of like a futuristic time machine bunker I think it's going to be kind of primitive yeah World War II you

know yes yeah kind of getting into that here I'm kind of picturing like that's when it was built yeah like they they

pressed the button and then like a big Edison Light Bulb like turns on and then what it works yeah but it works right

and then it only needs a fizzle coming up or something so that's kind of what I'm picturing on that sense

um so yeah time period I think it could be present day yeah but maybe the thing was

Bill and then so maybe the movie is the second wave maybe the original guy is

they're old they were like hey you know now they're like 70s yeah right they're in their 70s or something they got in

there like 18. yeah it's like how far did you get like world war three yeah we went back nine times no come on I got to

five yeah you know how many nukes I've seen blow up in my face before I hit that button kid come on no yeah so I

think that yeah I've seen this world end so many times yeah which could be a pretty powerful conversation if somehow

we sat down and wrote that yeah um yeah so I'd say it's built in the 40s after Nikola Tesla death maybe you know

because his Advantage inventions were stolen they said yeah or his house was ransacked or something I think by the government

um but it would allow for many opportunities in the book to have examples of the machine being used okay

is the main point so that's why I think that's when it's Bill I think when it takes place it doesn't it could be present day it could be yeah it doesn't

matter whenever they're sitting in a bunker who cares because it just depends where you're going with this because if you want to keep it like you know is

this some kind of like suspense thriller it's just these these two guys in a studio apartment and like it was like

what happens out there I don't know or you have two separate story lines where it's like you know this is what's happening in the bunker and that's

what's going on the outside I think they're pretty well informed like I picture like having access to I mean at the

least the news yeah okay you know or something like world news or something yeah but yeah I don't really know but

um so this is that was literally just kind of my introduction to the premise okay so that now we've we've got it kind of

established of what this is and what now we're trying to build a story around it okay

um I think that the new guys get in you know the old guys they've spent their whole life in there yeah they're

they're going into retirement well it's just like hey I'm gonna die soon okay so it's yes we needed somebody else is on

we need to get a new crew to replace us so now I think there's a double there's a double up in the numbers

I'm thinking like six guys okay eight guys something like that you know what I mean to to make this work but uh

life in the bunk are shown to be very dull okay I think that I mean obviously right you're gonna go crazy this isn't

how people were supposed to live so it's inhabitants they have an obvious yearn for more out of life but are satisfied

with the notion that they have the most important job in the world Heroes of the history books will never speak of the

travelogue the book that you know has all the history of it it's the real history book they could argue I don't

know why I'm picturing it still like my high school social studies book I I don't know why but that's just what I see I'm picturing like a round uh dead

on photo of somebody you know yeah take like pencil drawn at the top of a page

with like this man was raised on a farm but then he built a time machine but okay I just still see mine where I

wrapped it in like a paper bag and just wrote social studies on it like why yeah I just said it but it but I think that

could be that would be another scene if we were actually ever going to sit down and write this which we won't uh the

travelogue would be you know it's like this is the real history book like the these guys they have pride they've been

doing this their whole lives we're we're keeping the thing together we've we've saved the world you know this many times

it's literally documented just there's like this straight line and then it's like a loop down be like oh this

happened and then went back here exactly they could tell you exactly how many times when to [ __ ] and why and how they

saved the day so do they have to like kind of hang out in there and be like how did we get into this mess you know how far of a bag do we need to go

um I mean I I would say officially it's not their call yeah okay all right

they're also they're the ones with their finger on the button so really they could say you know [ __ ] I'm going back

20 years yeah and if they can have access to the news like man I'd probably hit that button now

sure yeah you might you might just but uh

so yeah I'm picturing a scene where they're explaining to the young guys when they're they're getting bored and

they're like what what the [ __ ] did I just sign up for yeah that they're like you know this is the real history book

like you don't even realize how many tragedies and Wars are undocumented completely because of blah blah blah and

like you know showing them the book and it's really all about the book that's what gives them their sense of Pride and their sense of importance you know

um Real History of Time going forward with all the reboots considered yeah it's like we're in 2023 like well Boop

now we're in 2018 sorry yeah so like here's history again and the event we're trying to avoid so that's that's the

question too about how does it all work because we have to talk about our rules of time travel yeah yeah there's and

there's a lot of options and yeah and that's that's kind of why I said like the the Timeless void these guys would

be in because like nothing changes here exactly yeah because they could be in like 30 54 and like everyone else is in

2023 because we've hit that button so many times it's 2023 you're the new guy you just walked into some bunker that was built in the 40s yeah you're gonna

spend your whole life in there like I mean nothing ever changes except just the T TV I guess yeah you know like and

that's all you guys would have to talk about is books and TV so anyways we never really got into the wasting I almost think

there needs to be an outside worker that knows about this that he's delivering food no I think he's I think these guys

would have to clean up but like I don't see this big enough for them to be like producing food yeah so they'd have to be

having food delivered not daily but like you know what I mean like every couple of years it depends on how mean we want

to be do they want just like you know Pace coming through a tube like somebody came in to like inject the paste again I

don't imagine they're they're eating well you know what I mean I think this is a pretty low budget kind of shitty

thing like all right I just I don't you know what I mean I don't see this as like they're living it up I see this is

that's why I say there has to be an outside reason these guys have families that it's like hey we've been poor for Generations I I'm not going to

McDonald's we have to go to Burger yes I will do this tell them I Disappeared but inject my family with cash like I think

that's pretty much the deal something like that you know like that's what these guys signed up for save my family

I'll come do this I'll give my life to this thing I don't know how you would recruit that's a whole other Story how

do they recruit for it what do you think okay um I mean I obviously absolutely watch a lot of twitch streams I guess I

guess what it would be is you would apply for some kind of government job and they would just be like hey what about this other

we got this other idea it's like part of the internet hey are you sad and lonely does that bother you at all like would

you be cool with that like forever would you like feeling this way forever

isolation Okay but here no when we're talking about our time travel rules

we can't we can't have him go back in time one so now everybody's got a twin right yeah

yeah no no you know yeah that's that's where I think like uh the perfect solution to that is like if they are

resetting it it's all happening outside of their walls you know it's like just the whole bunker is the machine is what

you're saying exactly okay that's that's the Timeless void like that's like in this bunker it's like year 30 54. so

what happens to you in that nothing nothing happens to you you keep doing it

so it you're it is it's Hot Tub Time Machine rules oh boy I haven't seen it so you've never I actually have it I've

never seen that's true for any of you viewers turn this off right now go watch Hot Dog time machine no it's great so

they basically go back to like high school okay but they're in their own body so like they look in a mirror they're old but other people see them as

young and they get to like so yeah not quite they get to like relive like that high school dance and fix it you know

kind of thing yeah so what I'm saying is not really that it's it's like they are just still in this bunker and like I

mean what happens to them if they walk out they say the same you know so I guess you can get into it there but because what if somebody in 2028 comes

back to 2023 is their bunker just Crush theirs out of existence yeah yeah I

think the the bunker just has to be that like separate void we're gonna keep coming back to this because we've got

other things to discuss that well I think I think you almost have to write most of the story with fire before you

really commit to certain rules yeah because that's fair you know but so this is where I

think um moving on here I think the first kind of twist would be

that one of these crew members is somehow killed in a preventable way

okay all right an accident even choking yeah you know who knows choked on some

pace so it's done the survivors are devastated yeah right yeah I lost gym and now there's an outcry why can't we

use the machine to save our friend yeah why is their demise so unimportant

oh yeah you know what I mean like why why why must we suffer but if it gets bad enough out there we'll fix it for

them yeah we'll fix everyone you know what I mean everyone in this bunker is screwed so now they have a reason Beyond

just boredom to we gotta fire this thing up so like

could they try like you know yeah I don't see them being able to open that door get to the outside so I mean that

is that worked in here anywhere like can can they leave the bunker is this like a commitment you're just you're not supposed to ever leave the dump the

dumper the bunker it's supposed to be secure you know what I mean so like it's but

I think there's a guy coming by every year or two okay to drop off supplies to

do something on the outside he's got to empty a [ __ ] pit yeah gotta drain a a poop puddle to keep this thing from

backing up you know what I mean like there's there is a guy now do they they see him come in or is it like you know

obviously maybe there's like a there could be a double door airlock where he comes and makes a delivery or maybe

there isn't even the airlock and it's just like they get a Hello every couple of years from some guy yeah okay you

know what I mean so I think finally they would decide to save their friend yeah you know

because like he this guy choked you know or something or something stupid that it's like we could totally stop that

from happening again you know um

I think the way would be the guy the delivery guy something there's a person that at some point a door opens but it

could get more interesting than that and I have ideas for that but I don't know if I'm ready it's the first thing that

comes to mind for me is like you know I don't know why I picture him coming around with like one of those laundry carts if for some reason I don't know

he's just got a thing full of towels laundry alone would be brutal can you imagine the smell of like terrible eight

dudes in a just in a gym for two years got seven tidy whities I'll be back in two years don't don't do anything to him

yeah uh but no like I see them like you know I just I'm calling him Jim like there's like Hey we're gonna toss Jim in

the towels and we're gonna like cover them up so he's gonna take him outside and let's see if he pops back to life

since since we're on this I'm I'm gonna jump ahead in my outline

because I think it's obvious how they would get out of the out of the bunker okay

I'll get a time machine yeah you go back to when it was built okay you know what I mean you can almost

infiltrate the building crew or something or go back as far as when the time machine is built I don't think so I

don't know okay I think it might just kind of it puts you in that area I don't know we're still evolving our time

travel rules based on this but I I thought that the obvious solution for

how the hell do these guys get out of here is

you go back to when it was being built and you modify the design you do something an extra lever somewhere that

you can just be like hey I you know I got this level yeah there's a secret door with a staircase or you know like who knows but I mean that'd be obviously

not a less cheesy example there's one candelabra in here like suddenly like what does that do yes exactly so that's

that's kind of what I'm thinking is that um something along those lines but all

right so I'm thinking after they they save their friend he's back yeah you know they've

done it and does he remember I don't think he would remember okay I

think that you would wake up between remember and zombies no and I think that would be in maybe another interesting scene is that you wake up one day and

everybody is telling you you were dead and we went back in time and we saved you and this is exactly how it happened

when we ate our chicken for lunch today there was a bone in yours blah blah blah and then I think it would be an

interesting kind of dialogue to go back and forth on that and try to explain to somebody like no you died it happened

you were dead be like well no dude like I just you know yeah you guys are messing with me yeah you know

no I I just woke up like it's you know like I I had chicken for dinner last night what do you mean like like no you

you choked on a bone like oh all right so you got to think not only does he not believe it but

you're gonna eat that same thing for lunch probably these guys don't have a lot of options so I mean literally as

you're eating this guy might like crunch on take a crunchy bite and everybody's like is he okay is that guy all right

over there hey can you like tear that up more first yeah make sure you cut those smaller and chew your food for the love

of God um but so I'm thinking after the guys saved

there's a period where the first time travelers the new guys this is the first time going back the next Generation yes

and they weren't supposed to do this okay they never got the call so I think they would fear like we're gonna get caught yeah you know what I mean but I

think the old timers like they're at ease like they're like how are we gonna go out doing something that hasn't happened yet right is it written in the

book no you don't write it in the book yeah I mean maybe you have a secret book okay

you know what I mean there's a second secret book now or it could be another book it could be a secret book band is

the is that book fatter than the other book I see it being I see it being fatter than the other book

we'll get there we'll keep moving uh so okay the discussion about missing

out on Life by spending all of it all of it in the bunker keeps coming up amongst the young people and the older people

that kind of laugh at them like they're like you don't need to leave this bunker this is fine he's fine yeah they're like

you don't need cell phones kids you should never die you know like you're an idiot this is you know your family's gonna be taken care of what a noble

thing you get to do and all you got to do is sit down here yeah you know you hang out here so your pace and you know

someone calls you hit that button that's it no in my notes I started getting lazy and I eventually just started calling them bunkers bunkers yeah so uh finally

one of the bunkers pulls the younger ones aside and explains that they can

get out and very easily and they all do it from time to time and the younger workers are shown how to leave and they

do and I think that this would come out down to okay two options yeah you go

back in time enough if our if we decide our rules allow it and you get in on the building team or even more so you get

the guy who designed it you stick a gun in his face and you say dude like you're

gonna build an escape hatch because I'm already in that [ __ ] bunker even though you haven't built it yet so

you're throwing on a blue hard hat I know a long story there no but well you see what I'm saying like I mean you get

to a point this could be another very powerful scene this guy designed it and then you go in

you end up threatening I mean you say like hey man if this is what I want you to do and if you don't do it I'm going

to know when the hatch isn't there right and I'm coming back and I'm going to kill you you know what I mean like it's

literally you're in and I'm the all-knowing like you haven't even Built This Time Machine yet I'm already in the bunker with it yeah I came here to tell

you this yeah exactly I know how everything happens in your family forever exactly don't test me so that's

that's what I think I think it would be either that one of the you know going

back to the creation of it and modifying it or food delivery

but yeah you get you you get out and you sneak out in the laundry cart

basically it's two different things not that you would do it would be that cheesy but I think you would have to

murder that guy is probably what you would have to do yeah I mean you know I mean if you're in a

government-controlled Timeless void of a bunker like I don't think murder's off the table no you can always fix it yeah

that's the thing is I mean you could you could go and live an entire life and then come back to the bunker and go

back to one day before you left and it never happened and you still are like whoa I just lived a full life I don't

mind living in this bunker now anymore right yeah exactly you know what I'm saying like you said think of the power

these guys really have yeah they've been giving the keys to I mean if we're

actually gonna go Hot Tub Time Machine rules they've been giving the keys to infinite lives yeah you know and

knowledge of the future where they can roll that into living lavishly you can bet on stocks you can do whatever the

hell you want yeah you can abuse it you can abuse it and nobody would ever know yeah and as long as you actually did get

the nuke call right you did what you were supposed to do that time nobody really would probably even give a [ __ ]

yeah probably not you know yeah it just depends on I guess the level of communication if I'm stuck in there and like if I can talk to anybody which I'm

kind of thinking we probably can't like I'd be passing on information left and right you know like of course like I

maybe that's part of the deal they're like hey look like you you can you can do this and you know you can only

contact your family but like yeah I don't think you could really get away with that but you could say like you can

only contact your family and like you can just be you can be rich it doesn't really matter but you will never be part

of History you're erased possibly yeah okay I mean I I think

that's what it is is that you're I think you got to be like missing to your family though yeah oh yeah you know

what I mean yeah you just you can't but like I think it would have to be you'd have to sign up to like basically fake

your death professionally yeah your parents down in a room and it's like yeah he left all of his stocks his

future stocks to you and they're like all right well that's kind of weird but sure like we we he left an advisor to

you for the rest of your natural lives and your kids and a sports Almanac like you said yeah yeah but

the way is you I mean you think about it I mean it's a time machine you could do it for your family and for yourself together and separately yeah you could

say you know what I'm gonna go back to my family I'm gonna escape this thing I'm gonna go to my family and I'm gonna actually try to live a life with them in

Disguise yeah or something and you know do it that way and then at the end of the day I'll just come back and go back

in time and live it again yeah maybe I'm gonna do one life with my family and then maybe one life without my family

yeah I'm gonna try something else you know I had Coke I'm gonna try Cherry Coke so that that's kind of what I was

saying is that you and it's all it's all bankrolled where

like your family is getting paid this isn't your machine you literally just you don't necessarily know about it but so I'm thinking that you know the old

guys just kind of keep laughing at the young kids and then finally one of the old bunkers pulls the younger ones aside

and explains they can get out very easily let's see I already had that one uh it reveals that they've all been

traveling and have lived lavish lives money hidden possibly done it multiple

times and lived many different lives different wives must go back to the same family and but most I would say probably

go back to the same families over and over again okay yeah you know what I mean familiarity if you actually found

the right one you're going back right yeah I missed that person yeah I love them once they go back I don't think

it's something like where they go live a life they come back and the next day they're like okay I'm gonna go do that again I think they're probably in the

bunker for like a couple of years that's why I like the guy bringing the food yeah yeah thing right because I think there's maybe a certain day that for

some reason is more important that like we can come back on this day and for some reason it's more low-key but maybe

they gotta wait nine months until yeah food guy shows I can sneak out of the bunker in the in the towels and he's

going to come back in two years and I'll just be in the towels again somehow I think they gotta kill this guy that's

kind of what I'm thinking but um he'll fall for the tall tricks the man who designed the bunker or at

least the the head the foreman you know he's he's highly decorated I think in the book and his life including his life

story including his death of natural causes at a ripe old age okay uh and

this is how the bunkers I think can tell if their plan worked if we do go with the threatening angle yeah because you

know this guy died of cancer at right 90 years old if you read in this book that he was

shot dead you know in the street yeah well then it's like hey this time I

can't go but I can't just escape and live a lavish life I gotta go back and threaten this guy again because

something's wrong yeah you know what I mean right so I think the book like I said you know what I mean it starts very

oh the book the book but I think you don't realize how important this book would be and how small details would

mean certain things yeah now do you have somebody that's kind of just like you know pouring over this book you know

throughout it just trying to figure things out you know I think they're just passing it around and I think the older

guys like I said it's all kind of tongue-in-cheek for a while before they reveal that like yeah we leave this

place all the time I've lived dozens of lives you know or whatever and I'm thinking that

um you know it would start out it would be kind of foreshadowing but it would be like

you know they don't care about the book right these kids they don't give a [ __ ] about the guy who made the bunker like maybe like yeah I read it who gives a

[ __ ] and this guy's like no you need to really study no this is this is important like you really need to study

this thing yeah and they just they don't care but once they've traveled a couple times and they see hey this has changed

this guy got murdered in the street that means it didn't work and we need to go back and threaten him again because

he didn't do what he was what we wanted him to do because like literally you'd read that in the book and you'd be like oh no and you'd run over and like the

escape hatch would be gone yeah yeah okay you know what I mean so you'd be like son of a [ __ ] we got to kill that

food delivery guy again because there's no hatch so maybe that's how that comes up is that these guys they've killed the

food delivery guy countless times yeah and they're just like we can't do this they just keep killing the same guy over

and over again I think that's they would have to and they'd be like this guy's a nice guy you know like I've talked to him hundreds of times at this point with

all these lifetimes yeah it's like right well and they could say well yeah but you go back in time and he's alive and then they say well yeah but what if this

is just a new timeline yeah what if what if we've killed him what if he's dead in all these other timelines with a depressed family yeah because of this

you know every time he comes in and he have like a different Look to Him like one time he comes in with like a perm

and a mustache like a big old push room well they only see him every few years so they should have him going through

like different trends

[Music] we've gone back to the worst time

do you I don't I don't think jenko's will ever make a Resurgence what do you think no I think they have I'm pretty sure I saw him recently I would have

seen him I would have noticed I'm pretty sure they're out there I'd have seen one oh yeah I don't think they're out there I think they're trying to have a

Resurgence there's a difference like I'm pretty sure they're just like hey we have these gigantic pants does anybody

want any everyone's like no it's 20 23. we come on so we were trying to make

pants for Elephants but nobody was really buying them so now we've remarketed them to teenagers yeah and we

we had some bites like like 30 years ago we had bites like I'm only like 25 oh

man oh dude we had caffeine pants was the brand caffeine oh boy you have to go to uh I can't even think the name of the

place in the mall but it wasn't one of the Traditions Mr Rags yeah was the name of it but uh they had all the skate gear

and stuff and uh they had these caffeine pants they were so dumb I begged my mom for him I got

him and I got it I mean like on a windy day you just see your knees you know it would be so tight against

your kneecaps like a little knobby like 15 year old kidneys and uh or not even 15. I was like 12. yeah yeah I had some

similarly I remember like I I would always go to I would have to be at school early like super super early like

my mom worked for the school system whatever so I got here and like I just wore like normal pants and then like I

remember there was this kid like who I had to like sit in like the same hallway before they'd even let us into the school and he was like pants are dumb

like it gets a cool pants and I was like oh that's all it takes

so I come in and he's just like stupid pants like a week later and he's like yeah all right like you're one of us now

those are the pants right there I was like yeah how do you come around that hard how do

you attack like those are dumb and then within a week be like well Mom I guess we've been wrong about

my pant size this whole time the whole time like I if I sit down on tile it

leaves it needs to look like it's spilled all right we gotta we're already Way Off Track I don't know how a bunker

time machine got on jinkos but 12 time travel yeah so perm in the mustache yeah so the so

the the bunker uh I think it would be a balance I think that I think that they

would kill food cart guy or laundry guy right a number of times and they would

discuss it and they would guilt they'd have guilt about it and things like that and finally they would decide why don't

we go back further and threaten this guy in the book we know where we know where he lives we know where he grew up we

know all about him we we can hit him at any point in his life that would be the most opportune to threaten him with this

and they could I think the most effective way would to do it before he even knew about the bunker gig yeah you

you you he thinks he's being robbed one day he doesn't even have this job yeah and he's just a young guy that's pretty

smart and you rob him he's engineering school exactly and he's tired of killing the janitor with his own pants you just

go threaten The Source you stick a gun in his face and you you give him the crazy I am from the future Spiel here's

the note he always goes well he thinks you're [ __ ] crazy yeah you know what I mean obviously clearly you know what I

mean but you don't Rob him you give him a note that has enough information that his things unfold like I mean maybe you

predict that he moves to a farm in West Virginia with a woman named blah blah blah that he hasn't even met yet yeah

you know what I mean like you could give this guy a taste of it it before even knows time travel exists or whatever and

it starts unfolding and this guy starts kind of like whoa this [ __ ] no okay yeah it's all coming together maybe he

wasn't crazy well you just well think of what that would do to your own psyche yeah you know what I mean and this guy's literally he tells you something he's on

the all-knowing blah blah blah sticks a gun in your face and says keep this note if you don't I'm going to kill you yeah

you just open it up and it's just like pants are gonna be really bad in the 90s oh crap like you could do it a day

before something big happens yeah so that you predict something a day before and you say if you throw if you get rid

of this note I will come back and kill you yeah and then the next day your first prediction that you what a wild

guess comes true right and this guy's like oh my gosh like what now maybe he

even starts going a little bit crazy yeah you know what I mean but so I'm thinking that it continues that way

where he's got this no tells him you got to do this and then he goes and applies for some government job with his

engineering degree years later okay and then they said are you then they say hey we got this other Pro

he gets the project and he realized it's exactly laid out on this note himself

I was kind of thinking there that was another angle I thought of is what if the picture in the book was a young guy

but one of the guys in the bunker is him as an old man yeah it's not obvious yeah we we really like goes back in time and

like I need a candelabra that opens a fake bookcase please like I need out of here so like I need you I need me to

build this so I think that would be the thing as a like I said if they crack the book one day and it says this guy was

shot in the streets that means ah we gotta kill food car guy again yeah yeah and and it's there's

like a steps to it and sometimes it can get ruined because they're having fun too right these guys are partying you

know what I mean they got a bag of money buried right outside this hatch and they know they know what the stock market's

going to do tomorrow you know what I mean like that they're doing they're they're doing well so that's what I'm saying is that it finally that's why the

old guys the whole time they've been kind of like don't [ __ ] stress that you threw your life don't worry about it

because they said Dogecoin it's fine they don't worry about it they know food car guy is coming in six months yeah and

we're all gonna party you know what I mean or at least it's your turn to party like maybe there's a system where it's like somebody's got to be here yeah you

know what I mean someone's got to be on the button in case the Call Comes yes and uh so that's kind of thing so that

was another question so do you do you go live your life and then you're an old man and you make your way back to

the bunker or do you just go and die as that old man yeah and somehow you come

back with the memories of that life yeah because you know like that would be an interesting if we could somehow work that out in our time travel spaghetti

here that we're trying to trying to twirl yeah depending on how it all works is if you come back as like an old man

like you're kind of useless in the bunker like so you show up and like you've got like six months like you know so so that's the thing is if it's if

it's Hot Tub Time Machine rules then you could just do this forever you go

back in time and you're young again and you can just do whatever but do we really want to take the rules from Hot

Tub Time Machine which would I and what I think would be a serious movie I see this is like a thriller drama all right

you know what I mean like I I mean we're joking and there could be some laughs there's always room for last people of

course there's always room but but yeah I see this as more I see this as a serious movie okay you know um

yeah so not having seen Hot Tub Time Machine I'm in the minority here like uh

I mean it it really could go different ways like you know I I do like the idea of like you know you could step out you

can live your whole life you come back like maybe you hit the button and I was like and then you know you're just like 18 again it's like all right awesome

that's how it worked in in Hot Tub Time Machine but I'm I like I said we have to

do something where there isn't just a million of these guys I think it would either be the Hot Tub Time Machine thing

or it would be a new timeline and maybe you somehow leave yourself

behind like you know what I mean like it would be like a I I really don't know the prestige a little bit there there yeah and there might not even be a

reason to ever return to the bunker it might be like hey it's your turn go live a life right a bag of money outside it's

yours this time yeah and you go and you do it and then you just die somewhere and nobody ever knows that you left but

when we reset it you'll be here okay because we went back to before you ever left yeah yeah and we're just yeah

exactly you know what I'm saying took a different turn yeah but then so it's it's kind of interesting in that sense

where I I would like these guys to have the memories of the lives I feel like that's more powerful of like dude I've

lived a hundred lives you know like here's here's something to throw you too so you know what if uh you know they

keep doing this like maybe it leads to like the same event you know what I mean like it's world war three we'll just use that as like the stand-in yeah

sure yeah you know it's happening and all of a sudden all right well we know we're gonna hit the button again so boom

you know hit the button somebody else goes lives their life you know come back boom hit the button somebody else goes so what if you know one time it was like

kind of like all right you know we're gonna hit the button again today and then all of a sudden they don't have to you know like now the thing that was

supposed to happen just didn't happen it was like whoa wait a minute yeah you know what's we were supposed to get a nuke today

like did somebody make up like what what happened like that's not normal yeah this is happening like 100 times so that

would lead to probably the final problem because I think most of things we've presented already they've already

happened including these conversations with the new guys and the bunkers they show up and they're like oh hey nice to meet you these old guys are like dude

I've met this guy yeah he has no idea you know what I mean like he has no idea I know who he is yeah you know like

whatever like hi Todd you know yeah we've done this I don't want to hear that story again you know so yeah I

think that that would be you know so now you see how important the book is though yeah with the Creator

and I do I have the same idea where the Creator could literally be in the bunker yeah because maybe he realizes the power

yeah he's got the note I mean yeah exactly like he came back in in time to himself we're like hey I need the fake

staircase or whatever and he's just like and you know what I'm gonna live there like this is too much power to give to anybody so I feel like I need to you

know like maybe something goes wrong too maybe he needs to fix it yes he would have things in his own life that he

would say oh my God my mom just died six months before this guy put a gun in my face yeah if only I would have thought

at the moment to ask him please yeah she's a heavy smoker like I'm gonna go back you know don't do that well that's

not that easy it's not that easy fella fine yeah sure but like but yeah some

example of like uh you know like she's gonna do something that's bad for her and you can go back and stop it I was

like I'm Gonna Save my mind yeah to be a car accident or something you know it's something that I don't go out tonight yeah you know like literally I mean it

could be something but yeah so so maybe that's this guy designs The Time Machine does the Creator ever get his hands on

it yeah okay and maybe so that's what it is is these guys are okay so they're

telling the story to the young guys they're reading in the book and they're telling what this means but in the movie you know it's already happened a bunch

of times things go fine and then they realize oh no

the book has changed this guy was you know we need to go we need to kill food

car guy again yeah and just in case just so we can get out and go threaten the Creator yeah you know to make sure that

now we're back to now we can live lives again so like sorry young guys your first one isn't gonna be fun yeah we got

to strangle a food delivery guy we are strangle doordash and then we gotta go mug somebody you know welcome this is

what we do every time yeah we're the real rules it's like when you start a job and uh the guy's telling you the

first day like yeah this isn't the way you're supposed to do it you're just this is the way I do it you're already like this is what Tina says to do here's

how we do it it's easier yeah sometimes it's a great tip and sometimes

you're just like how does this guy work here yeah I was like oh so you won't be training many other people all right

yeah but uh but yeah so I think that's what that's how we would unfold the story okay because it would it would be

like well hey sorry guys well everything I just told you that's not the case this time yeah yeah we gotta go kill food

cart guy here's his story we know everything about his family it's very sad when we kill him but we have to do it yeah the nukes didn't go on yeah when

he grabs the books oh my God there's nothing here like feverishly flipping through it yeah I was like all right all

right we're gonna kill dardash I don't know why I just we should and then we're

gonna go back and we're gonna threaten bill again yeah all right so they so

they they gotta kill him they gotta go back and threaten them but this time they've already told the young guys what

happens in the threatening right yeah but I think this time he already knows okay so he's prepared I

think he knows the guy's coming he knows about the time machine because I think when when he sees the note and all of a

sudden like a number three like kind of like magic inks its way in there and he's like oh man all right what's this I

think yes it's something where the guy he goes in like oh yeah this guy he pisses his pants every time it's so it's

the easiest robbery ever like you know like you threaten this guy he just says okay to everything it's it's the easiest thing right and they go there and the

guy's not even nervous and he says you're not going to kill me because then I won't build this thing yeah you need

me to build it yep you know like he you know what I mean he understands his position exactly like I know I'm going

to do this and I know you need me to do it not necessarily that they need him to do it because they can also always go

and find the new Creator yeah but maybe there's a lot of homework involved it takes maybe lifetimes yeah for them to

figure this out and then they have to travel again and it's like do I do we really want to spend 50 years trying to

figure out some new guy yeah you know what I mean and how to make that work for us or do we want to get this guy to

agree so now it's you know they got a negotiation yeah and I think that

the create I don't know there's a new idea but what if he could join them

kind of after the fact okay take me with you yeah he shows up

in the towels one day hey guys I'm here he's delivering the

food with a fake mustache that looks like the the noticeable one you mentioned earlier from the 80s food

delivery but uh yeah so I think that I think that

would be our the way it would unfold um because like and they can't bear kill

on this guard or they could easily just kill him and then go live a life but it's like we got to figure out a way to not kill this guy yeah it's like I don't

know what life I really want to go out and live after I murder the guy you know it's like it's probably gonna haunt me

because I could probably rather not yeah but I think that that's

that would pretty much be it so it would be it would start out with probably some

young kids like I said they're they don't have much money maybe they're in the military like

something kind of government adjacent right right they get recruited they get recruited and then it's like we've got something for you and you're you know

like they pretty much they they they have interviews at certain types of these jobs maybe and they just ask them

questions of like you know what's your motivation and if they get somebody who's just like I just have to pull my family out of this ditch I just blah

blah blah I would kill myself to succeed yeah it's like I would kill myself to get my family financially stable or rich

or whatever and they say like we can give your family anything they want right you just have to disappear yeah okay they say what like you're gonna

kill me like what's going on they say no no a little more complicated yeah they started filling them in on the bunker

yeah explain it to them and that's where you get your history lesson and I think it would be cool to put in like a Tesla

thing because like I said I picture the old-timey light bulb and everything firing up the Edison balls yeah I'm

picturing that aesthetic and in just an old concrete bunker nothing special

about it it's ugly yeah exactly you know like it's got some bunks you know this was built in the 40s it was it's a

military idea right it's not for Comfort like you're on cots you know like it's

not a great life but it's like hey we'll we'll do everything you need for your family yeah

you know as long as the bloodline goes anyway I guess maybe that's another thing like maybe like eventually the

bloodline drives up you're like well why am I here you know like there's nothing for me now you know like it's all gone I

guess then you hit the reset but I know I think it's about the different timelines

some of these guys they get out and they find the same lady every time yeah and

they live the same life and some of it's you know they change the things that they didn't you know that wasn't that fun we're gonna do something else this

time you know but the great ones they just do it again and I think it's like hey I missed her you know whatever and

whatever and I think they're gonna have maybe one or two guys that are just like I get a different wife every time I have

a different family I have different kids and they're looking at it as like spreading their seed across multiple

timelines yeah yeah you know what I mean it's like yeah two kids last time I had three kids the other time I got four

that you know I'm like you know and it's just they're looking at it again in a completely you know one time and that's

one thread of the brush yeah you know where they're looking at it as like dude I'm

gonna do this forever and you know just it's all about new experiences you're

trying different things one time you come back everyone's like hey just you know customer service don't do it it sucks like it's just don't do the big

advice you've traveled all of time and your big advice don't no these guys

won't have to work they're gonna walk out and there's gonna be like a bag of gold a box of gold but it's true I mean

and you know I mean like it's a travel the world experience I think they're they're already set up yeah they've literally got just a bag of wealth and

anything they would need yeah you know and and any info they've already experienced it they've been watching the news they know to invest in Google and

Amazon get into lean into a little bit of Groundhog Day at that point to where like you know he started learning all

these like skills and everything so it's like I would probably just like you know what this time I'm gonna be an astronaut

you know it's like I'm gonna go actually go to space another time you know just learn other skills maybe you just keep

having these you know maybe you maintain them so I don't know like go this idea you can you could do whatever you want

with it because like where does it go in the future yeah you know all of a sudden you have all these skills you're just like I'm gonna be the first like you

know colonizer of the moon like whatever well that was another spoiler of hot tub time machines they just stole all the

great music hits so basically uh God what's his name Rob something the bald

guy that was in that movie oh yeah I know you're talking about yeah he uh he just I think it was like Guns and Roses

or something yeah where he just he just basically just stole their whole music catalog and became like Axel Rose yeah

and just like I think I have seen like that part like essentially like I've never seen the whole movie like I've

seen some clips I think I do remember seeing that part yeah so like that like this you could easily just steal like

you'd be like Oh I'm Gonna Be The Beatles yeah you know what I mean like I know those songs yep so it's gonna get

some buddies together in the garage and we're gonna start crank it out yeah and I actually think that I think somebody did make that movie where somebody went

Somebody went back a diamond just like ripped off all of the Beatles music but uh but yeah but that's that's what I'm

saying is it but it wouldn't even have to come down to skills you just have enough money or do whatever you want go lay on a

beach exactly go I mean just go experience life because and I think that would be the importance of them being

stuck in the bunker for so long is that you might need a couple years of lockdown to really appreciate that like

you can just go out there and go to like a cookout where there's music and dancing and like that's [ __ ] awesome

yeah you know what I mean where are my jenko jeans I'm going out tonight so that's what it is so these recruits they

all came in in 1994 and they were drinking Surge and they had they had uh

10 10 seconds skip protection on discmans that were the size of a laptop in their back pocket with a two liter of

surge in the other back pocket chain wallets and uh look a CDS there yes they

had a lot of burn cdrs and there was uh uh some of them cut out about halfway

through because they were bad Napster files oh yeah but uh yeah that's what uh

yeah anyways it doesn't have to be the 90s no it really doesn't it can't be any

time like but that's what's interesting too is that these guys not only get to live all these lives they can live

kind of in any time period I guess you can't go that much in the future but they could go all the way back to the 40s like you could go have a wife in the

50s and come back and be like I'm gonna go do that well the 60s now you go out and like kind of leave your life and do whatever and then you know like you can

get as far as you know the person pressing the button allows you because then you're back in the bunker well I think there would have to be some kind

of cut off there'd have to be some stipulation because these guys are rolled yeah these guys that they got introduced in the bunker they've been

doing this forever they've been having living these lives they're old men now and these are the young guys coming in and it's their turn to go live a life I

think that there would have to be some overlap where the time you lived outside since you were going to come back and go

back in time that doesn't really count against your age but I think you can't come back and then the next day go do it again and

even if you do we're doing it the very next day you're still aging one day for every life yeah So eventually you'll be

old and maybe it could be a month or a day you know like I said maybe they gotta wait on food cart guys yeah so here's a question you know what happens

if they don't press the button and I'm not talking about what's uh you know going well World War III just continue saying they get the call yeah we know

that well what happens if they don't press it you know like who is like in charge of this bunker oh

I mean everybody left yeah are they gonna come knocking like you know who who's there I don't think everybody leaves I think the old guys I think the

old guys are too old hypothetical wouldn't the old guys died of natural causes they're gone so food Car Guys

shows up that's the sequel his food cart guy shows up to an empty bunker yeah and he's like what am I gonna do with all

these towels and food yes and all these towels I love this this

protein paste and I have all these towels that nobody's gonna dry themselves with there's no sucks out

there there's no wet people down here it's it's world war three out there I got paste and towels and you know like

there's four cots here like I'm good I could pull a couple together it'll be terrible but you know I'm here yeah I

mean you do it you push a few cards together you could stretch out yeah you could easily stretch out is there a stacking the mattresses like opposite

like crisscross and uh you you can cut out that bar on your back real quick yeah exactly or the several bars in this

case but yeah figure it out yeah right yeah I mean he shows up he's got he's got a Year's worth of food for eight

people yeah and a bunker with a time machine and a whole book explaining how

it all works he even finds the second book that

explains how to just like cheat the system and make it work and like yeah this is a clearly bigger book it reads

how many times he's been murdered and he's like hey I thought those guys liked me what the hell like these guys were

cool they choked me with my own jeans they're monsters why the cheese every

time but no but yeah I think that would be they did compliment my mustache that

would be cool that would be yeah they always take note of my facial hair every time I come so I've been talking these

guys for decades I thought they were cool but no but yeah I think that would be pretty funny to uh

I mean not not for the serious movie series that's not the case it doesn't work at all but no but I think it would

be funny for him to stumble into an empty Parker one day and just find all the very detailed notes of the times he

was murdered sometimes he was murdered like is this is this fan fiction on top

of it they have like they keep their own personal Journal so they're like grieving about his death in multiple

timelines look you guys did it like what are you grieving about

so you killed me yeah look at this so messed up

yeah that'd be pretty good oh man but uh I mean well I got through

the notes I could say but uh but yeah we got you can tell it's a deep idea it is

there's a lot there very deep idea you can go many different directions with it you know you can be serious it can be

like well I mean it can it can be weird you know it can be funny like yeah it could be romantic comedy like with all

those guys in there you could get silly I I you know and I I kind of thought about I was like do I really want to come up with an idea

that's literally an all-male cast which it doesn't have to be because we can show these guys living their lives and their families and especially these

women are to them but I I realistically I think as soon as you

I mean I'm probably terrible at writing women let's put it real we're not really

sitting down and writing this so so it's we could still you know talk about it but I I kind of thought about it once

you introduce I think a female to that kind of situation to like towels and

pastes like you guys are actually doing this like

it would get too um I don't know I kind of think like love

is off the table on this one yeah yeah you got a bunch of people just jammed in a bunker well if you introduce one woman

or half of them are women then they're all just gonna kind of women nobody you you could do well that's what I'm saying

is that it's like beautiful it can't really be a co-ed situation it could be all women we could do you know whatever

or if it was split I mean we could have couples leaving together but the government's not going to hire you and

your girlfriend to come live in this bunker yeah you know what I mean like it's gonna be like hey you're qualified or you fit the bill whatever yeah you

know you're dead to your family like if you if you come in here you're gone I think that they fake your death and you

disappear and they get some big payout and they that is explained for some

reason and they you know they grieve you but whatever but I think some of these guys they're making it back to their

families yeah you know what I mean I think that that's what they would do I think somebody would somehow reach out

and like you just have to make that creepy phone call one day like it's bad I'm still why and then just hang up and

you have a weird beard in like Mexico you're like why would I do that to him yeah like I just I just haunted them

forever because you think about this every day why would I do that great they're all

crying and I did it yeah yeah but no but that's I think that you know it's a possibility because like I said if you

get caught I mean you really can't get caught like I think they would they'd have to be a system in place like hit the button hit

the goddamn button somebody stays in it somebody has to stay at the bottom yeah the worst case scenario is you just you

can't go back but when they go back you can still it can be explained or something yeah they're broken our own

rules like out of the countless times here like like imagine that's that's I think it's important of that we won't finish this podcast because we don't

have to fine-tune these rules exactly for some examples maybe it goes this way and for some it goes this way and we're

never going to sit down and sweat this out yeah exactly like and that's the beauty contribute to myself like 100

times here and I don't care because I won't finish the fact that we're writing a serious movie and I've said Hot Tub

Time Machine so many times yeah is ridiculous it's come up a lot yes it's like so I think I made one back to the

future reference at the beginning and like completely glossed over it we went straight into hot tub time yeah well the

almanac came up a couple of times all right fair enough yeah I came a couple times but either way it's uh

I like it yeah I think it's I think it's a great idea I think it has enough it has enough avenues that I mean sure that

if we actually sat down and started writing it it would get more interesting because I already have a few examples of the like some really strong scenes I

think the first robbery that they explained we could do a fast flashback scene and he has the powerful I'm the all-knowing like there's no way

to get out of this if you don't do what I want you to do I'm already in the future and I will come back and know

about it like there's no way for me to not know that you [ __ ] me over right and to have the power here and I think that's a very powerful like to I mean a

guy with a gun in his face yeah proving that he is god-like right it's kind of hard to get past that I think that's a

very powerful scene I think it's a very powerful scene arguing why can't we go

back in time to say this guy who choked to death right but we can save the [ __ ] world like yeah exactly

but you know we're not even a part of their world anymore you know like Jim over here has to choke on Pace I think I

think the I think the philosophy of this is very you know that it would be obviously a

lot of dialogue most of the movie is going to take place in the bunker yeah yeah you know I mean because I think even when they again I think even when

they leave We're Not Gonna really like follow him you're gonna show Big scenes you're gonna show him killing food car

guy you're gonna show him you know holding up the other guy both times where it goes one way and then the other time that he he's already in on it I

don't know why but it'd be just be funnier you show up with like and it just indicates everything you've been through like you just like imagine

walking in and like a you know an astronaut suit and like okay like you you got a couple of stories like we're

like what happened like what's up yeah I mean I I just I feel like there's

so much there that I mean an hour isn't even enough for us to just bring them we

already hit an hour yeah we're at an hour and threw it in there which is great yeah we did it and I'm out of notes and I think it's it's good but I I

still you can see we could sit and toy around with this forever yeah exactly I mean time traveler just there's

literally infinite options so you can you can keep going with that one one thing leads to another like yeah that's

how it works yeah but I think it's that's episode one yeah and we're not

gonna finish it no we're not gonna finish it but hopefully we've told you enough that you've got a movie in your head now and you can say yeah that is a

great movie and and you can have that feeling without us ever actually having to sit and write it exactly we don't

have to do any work and that's great for us and you get to like think about it in the shower tomorrow you know it's like

you know what those guys were onto something that they'll never finish and I'll never see yeah that was what a

great idea that's just falling in the trash right now but uh no but honestly maybe one day with this chat GPT AI

stuff that we could somehow feed this episode into an AI and have them write it for us yeah we could really benefit

from AI we really could I think the best way to be creative is to automate it

yeah it really is is this is the best way to be creative if you just don't have to do it yeah because it's who

wants to do that I want to go live my lavish time travel life and eat pizza and get fed and exactly like go to

Hawaii like you know just hang out there for like 50 years and then like yeah button all right come back that would be

a funny thing is if a guy it's his turn to live his life and it's like all right man go enjoy it and you know come back when your health

is poor or something exactly you know and somebody will get back in here and you'll be fine he comes back like a year

later just like I [ __ ] up man I did too much you just push the button

there's literally people following me right now like this is bad you know but

uh yeah who knows you know yeah all right yep I think that was I think that was it yeah you know I hope you guys

enjoyed the the little story we didn't really tell here yeah and what's up to the chat people who popped in here in

juvenile cold dangus uh I appreciate it this isn't really a show where we interact with the chat so you know don't

feel bad that we didn't say hello I did see your comments we're gonna try to keep the interactions with the chat down

to kind of if it's going with the flow of the show you know what I mean if you're throwing out we're trying to figure out how is this going to work and

then we see it on the screen we'll shout out and we'll say it but um we don't really want to interrupt the

flow for just people who are just listening and not watching live to you know just say hi and stuff but we are

going to hang out afterwards we're about to wrap it up here and if you want to we call it doing a beer with the chat if

you guys want to hang out and chat afterwards uh we're more than happy to if you're here for the live stream if

you're just listening that's great you can hear us on Spotify Apple music Google music anywhere you get podcasts if you want to watch the live streams

with around twitch and YouTube you can follow us there if uh those links can be found at linktree slash wwft pod uh

please check us out on social media we're on most platforms it's the best way to find out when we'll be recording these live streams and just to see clips

and you know anything else related any information um thanks for checking it out yep thanks

for joining us have a good night yeah [Applause]
